Sense of Completion – Day 838

Journal – Photo: L. Weikel

Sense of Completion

It’s a full moon tonight/today. Technically, I’m writing this at midnight Friday night – and the moon will reach its fullness at 3:17 a.m. EST, just a scootch over three hours from now. But all day Saturday the moon will be considered full. And I just realized how the full moon is manifesting for me this month: in the sense of completion that comes with filling another journal cover to cover.

I began this journal at the beginning of August, a few days after discovering I’d left my prior journal buried in the cushions of our porch glider only to have it soaked by a torrential thunderstorm that saturated piles and piles of pillows and glider cushions to wreak havoc on my treasured notebook. The soaking and subsequent irreparable running of colored inks left many pages of that journal looking like simple watercolor washes. Utterly unreadable. It was awful, and I finally wrote about it here.

Momentous Memories

This current ‘diary’ that will be retired tomorrow spans just shy of seven months and contains some truly profound and treasured experiences. Its deep purple cover shields the pages that document our beloved Sheila’s decline and eventual passing in September.

On the other end of the spectrum, it spans the wedding of our youngest son – although, truth be told, I wrote more about the wedding here in my blog posts than I did in my actual journal. Sometimes, when you’re being pulled in several directions at once and trying to get a lot of last minute details covered, something has to give. Sadly, detailed entries for a spate of days in October were casualties of time devoted instead to hand-painting masks for the wedding party – a sacrifice I don’t regret. Although – as usual – I am disappointed that I didn’t slog through the sleepiness and capture more specific feelings and details.

But hey – at least I kept true to my 1111 Devotion and managed to get posts written and published throughout the entire festivities. Those posts were documentations too, just of a different sort.

The In-Between

And between those two high of highs and low of lows were the details of a pandemic spreading across our nation. Two pandemics, actually: one called Covid-19 that has topped 500,000 deaths in our country alone (in the span of a year) and another called political disinformation and lies by those elected as our representatives and leaders, leading to a literal armed insurrection.

Yep, this journal has seen a lot.

As usual, I’m grateful for the memories and eager to begin a new chapter in my life.


Long Day Short Post – Day 700

Photo: L. Weikel

Long Day Short Post

There’s nothing like having a title so succinctly tell your story that you don’t need to write a single, additional word. And here we are: long day short post.

It’s all I can do to keep my eyes open.

Not only has it been a long day capping a brilliantly emotional weekend, I’m also laboring under the additional handicap of listening to the steady patter of raindrops through the screen of our front door. It’s deeply relaxing and mesmerizing and makes it oh so hard to maintain a focus.

Wishes flowing out into the Universe – Photo: L. Weikel

Short Walk, Too

I will persist, however, until I achieve my goal. Just like today – while we may not have managed as long a walk as we usually take when we’re together, we did manage to squeeze a short one in before getting on the road.

And there they were: leading the way, embarking on a brand new path – together.

And overhead? It was as if the clouds embodied the wishes of love, hope, and joy for the future – theirs and ours – that so many of you have so kindly offered, swirling ahead of us, leading the way to the very future we are co-creating.

All I can say is that my heart is filled with gratitude for the abundance of blessings we experienced this weekend. Hope exists in all of our hearts. And Love prevails.

Newlywed Smooches – Photo: L. Weikel


Hope – Day 699


What a great day. A day founded upon love and dedicated to hope.

This may be the shortest post I’ve written in 698 days. However, if there has to be a reason for writing an extremely abbreviated post, I guarantee this is one of the very best.

I don’t think there could’ve been one single thing that could’ve gone better today.

Looking at this photo, and the twinkle in their eyes, how could we not feel hope for the future?

Stand By Me – Photo: L. Weikel
