ICYMI – Day 532

Old fashioned radio – Photo: pinterest.com


It’s funny – this is one of two acronyms that have grown in usage over the past several years that seem to stop me in my tracks. When I see ICYMI (which stands for ‘in case you missed it’), I always have to pause and make a conscious effort to say the full phrase to myself. For whatever reason, this acronym just doesn’t trigger instant recognition in my brain.

Neither does NSFW. Which is particularly ironic, if you know me very well on a personal level, since I tend to speak in NSFW language about NSFW subjects probably far too often. (That’s ‘not safe for work,’ Karl.) (He’s as bad as I am about these acronyms; trust me.)

OK, so now that we have that sorted (hmm, is OK one, too? maybe not), I want to let you know the reason why I titled this post the way I did.

KYW, Of Course

My ‘unexpected opportunity!’ My 30 seconds of fame, dear readers! Good heavens, I’ve only been writing about it for days. In fact, I’m sure you were wondering if it would ever air – or if I was just stringing you along. Because yes, including tonight, I managed to eke out three whole posts dedicated to an interview that seemed to go by in the wink of an eye. But at least tonight’s post includes a link to the actual broadcasted clip!

I have to say, being a person who does not routinely (read ‘ever’) get interviewed on tv or radio, I was pretty stoked when I hopped in my car this morning for my weekly run to buy our organic milk during the old people’s hour. (That sentence horrifies me. But sadly, it’s accurate.) The stoking factor was that it only took seven minutes or so from when I got in the car and turned on the radio for the segment to come on!

Then, having bopped in and out of the store in jig time, I got home all excited to have heard it, whereupon Karl turned the radio on here in the house. Sure enough, another version of the segment  – one that was a scootch longer, even! – aired within a couple of minutes.


I want to thank Kim Glovas for seeking me out for the interview. It was a privilege to be asked to share my thoughts on what our global experience of this pandemic might be instigating within and revealing to us, not only personally but on a much larger scale as well.

There are some of you out there who may smile when you read the paragraph above. Yeah. Life’s a hoot.

I also send out big hugs to each of you who so kindly expressed enthusiasm when I first wrote about the interview last week. While it’s always great to have unexpected opportunities arrive in our lives, it’s waaaaay more fun to share those bright spots with others.

So again, ICYMI, here it is. As always, thanks for reading. And thanks for listening!

Tigger – unimpressed with my shenanigans – Photo: L. Weikel


Long Way Home – Day 190

Image: www.northloop.org

Long Way Home      

As I was driving back from Amadell today, I was reminded of the Supertramp song of the same title as this blog.

It was indeed a long way home, but so worth it.

The journey was made even better by the exquisite weather we enjoyed the entire way home. The Appalachians were our constant companions and, to be honest, they beckoned to us to stop and explore them one day more.

Responsibility Calls

But alas, responsibility calls and we needed to get home.

Democracy in action called to us with an even louder voice than the two songs I offered you above.

Please get out and vote.

Take a look around and summon the courage to see what’s actually unfolding in our communities, states, and country. Obviously, I’m speaking directly to Pennsylvanians because tomorrow is our primary.

But it does not matter where you live. When your state has its primary and general elections: VOTE. Vote for your school board directors, vote for your supervisors, vote for you Register of Wills. VOTE.

Your rights, your voice, your power to maintain control over your own life depend on you exercising your RIGHT and PRIVILEGE to vote. Don’t squander your power by waiting until it’s too late and your rights have been lost.
