Ancient Cave-Art – Photo: L. Weikel
Gifts and Messages
Just the other day, Karl and I were walking down the road when we came upon a series of gifts and messages.
Surely, as you can see from the photograph, above, we stumbled upon an artistic depiction of an ostrich or perhaps a velociraptor, crafted by one of our ancient cave-dwelling ancestors. Clearly a fiercesome beast, its long, ungainly legs obviously capable of crossing vast expanses of land at speeds no human could match.
But what was the message?
Run for the hills?
Make for the nearest ostrich farm and saddle up?
Stop hiding our heads in the sand?
Oh dear Goddess, surely it wasn’t a depiction of an emu ?!? (NO. I refuse to believe getting anywhere near an emu was part of any message my ancestors might have wished to convey.)
You Mentioned Gifts
Ah yes. Besides discovering precious cave art in the midst of our ambulatory travels, we were also gifted a massive feather, curiously not far from the ancient artistry. Surely this was a sign that the great beast depicted in the artistic rendering was choosing to enter our lives as a sacred power animal!
Our ancestors were speaking to us from beyond the grave! Through eons of generations!
The sheer power of our ancestors’ depiction had brought the creature alive in this time and space, where it left us a piece of itself to treasure and honor. Perhaps it was gifting us with a physical memento of its power and prowess as a conveyor of early humans. Perhaps it was reminding us of the benefits of mounting ostriches (or emus) for transportation?
Or maybe the feather could be used to remind us to swiftly flee other humans who might be sticking their heads in the sand?
Gifts and messages abound. We just need to pay attention, be grateful, and listen.