Warm Front – ND #65

Embedded Leaf – Photo: L. Weikel

Warm Front

It’s hard not to succumb to Spring Fever when you step outside expecting a harsh frigid slap, only to feel a warm breeze swirl up to greet you instead. I don’t know about you, but even though I knew intellectually that a warm front had arrived, I nevertheless felt a need to don my neck warmer before setting out on our walk late this afternoon. And then, of course, I got hot.

Even though we walked the longer ‘walk-around’ today, I failed to take a single photo. And there were a couple I considered. For instance, the first daffodil leaves that break open the earth and create space for the stem and blossoms to follow made their appearance today. I spotted them on the outer perimeter of an exquisite stone farmhouse we pass almost every day.

A half mile before the groundbreaking daffodils, we witnessed a flock of bluebirds flitting across the single lane road that passes through a former horse farm. It was as if there was a bluebird factory hidden along the hedgerow. One after another, sometimes two or six at a time, they crossed in front of us. All in all, we probably saw at least two dozen move from one field to the other.

Some of the males were so profoundly royal blue that it took our breath away. Juxtaposed against the deep rusty peach of their undercarriage, they looked like they’d only recently been colorized by the Master Gardner.

I contemplated (briefly) trying to capture them with my iPhone, but ended up not even trying. The phone stayed in my pocket.

Along Route 32 – Photo: L. Weikel

Maybe Tomorrow

Who knows what tomorrow will bring. In the meantime, I’ll share some random loveliness I’ve witnessed over the past several days, back when it felt like February, not April.

There’s something about a frozen waterfall that makes me stare at it in wonder. Even though I know it’s not an instantaneous process, I can almost imagine the freeze occurring as a stop-frame moment. Like a light switch.

Flowing and crashing one moment; silently stopped midair the next. Eerie.


3 thoughts on “Warm Front – ND #65

  1. I wanted to post a picture I took of one of the icy waterfalls in Iceland but couldn’t figure out how to do it on this post. Oh well

    • I have no idea how you would do that either, Donna! I’ll bet the frozen waterfalls you saw in Iceland were a lot bluer. Iceland’s ice always looks blue to me.

      • I never thought about it but yes the waterfalls and infant all the water was blue.

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