Wintry Mix – Day 433

Icicles Near the Tohickon – Photo: L. Weikel

Wintry Mix

Finally, some evidence of winter’s presence arrived in our lives today. Some good old-fashioned wintry mix and freezing temperatures served as a delightful reminder that we are, in fact, just past the middle of January.

Given my druthers, I’d welcome with even more enthusiasm a good dump of the white stuff, maybe 18” or so. You know – enough to easily justify hunkering down with a warm beverage, a captivating book, and oh, who knows? Maybe some guac, salsa, and chips?

Frozen Moment

Earlier this afternoon, I was on my way home, just about an hour or two after the snowflakes started flying. Of course, I was compelled to stop by the Tohickon to say hello and pay my respects.

It feels as though I’ve barely had a moment to savor the delights of my favorite place ‘to be’ in the world. Certainly not since the start of the year; and quite frankly, more accurately, not since the beginning of the fall. There’s been a lot of ‘busy, busy, busy,’ and not nearly enough ‘stop, take a breath, reflect, and allow’ taking place.

Cabin Run – Photo: L. Weikel

More Tomorrow?

Not necessarily more snow, freezing rain, ice, or even slush tomorrow. No. I mean that gift that we either indulged in receiving and relishing today or we didn’t. The gift of finding it wiser to stay home and hunker down rather than run around making busy work for ourselves.

Speaking of more tomorrow, I took the initiative and made a stew today. Spiced just right with lots of Cholula Sauce* and topped with mouth-watering cheese-infused biscuits, not only was this the perfect warm meal for a wintry mix day, but there’s also plenty to spare for tomorrow.

Perhaps leaving a little more time for that yearned-for stopping, breathing, reflection, and allowing?

Here’s hoping you, too, take some time to embrace the gifts January’s wintry mixes afford us. My sense is that we are wise to feed our bodies and souls now, for the wild ride is only just getting started.

Wintry Mix Stew – Photo: L. Weikel

*affiliate link


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