Leo Full Moon – ND #70

Leo Full Moon (Almost) rising – Photo: L. Weikel

Leo Full Moon

We have a Leo full moon to embrace tomorrow (today when you read this). The precise moment the moon reaches its exact opposition to the sun on Wednesday, the 16th of February, will be 11:56 a.m. And I venture to guess it’s going to be a big week for all of us, either personally or as bystanders to things playing out on the national and world stage. That’s because there’s a bunch of Pluto action mixing stuff up (more on that in another post) and Mars and Venus conjoining (and also messing around with Pluto). In addition, we can look forward to the illumination (and culmination) of patterns and intentions that happen with a full moon.

It’s hard to believe the moon wasn’t full when it rose early this evening. You can see from my photos how robustly ripe she was and how much light emanated from her as she rose.

If she’s not full until tomorrow…all I can say is, “Wow. Look out. This is going to be a big one.”

Tarot Perspective

We’ve already experienced rather startling revelations unfolding this week (DT’s accounting firm’s disavowal, the settlement of the Sandy Hook parents’ suit against Remington, the doping scandal of the 15 year old Russian skater, and the settlement of Prince Andrew’s sordid sex scandal lawsuit, to name a few) and it’s only Tuesday!

And of course everyone is trying to figure out what Putin intends to do to Ukraine – and how the rest of the world should react. From all out war to the threat of cyber-attacks, things could deteriorate in the blink of an eye (or the press of a single keystroke).

So what illumination on this full moon might my Tarot of the Crone bring us?

Seven of Wands – Tarot of the Crone by Ellen Lorenzi-Prince

Seven of Wands ~ Risk

“To go to further, to be more

I will light the match

I will fan the flames

I will dance with danger

Let Power lead

A cloaked figure stands with arms outspread amidst flames and lines of raw power. She plays with fire, as well as opening herself to let power play with her. She is willing to embrace danger in the hope of further achievement, knowing that sometimes you have to take chances. Trust your experience gained thus far; you know when something has potential. It’s time to take a real risk, but not a blind one. You know you can’t stay comfortable where you are. There’s more you want. So let the discomfort goad you into creating a more powerful future and investing in a proposition. Go stand out on that limb.”

My Take

While I chose this card with the intention of receiving insight for all of us as this full moon shines down upon us, in this moment it feels like this is most obviously speaking to the Russia-Ukraine situation. At least that’s how it feels at first blush.

Certainly, however, we’re all being pushed (‘goaded’ is such a great word) into pushing our internal envelopes. It feels like this full moon may find a lot of us saying, “Screw it. It’s time to make a move.” Indeed, the urge may hit us like a wave. So…knowing that, it might be wise to take a few moments to assess where this might come up for you and – before that wave of feeling goaded hits – have a think on what’s worth going out on that limb for. And what’s not.

Rising Leo Full Moon (almost) – Photo: L. Weikel


Shrouded In Shadow – Day 1073

Amazing Full Moon in Aries – Photo: L. Weikel

Shrouded In Shadow

The moon hasn’t even reached its peak fullness and copious amounts of light are starting to spill onto matters shrouded in shadow for years. From Oleg Derapaska to Steve Bannon, and even TFG himself, secrets are being revealed. It’s possible that the blindfold so relentlessly woven around our eyes is starting to unravel.

Of course, I don’t want to get ahead of myself. Those intent on corruption are adept at using the rule of law against those who are most committed to upholding it.

Nevertheless, my sense is that the more light is shone into the crevices, cracks, and unwashed nether regions of those who think they are above it all, the more grossed out we’ll be by the craven and blatant abuse of power exposed. Perhaps – just maybe – we’ll collectively be so appalled that the old way of doing things will finally collapse.

At the very least, we can hope that the light being spilled on so much this week by this full moon in Aries will mark the beginning of the end of this reign of terror and abuse of power. And gee, who knows? Maybe a forceful push from Mars squaring Pluto fans the fuse of the fifth square between Eris (the Goddess of Discord and Chaos) and Pluto (Ruler of the Underworld – all things hidden) this week will also lend (or force?) a hand.

Not technically full for another 15 hours or so – Photo: L. Weikel

So Much Support

All by itself this full moon would be powerful in its commitment to exposing that which has been hidden in darkness. But we also have both Jupiter and Mercury stationing yesterday and now moving forward. Lots of stuff will be exposed and communicated as a result of so much support from these two planets.

And again, while we’re seeing it play out on the big stage of the exploitation of our country’s good nature, it would serve all of us to take a moment (or many) to shine that light on the circumstances of our daily lives.

19 October 2021 – Photo: L. Weikel

What old thoughts and beliefs about yourself need to get reduced to rubble?

Come on. We have a lot of support to really call ourselves out on this. And if we don’t let the light show us what’s really there, if we don’t let go, we’re doomed to remain under the weight of its invisible, oppressive thumb. I know; I’m tired too. But the status quo is killing us. And ‘going along to get along’ doesn’t get us anywhere anymore.

Pacha (aka Eris) & Tigger – Photo: L. Weikel


Things Look Different – Day 668

Photo: L. Weikel

Things Look Different

I took the two photos I’m including in tonight’s post within less than a minute of each other. The only change was the use of the zoom on my iPhone. While I do this a lot with a vast majority of the subjects I photograph – zoom in and out to see how much detail I can capture or what the big picture might tell about context – tonight’s two photos really caught my eye. Things look different.

Perhaps it’s just my mind struggling to make sense of the latest revelations billowing across the airwaves. Hearing our president admit, knowing he was being taped, that he was warned back in January of the colossal impact and likely devastation the Coronavirus was going to bring to our country. Hearing him relate to Bob Woodward in an eerily breathy and awestricken voice just how deadly and easily transmissible the virus is. And then recalling him telling us day after day the exact opposite of what he knew to be true.

It’s a lot.

And tonight’s clouds just felt like a darn good metaphor for what’s being revealed.

On the one hand, close up one can almost feel a bit of optimism. There’s some blue sky within the cross-hatch of the clouds, a bit of clarity. But if you look at the clouds a little more carefully, it’s as if they’re at cross purposes. Some seem clearly heading one way in the sky and another patch, almost within the realm of the first patch, seem intent on heading in the opposite direction.

Cross Purposes

One might imagine the view of the sky, if taken from a wider, more expansive perspective, might reveal even more hope; a bit more blue sky. More options.

Usually, when we ‘stop and take a step back’ we find some sense of reassurance or perspective.

I didn’t feel that tonight, especially when I got home and looked more carefully at the two photos. Nor did I feel it when I paid attention for the first time tonight to the latest ‘breaking news’ in what has become a fire hose of ugly revelations. But the thing is, the revelations are not a total surprise. If you were paying attention, the clouds at cross purposes were there all along.

We wanted to focus on the slivers of blue sky, the stark and dramatic outlines of the trees along the horizon.

If we’d adjusted our sights, taken a step back, we just might have caught wind of the blanket of darkness escaping our perception.

Then again, on second thought, perhaps it all looks rather bleak.

Photo: L. Weikel


Holding My Breath – Day 596

A Little Bird Told Me – Photo: L. Weikel

Holding My Breath

As this week unfolds, we’re awaiting the publication of more decisions by the United States Supreme Court. One case I think a lot of people are on the edge of their seats over is whether the president will be compelled to release his tax returns to Congress. I’m both holding my breath in anticipation of the decision and not holding my breath for actual justice to be dispensed.

It makes me sad to admit how skeptical I am that this Supreme Court will do its job and rein in this president’s belief that he is above the law. And that is the Supreme Court’s job. The existence of our three co-equal branches of government and our system of checks and balances are integral and unique to our country’s identity and success.

Simply put, if he is given a green light to essentially thumb his nose at the subpoena power of Congress to engage in legitimate oversight, we are in for a most calamitous decline.

But let’s face it: we’re already there. The decline is real and it is precipitous.

Eclipse Season Revelations

The behavior of this administration is relentlessly exhausting. I know I’m not saying anything new or tipping you off to a perspective that’s unique. But you have to admit that, if eclipses are said to bring to light information that’s been hidden, we’re certainly experiencing horrifying revelations on a daily basis.

First (and obviously, this is not the ‘first’ exposure – it’s simply one of the more recent major issues uncovered since this eclipse season began at the beginning of this month) was the overt racism and fascistic response to the Black Lives Matter protests. The militaristic reaction to mostly peaceful protests and the use of tear gas, rubber bullets, and astounding threats of force against our own citizens were beyond the pale.

Then there is the admission that the nationwide availability of the testing for Covid-19, which is essential to helping our professionals accurately track, trace, and isolate the spread of this virus, is being deliberately ‘slowed down’ at the behest of the president.

Worse Yet?

And now we have an abundance of reporting that our president has known since February that Russia was putting a bounty on the heads of our troops in Afghanistan – and yet he has taken no action to defend our troops or retaliate in any way. The president has done absolutely nothing about this heinous attack on our troops. Not only that – he has gone out of his way to advocate on behalf of Putin for Russia to be readmitted to the G-7 (making it the G-8), as well as throw him other astonishing bones, such as unilaterally declaring our withdrawal of troops from Germany.

All of these things are cascading out of the dark boxes in which they’ve been hidden. The level and extent of the abuse our country is sustaining at the hands of the man charged with protecting us and having our best interests at heart seems to know no end.

Tax Returns?

As a result of everything we’re witnessing right now, from everything I mentioned above to the horrific spikes in Coronavirus cases, and now hospitalizations, in Florida, Texas, and Arizona (to just name the three worst cases at the moment) and the reality that they are caused by states slavishly following the demand of DT to ‘reopen the country,’ I do not have a good feeling.

If he is ordered to release his tax returns – what will he do to distract us?

If he is allowed to circumvent Congress and not forced to release his tax returns – what will he then feel emboldened to do next?

Either way, I’m holding my breath.

Photo: L. Weikel


Full Moon – Day 572

Approaching Storm – Photo: L. Weikel

Full Moon

Today at 3:12 p.m. EDT, the moon was full. The Old Farmer’s Almanac refers to a full moon in June as the Full Strawberry Moon. With strawberries ripening and becoming abundantly available at farm stands and grocery stores, we can safely guess where this moon got its name.

Today also marked a partial lunar eclipse. The significance of this eclipse will remain to be revealed. (Ha ha – that’s sort of a play on the fact that eclipses tend to be revelatory in the sense that things that have been hidden for a long time, often even from ourselves, tend to be revealed by an eclipse.) But seriously, we can certainly see this playing out on a macro level – throughout our country – and on a micro level, if we’re honest with ourselves and really look at the state of our marriages, lives, other relationships, and careers.

What is being revealed to us now?

Last Eclipse

The last such lunar eclipse this year occurred at the beginning of January. It also occurred on a Friday – January 10th, 2020, to be exact.

You might want to go back to your journals and check out what was going on for you back then. Was anything hidden, unexpected, or of import revealed to you on or around that date? I have to say, that eclipse was one of the most stunning ones I’ve experienced, when it came to revelations about people’s natures that totally blindsided me. Profound trust was startlingly dashed.

And on a global level, here’s an article that can, in hindsight, give us all pause.

Entering Eclipse ‘Season’

As significant as the revelations were that came on and around the lunar eclipse in January of this year, I have to uneasily wonder what’s in store for all of us over the next month. That’s because, not only did we experience another lunar eclipse today (if partial – and not visible in North America), we have a solar eclipse to look forward to that will occur on the same day as the summer solstice (June 21st), promising an even greater impact, and then yet another lunar eclipse on July 5th.

Bing, bang, boom.

I’m not suggesting that we pay attention to eclipse season – and in particular this eclipse season – in order to generate fear. Rather, my intention is the opposite. I’m simply offering some information that, if we pay attention to it, will perhaps in some small way, prepare us for the unexpected.

Let’s face it, world wide, we’ve been getting curve balls hurled at us. But here in the United States, in particular, we’re dodging a virtual onslaught of major life, values, and reality upheavals.

Expect the Unexpected

It’s really tough to expect the unexpected. But there is good reason for all of us not to assume that ‘the worst is over,’ or ‘things are getting back to normal.’ Actually, there are many good reasons not to make such assumptions, beyond the adage pertaining to assumptions in general.

If there was ever a time in our lives to keep a journal, I’d say this is it.

I’m encouraging you, then, to beef up your discipline and dedication to writing about what’s going on in your life at this time. Be as specific and thorough as possible. If nothing else, it could end up being a fascinating reflection on how – or even if – you can see a correlation between events in your personal life, events on a local or national or global scale, and our experience of the three eclipses of June/July 2020.


Eclipse Season Commences – Day 232


Eclipse Season Commences           

Just a quick post on the astrological event that’s most prominently being discussed at the moment: tomorrow’s (Tuesday’s) solar eclipse. Tomorrow’s new moon in the sign of Cancer kicks off eclipse ‘season,’ as eclipses never happen in isolation.

The eclipses occurring this month (the full moon lunar eclipse will occur on July 16th) are considered to be particularly significant and powerfully influential on human behavior (although it is not limited to human behavior) because of some of the other influences being created by the position of our celestial brothers and sisters, such as the aspects being created by Saturn and Pluto and their relation to the Sun and Moon.

Other Players Doing Their Dance…

Mercury and Mars are dancing around together, which can lead to some, um, incendiary words. And perhaps a little extra special caution might be warranted as they take their ‘dance’ from the watery ‘feeling’ space of Cancer and move into Leo – which is a fire sign, and thus could lead to putting those words into action.

As I’ve done before, here are links to two of my favorite sources of information on astrological events and how they might play out in our personal lives as well as the greater world environment, Kaypacha’s Pele Report and the report of Chani Nicholas.

With respect to reading Chani’s assessment of what’s going on astrologically and how it might impact you and your life, it’s important to know both your sun sign and your ‘rising’ or ‘ascendant’ sign. I’ve discussed this before, and here’s the link to help refresh your recollection on one of the sites you can go to that will calculate both your sun sign and ‘ascendant’ or  ‘rising’ sign. That way, you can read both and see which resonates with your experience.

My Observations

Eclipses tend to be revelatory in nature. In other words, when the moon gets between the Earth and the sun and blocks out all the light shining upon us from the sun, the metaphoric result is that things that were hidden or in the shadows, things that we couldn’t see because the sun was too bright, are revealed. And with the planet Pluto aspecting all of this, we’re in for some dramatic revelations of things we didn’t know about or failed to see before this.

Quite amazingly, within the past three days or so, as we’ve approached this initial total solar eclipse, I’ve personally witnessed people I know suddenly and unexpectedly discovering information (the ‘truth’) about, a variety of circumstances, such as:

(1) their life partner’s interests ‘elsewhere;’ (2) a health situation that a loved one was attempting to hide from both my friend (and probably themselves); (3) significant misrepresentations and subterfuge being propounded by a company represented by a friend of mine; and (4) six years of royalties not having been paid by the publisher of a book written by someone I know.

Each of these ‘truths’ were exposed literally within the past three days, which I find rather astonishing.

Remember – What’s Your Ascendant?

I urge you to pay attention and take notice if you or the people around you (family, friends, co-workers) are discovering new and often dramatic or significant information touching upon their life in some way.

The links above to Kaypacha and Chani can provide you with more in-depth information that you can apply to your personal situation.

Again, believe me, I know. This stuff is complicated and your eyes may glaze over when you hear a description of all the ‘aspects’ (i.e., the Sun is conjunct the Moon’s North Node in Cancer while in direct opposition to Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn).  It can definitely sound like gobbledeegook. But both astrologers take that technical information and translate it into fascinating understandings of how they can be interpreted.

Plant the Seeds of Your Highest Intentions

Finally, I encourage you to remember that New Moons are the perfect time to plant the seeds of new beginnings! And this New Moon tomorrow is particularly powerful not only because of the eclipse but also because it is a ‘super moon.’

So plant the seeds your soul yearns to cultivate. Create something new. Take a risk. Be courageous. Dream big.
