Is It Just Me – Day 714

Friends – Photo: L. Weikel

Is It Just Me?

Is it just me, or does anyone else wonder how the candidates – but especially the two 70+-something men running at the top of their respective parties’ tickets – manage to campaign day in and day out, week after week, month after month?

Honestly, it just seems like campaigning is unbelievably intense work, and I question how any of the nominees are able to maintain their schedules over the insanely long period of time that campaigns encompass in our country. And that doesn’t even take into consideration recent illnesses (cough) or other infirmities. Or just plain being in their 70s, for heaven’s sake.

The whole process of running for office in our country seems out of balance.

Things Feel Really Weird

I feel like I’m in limbo. In some ways, I can’t believe we’ve had to endure the past four years. There’s a part of me that feels incredibly excited by the prospect that our country is now at the point where we can redeem ourselves, not only for ourselves but also in the eyes of the rest of the world. Of course, the flip side of that excitement is pit-in-my-stomach dread over what may unfold on November 3rd – and beyond.

I know I’m not expressing anything unique here. And I regret that I’m unable to muster a discussion of anything more interesting or entertaining. But I’m finding myself binge-eating comfort foods and having a hard time thinking about how things will be two weeks from now.

In some ways, it feels like everything is going to change on November 3rd. It’s hard for me to even contemplate plans for Thanksgiving. Given everything that’s happening not only across our country but apparently throughout Europe and beyond, planning on doing anything beyond hunkering down and playing it safe would be irresponsible to everyone we love.

Maybe it was watching 60 Minutes tonight that has me fried. I don’t know.

A Few Of My Friends

I’m going to sign off for this evening. Since there are precious few photos I could share that would have anything to do with what I’ve written above, I’m going to share a couple I took earlier today of some friends who ran up to me when I called to them on our walk.

Their friendliness made me happy. I’m going to try to remember a couple carrots tomorrow.

We have to take care of ourselves – and our friends – in these weird times.

Do You Have a Treat For Me? – Photo: L. Weikel



Weird Day – Day Fifty Eight

Photo by

Weird Day

The weather was cranky and miserable today, mirroring a lot of people’s moods, I suspect. It feels like no one knows what to expect anymore. We sort of lurch from day to day, hoping nothing earth shattering (either literal or figurative) happens.

I’m noticing this sense of edginess all around us, from the micro level to the macro. So many people are dealing with really big  – I’m talking tectonic – shifts in their lives and reality. From continents to countries, states, and towns to people world-wide, nation-wide, and all around us. Quite possibly right in our very own homes. Radical change is upon us.

And we need to know we’re not alone.

Holding the Center

Those of us who may not be experiencing direct seismic activity in our lives at this moment  need to hold the center for those who are feeling the ground move beneath their feet and watching structures they never thought would crumble do so.

Indeed, I had a long conversation today with a good friend who has had her share of times in the wringer. She, too, is feeling the present sense that her energy is best spent in holding the center, being a light, allowing others to reach out and hold her hand as the gale force winds buffet them and threaten to sweep them away.

And that takes energy.

It’s hard sometimes to appreciate just how much energy it takes to hold a calm and peaceful center for others (and ourselves). And it can look from the outside as if we’re not doing anything, which can sometimes make our contributions easier to ignore or at least remain unappreciated. And certainly, for some of us at least, we have no way of being compensated for our efforts. Even if we could quantify it, we probably wouldn’t.

We Need Each Other

All of which is to say: we need each other. And we need to be vigilant in these chaotic times to pay attention to each other and listen. Because sometimes the ones who seem to be holding it all together are actually hanging on by the thinnest of gossamer threads.

The good news is, gossamer threads can be woven together and become nearly indestructible in the blink of an eye. So, it feels like we should honor that possibility. Keep an eye on each other, and take care not to necessarily buy the ‘looks great on the outside’ façade. Listen to each other with our entire beings (and not just our ears).

I feel like a lot of the people I know and love are going through some really trying shit right now. And I want you to know, I’m doing my best to hold the center. You’re not alone.

