Photo: L. Weikel
It is incredibly upsetting to sit here tonight watching Putin’s unprovoked attack on Ukraine. I’ll admit I’m distracted. I’m finding it impossible, really, to write about anything but this brazen aggression.
I’m disgusted to see clips of the former president in front of a dining room full of people at Mar-a-lago praising Putin for invading a sovereign country. (I hesitate to include a link.)
Ugh – as I’m writing this, air raid sirens are going off in Kyiv indicating that the capital is under attack. What a chilling, horrifying sound. It’s surreal, to be honest.
The intimations that Putin may have much larger designs – including potentially invading other countries beyond Ukraine – is incredibly disturbing.
As Above…
I managed to get a good walk in this afternoon. I simply could not allow the beauty and warmth of the day to pass by without taking full advantage of it.
During part of my walk I listened to an astrological podcast discussing the specific significance of the transits occurring this week. It was recorded on the 20th, which was last Sunday (three days ago).
The podcast is by Anne Ortelee and is only half an hour long – but wow, is it ever powerful. It’s astonishing to hear about all the various planetary interactions that are lining up to play out in a potentially disturbing and devastating manner. Indeed, it’s eerie to hear it now, with the perspective we have presently.

Photo: L. Weikel
Veiled Threats
The Ukrainians are out-gunned and out-manned. But making it even worse, Putin actually made a veiled threat that he might use nuclear weapons. The insanity we’re witnessing both in this country and around the world is indeed troubling.
We must hold the line within our own selves, striving to remain calm and balanced. Keeping our own internal peace is probably the greatest aid we can give to the people of Ukraine. It may seem like a paltry gesture but energetically it is the greatest power we wield at this moment. Keeping peace within ourselves: it’s what we can do on a personal level to support peace in the outside world.