Big Week Ahead – Day 686

“Guardians” – Mystic Art Medicine Oracle Cards by Cher Lyn

Big Week Ahead

Although I haven’t mentioned it a lot this year, 2020 has so far unfolded pretty much as expected by those who follow the movements of the planets, sun, and moon. We have some configurations in the sky that haven’t occurred in hundreds of years, and when they last did, major disruptions in societies and humanity as a whole often resulted. There are a lot of aspects occurring over the next several days that portend a very big week ahead.

Maybe I’ll get into some specifics later in the week, but suffice it to say, on Tuesday the planet Saturn stations and goes ‘direct’ once again. It’s been retrograde (with Jupiter and Pluto also retrograde) in the sign of Capricorn since late April/early May. Jupiter ‘went direct’ about 8 days ago, I believe, and Pluto will go direct next Sunday.

Suffice it to say, this week is teeing up to be a blockbuster of a ballbuster. Sorry. But it’s the truth. It was interesting to me that Saturn is going direct on the day of the first presidential debate of this election season even before the news broke this evening that the New York Times has finally obtained copies of DT’s tax returns for the past two decades or so.

I can only imagine – actually, no, I can’t – the reaction this is engendering in the White House tonight. And surely it will have an impact on the debate, making it more, dare I say it, incendiary than it was sure to be anyway?

With all this in mind, and being tired from the emotional toll of the past few days in my own life, I thought it would be instructive to ask for some guidance on what might be best for all of us to focus upon this week. So I broke out my Mystic Medicine Art Oracle Cards by Cher Lyn and started shuffling. I asked: What should we strive to keep in mind as events unfold in the world this week?


The top card I chose was Guardians. If you can zoom in on the intricacies of this card, you’ll see some fascinating glyphs and symbols in the details. I’m going to share with you the text Cher Lyn provided with this card so you can consider what feels appropriate to you:

Guardians – “Cosmic Connections”

A dance to heal it all…repair the fall

Cosmic connections…mirror reflections

Copper metal crease, spin the void…Release

Taken to the stars and out beyond,

To the Guardians

Ancient Symbols speak it seems…

We awaken from the dream.

—-Cher Lyn

“The Beings in the painting of “Cosmic Connections” are Apache dancers in ceremonial spirit. Glowing symbols are floating and spinning, emerging out of the vortex and off the dancers’ bodies themselves. They are the embodiment of our star brothers who watch over us. The blue flowers are from a dreamtime journey into another dimension on another planet, the star brother holds them as a gift he brings from home. The others hold curative tools of power from other worlds, gifts to channel and aid.

There is more to sight than just physical seeing. Human sight creates its own obstacles. We stop seeing where the general consensus says we should. There is much more to this dimension than meets the eye. We are often if not always being watched by Beings that we ourselves cannot see with our naked eye.

The Guardians are here to support you in a number of ways, to include bringing you power to connect to multidimensional realities, ’comprehended.’ You are Ancient, Wise, and Awake. Take notice of your imagination expanding and maturing. The Guardians are opening your vision to help you remember why you’ve embarked upon your journey here on Earth. Communication of thoughts and feelings in your heart give fresh insights. Your higher knowledge becomes easily accessible as you let go of any fear or preconceived ideas of how limited you thought you were. Surrender into your highest good and relax into the vastness of Creation.

There seems to be something secret about everything and everybody, a mystery to behold within your perception. What you see in everyday life is not the natural world deceiving you, but nature encoding reality in ways you can come to terms with. The natural world looks the way it looks because of the way you have been taught.

If you’ve chosen Guardians, study the Ancient Symbols of the Star glyphs, the images of the crop circles. Place your attention upon the stars at night, and spend quality time in medication exploring the universal void inside your own soul. The guardians are ready to telepathically assist you.”

Quick Reflection

I’m in awe at how this card reinforces my posts of a few days ago, when I sensed “Watchers” keeping an eye on us as events seem to swirl more and more out of control. I love that this card suggests we consider expanding our vision to See more of what’s right before our eyes that perhaps we’ve been trained not to see.

And I find it particularly important to heed the advice that we ask for assistance and guidance from these Guardians who are watching us.

“Perception” – Mystic Art Medicine Oracle Cards by Cher Lyn

Card Underneath – the Foundation

So of course, Spirit loves to tantalize us with continuing examples of YCMTSU (you can’t make this ‘stuff’ up) by reinforcing the guidance we were given at the beginning of this month. Of course, the card at the foundation of this question was Perception.

Check out this post from earlier this month, where I quoted the text for this card, which absolutely bears further reflection. Only this time, it’s important to keep in mind that it is providing the underpinning for the top card: Guardians. One possible interpretation might be for us to pay particular, conscious, attention to our powers of perception. Perhaps those Watchers I’ve been sensing are answering our calls for guidance – but we need to shift our perceptions ever so slightly (sort of like how we used to turn the dial on a radio just a teeny tiny bit to hit the sweet spot/frequency that would get a station to come in clearly) in order to perceive them.

Good stuff to keep in mind as we embark on a week like no other.


Super Pink Moon – Day 512

Nearly full moon – late afternoon – Photo: L. Weikel

Super Pink Moon

Wow. We’ve already had two ‘super’ full moons in 2020, with tomorrow’s Super Pink Moon promising to be the ‘biggest’ of them all. That’s because our celestial little sister will be closer to the Earth for tomorrow night’s display than it’s been for the first two.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve found the full moons since this past December particularly intense. Between eclipses and super moons, in a lot of ways it’s felt as though we’ve been whipsawed from one challenging (and I use that word charitably) experience to another.

And now, of course…here we find ourselves. In uncharted territory, to put it mildly.

Pluto and Jupiter’s Added Influence

As if most of us don’t already notice an uptick in sensitivity or perhaps emotional volatility near the full moon, tomorrow’s cosmic event is almost guaranteed to hit us with a good thwack. That’s because in addition to the Super Pink Moon being the one that will appear biggest and most beautiful (and thus almost certainly tug on our heads and hearts most powerfully), it is occurring while Jupiter and Pluto are sitting practically on top of each other (known as being ‘conjunct’ with each other).

Just to give you a thumbnail sketch, Pluto is the ruler of life/death/rebirth, dramatic upheaval, destruction, and transformation. Jupiter basically makes everything ‘bigger.’ And in 2020, these two planets will be ‘conjunct’ with each other three times: April 4th (yes, here we are, just starting to realize the utter enormity of Covid-19’s impact on our entire world), June 30th, and then November 12th (oh goody – nine days after our scheduled presidential election). What could go wrong!?

Given everything we’re going through at the moment, here’s an especially intriguing article.

A Monumental Time

I’m pointing all of this out because I find it fascinating how so much of what we’re experiencing is reflected in the cosmos. And I, at least, find it helpful to try to bear in mind that knowledge is power.

No, we may not be able to shift the alignment of the planets or avoid (or prevent) the impact of these celestial conjunctions and the emotional wallop a super full moon might have on our experience and perception of everything that’s going on around us. But realizing that all of this is unfolding and impacting how we feel about it all can temper its impact – even if just a little bit.

And right now? We need all the awareness, compassion, and kindness toward ourselves, each other, and our collective emotions as we can muster.

So, please. As the next couple days unfold, remember the gigantic forces at play right now and be gentle – with yourselves and with everyone you encounter (which hopefully will not be all that many people since we’re supposed to be staying home!).

Give yourself a chance to check out that Super Moon as it rises tomorrow. And as you do, perhaps you can close your eyes and tap into the energies you may have seen or felt when you did that global meditation the other evening. Open your heart to love and healing. And let us all hold onto our hope.

Early evening, almost full – Photo: L. Weikel


Global Meditation – Day 508

Photo: L. Weikel

Global Meditation

The other day I mentioned the Biodiversity Project I participate in every 1st day of the month. It’s a simple activity that uses only 10 drops of something called Essence of Perelandra and calls upon Nature to use those drops and the power of intention to come into a state of balance vis-à-vis climate change.

I want everyone to know that I do not gain a single thing by suggesting you join me in this endeavor. I don’t receive any recognition or remuneration from Perelandra. (They don’t even know I am promoting them and their products.) The only reason I encourage you to check out their website, the gardens, their operation as a whole, and how it got started is because I find it fascinating, supportive of my own health, deeply ecologically sound, and respectful of Mother Earth and Nature.

I suggested you take the five minutes to engage in the Biodiversity Project because it is something tangible that we can all do to make a difference.

Saturday, April 4th, 2020

Which leads me to another activity that you can choose to embrace: a global meditation this Saturday, April 4th. The aim of the organizers is to have 1 million people sitting quietly and focusing their attention on and “anchor in the energies of Peace, Harmony, Abundance, Freedom, Healing, and the most positive Ascension Timeline imaginable.”

Lofty, but certainly admirable, energies to be welcoming into our collective imagination and consciousness.

The organizers are requesting that we engage in this group meditation at exactly the same time around the globe, specifically, 10:45 p.m. EST for 20 minutes. As I’m typing this, it occurs to me that they almost certainly mean DST, and simply didn’t realize that by April 4th Daylight Savings Time would’ve kicked in.

There are specific instructions which you can find here. My intention, however, will be simply to focus on those qualities I listed above manifesting here on Earth for the highest good of Mother Earth and all her children, including us (humanity).

I want to be clear: I do not necessarily ascribe to some of the concepts put forth by the organizers of this event. Indeed, some of what is written seems a bit ‘out there’ and conspiratorial for my taste. As always, I suggest you use your discernment.

But the idea of getting as many people as possible to quiet their minds and focus their intentions on raising their consciousness, calling forth those qualities of Peace, Harmony, Abundance, Freedom, and Healing, feels useful, hopeful, and potentially quite powerful. Hence, I don’t think we should ‘throw the baby out with the bathwater.’

I remember when Karl and I participated in the “Harmonic Convergence,” a similar world-wide consciousness raising gathering back in 1987. The celestial event that prompted that global effort took place during the daytime here in Pennsylvania and I remember we sat outside in the sun on the towpath beside the Delaware River.

At 10:45 p.m. this Saturday evening, when Pluto and Jupiter ‘conjunct,’ I will be tucked inside my home, giving Mother Earth and all of us who live upon her 20 minutes of my own peace of mind, focus, love, and attention.

I’ll give it a chance – who knows what the power of potentially a million others with the same intention can do to effect change? It’s worth a try.
