Tigger – Faithful Guardian of the Bird – Photo: L. Weikel
Karl and I held off on roasting our turkey until late this afternoon. As a result, my attempt to write something coherent tonight is noticeably hindered by the inevitable onset of a tryptophan haze.
I’ll tell you two other members of this household who are staving it off with me: Spartacus and Tigger. (That’s because Karl’s already succumbed to the turkey drug’s siren song and hit the sheets, Precious hasn’t indulged, and Cletus is out cavorting with opossums and skunks at the moment.) So here we are.
Tigger and Spartacus were ever such great helpers as I stripped the turkey’s carcass and put away the leftovers. Yes indeed, the best of helpers.
As can be seen in the photo above, from the moment the bird was extricated from the oven, Tigger was a faithful guardian of the roasted beast, maintaining a watchful eye against any unanticipated marauders that might storm the gate. I could do nothing less than reward him for his vigilance.
The same went for Spartacus. He faithfully fulfilled his responsibilities as four legged Roomba equivalent, impeccably maintaining a spotless kitchen floor. Not a single fleck of errant foodstuff lasted longer than the blink of an eye under his eagle-eyed watch.
I Stand Corrected
Nope. I just checked. The other two are down for the count as well.
Spartacus never even made it upstairs. He snatched a few blankets and collapsed on the sofa as I wrote the above paragraphs.
Tigger? Well, I thought at least he would stick with me and keep me company as I fulfilled my nightly devotional responsibilities. But no. I just checked. He apparently stole away to join Karl in bed, opening one eye as I reached the top of the steps in tacit acknowledgment that he was aware of my existence but had no choice but to make me a warm spot instead. He made a sad attempt at claiming that warm spot-making, too, is one of his sacred responsibilities, but I call bs.
So much for tonight’s post.
Hopefully tomorrow’s turkey sandwiches won’t have quite the same effect. But…yum. I’m looking forward to finding out. I think that’s probably *my* sacred task. It’s a tough job, but…

Spartacus – Trypt out – Photo: L. Weikel