Simsbury Sycamore – Photo: E.Naughton
Not a Bear, But…
Nope. Still no bear sightings.
But my mesa and I did have a chance to hang out with this massive, majestic Sycamore tree for about an hour.
What a peaceful, centering, and humbling experience, especially considering what this tree has seen through the years. Rumor has it that it’s at least 200 and probably closer to 300 years old.
Probably the most amazing part of visiting this grand old Mother Tree was the startling amount of life force that could easily be felt coursing through her body and the ground surrounding her. It was startling, I think, precisely because of her age. She felt so vibrant and vital, it almost felt like she wants to be a role model. She was modeling maturity and grace in every molecule of her being.
It’s hard to convey the girth of her branches, many of which were far larger than most tree trunks. I think about what it felt like to sit at her foot today and I feel like a child. I am a child. I’m just some young whipper snapper who barely has an idea of what time is and how much life has changed over the past couple hundred years.
No, I didn’t get to see a bear today.
But visitng this Grand Mother Sycamore was even more profound.
And I hope she liked the treats we left her!