Support Staff – Day 1099

Burning Sunset – Photo: L. Weikel

Support Staff

It’s been a while since I chose a card to guide us through the week ahead. And as I approach the end of my 1111 Devotion, I am reflecting on the assistance and inspiration I’ve received from the handful of tarot and other oracle decks that became my ‘go-to’ support staff.

I’ve been trying extra hard over the past week or two to steer clear of watching anything but the barest bones of news. The trials going on in various parts of our country feel like we’re witnessing Theater of the Absurd. As an attorney, I’m appalled at the behavior of the judge in Wisconsin. His rulings, his behavior, his attitudes all embody impropriety. Right now, right when our institutions are perilously close to crashing all around us, this petty, vindictive, obviously biased man pollutes our nation’s belief in justice.

Right when we need them most, our systems are failing us.

And it goes without saying that this includes Congress. Good grief. I know I don’t even need to write a word on that subject. It’s painful to watch each day tick by without the egregious and unprofessional behavior of a faction of Congress create a mockery of this essential branch of government.


There’s a word that all of us are probably feeling pretty obviously doesn’t apply to the rich and powerful in our country. First of all, it barely seems as if anyone is even made to break a sweat when they brazenly lie, cheat, and steal while holding public office (or fraternize with those who do). And then, even when an occasional subpoena is issued or indictment is handed down, we get a front row seat to all the tricks of the trade that the wealthy use to delay and obstruct justice in our country.

I used to see it when I practiced family law. Money used as a bludgeon to maintain an untenable status quo. And when that doesn’t work? Delay, obstruct, and bleed the weaker side dry.

January 6th was a failed coup attempt. You know it; I know it. We all know it. But every single day that goes by and people keep pretending it wasn’t exactly what it was, our country becomes that much weaker. Every day. Drip by drip.


I don’t want to give in to despair. And the last think I want to do is promote it. But at the same time, I feel like most of us who kept the faith through the debacle that was the Trump Administration are losing hope that our country can be reunited. There is precious little overlap between realities anymore. And without common ground? How do we salvage what’s left of our country’s future?

The Ocean Oracle

I turn to a deck created by a wonderfully creative friend of mine, Susan Marte, for inspiration and perhaps a way forward. Susan is the creator of The Ocean Oracle.

Holding the energy of my words in my heart as I shuffle, I seek a way forward. What do we need to know? How can we help ourselves?

The two cards that appear make me catch my breath.

Alas, I don’t have time to upload the images or share the wisdom of the cards in this moment. But I promise to share them tomorrow night.

I will tell you this: The top card was Nautilus and the foundational card, the card holding space at the bottom of the deck, was Sea Urchin. When you hear what they represent, I suspect you, too, will see and feel both the promise as well as the turbulent path we’ll need to navigate in order to ‘get there.’

Until tomorrow, then. Remember: Nautilus/Sea Urchin.

Tohickon Creek- A Fork in the Path
(11 November 2018) Photo: L. Weikel


Big Week Ahead – Day 686

“Guardians” – Mystic Art Medicine Oracle Cards by Cher Lyn

Big Week Ahead

Although I haven’t mentioned it a lot this year, 2020 has so far unfolded pretty much as expected by those who follow the movements of the planets, sun, and moon. We have some configurations in the sky that haven’t occurred in hundreds of years, and when they last did, major disruptions in societies and humanity as a whole often resulted. There are a lot of aspects occurring over the next several days that portend a very big week ahead.

Maybe I’ll get into some specifics later in the week, but suffice it to say, on Tuesday the planet Saturn stations and goes ‘direct’ once again. It’s been retrograde (with Jupiter and Pluto also retrograde) in the sign of Capricorn since late April/early May. Jupiter ‘went direct’ about 8 days ago, I believe, and Pluto will go direct next Sunday.

Suffice it to say, this week is teeing up to be a blockbuster of a ballbuster. Sorry. But it’s the truth. It was interesting to me that Saturn is going direct on the day of the first presidential debate of this election season even before the news broke this evening that the New York Times has finally obtained copies of DT’s tax returns for the past two decades or so.

I can only imagine – actually, no, I can’t – the reaction this is engendering in the White House tonight. And surely it will have an impact on the debate, making it more, dare I say it, incendiary than it was sure to be anyway?

With all this in mind, and being tired from the emotional toll of the past few days in my own life, I thought it would be instructive to ask for some guidance on what might be best for all of us to focus upon this week. So I broke out my Mystic Medicine Art Oracle Cards by Cher Lyn and started shuffling. I asked: What should we strive to keep in mind as events unfold in the world this week?


The top card I chose was Guardians. If you can zoom in on the intricacies of this card, you’ll see some fascinating glyphs and symbols in the details. I’m going to share with you the text Cher Lyn provided with this card so you can consider what feels appropriate to you:

Guardians – “Cosmic Connections”

A dance to heal it all…repair the fall

Cosmic connections…mirror reflections

Copper metal crease, spin the void…Release

Taken to the stars and out beyond,

To the Guardians

Ancient Symbols speak it seems…

We awaken from the dream.

—-Cher Lyn

“The Beings in the painting of “Cosmic Connections” are Apache dancers in ceremonial spirit. Glowing symbols are floating and spinning, emerging out of the vortex and off the dancers’ bodies themselves. They are the embodiment of our star brothers who watch over us. The blue flowers are from a dreamtime journey into another dimension on another planet, the star brother holds them as a gift he brings from home. The others hold curative tools of power from other worlds, gifts to channel and aid.

There is more to sight than just physical seeing. Human sight creates its own obstacles. We stop seeing where the general consensus says we should. There is much more to this dimension than meets the eye. We are often if not always being watched by Beings that we ourselves cannot see with our naked eye.

The Guardians are here to support you in a number of ways, to include bringing you power to connect to multidimensional realities, ’comprehended.’ You are Ancient, Wise, and Awake. Take notice of your imagination expanding and maturing. The Guardians are opening your vision to help you remember why you’ve embarked upon your journey here on Earth. Communication of thoughts and feelings in your heart give fresh insights. Your higher knowledge becomes easily accessible as you let go of any fear or preconceived ideas of how limited you thought you were. Surrender into your highest good and relax into the vastness of Creation.

There seems to be something secret about everything and everybody, a mystery to behold within your perception. What you see in everyday life is not the natural world deceiving you, but nature encoding reality in ways you can come to terms with. The natural world looks the way it looks because of the way you have been taught.

If you’ve chosen Guardians, study the Ancient Symbols of the Star glyphs, the images of the crop circles. Place your attention upon the stars at night, and spend quality time in medication exploring the universal void inside your own soul. The guardians are ready to telepathically assist you.”

Quick Reflection

I’m in awe at how this card reinforces my posts of a few days ago, when I sensed “Watchers” keeping an eye on us as events seem to swirl more and more out of control. I love that this card suggests we consider expanding our vision to See more of what’s right before our eyes that perhaps we’ve been trained not to see.

And I find it particularly important to heed the advice that we ask for assistance and guidance from these Guardians who are watching us.

“Perception” – Mystic Art Medicine Oracle Cards by Cher Lyn

Card Underneath – the Foundation

So of course, Spirit loves to tantalize us with continuing examples of YCMTSU (you can’t make this ‘stuff’ up) by reinforcing the guidance we were given at the beginning of this month. Of course, the card at the foundation of this question was Perception.

Check out this post from earlier this month, where I quoted the text for this card, which absolutely bears further reflection. Only this time, it’s important to keep in mind that it is providing the underpinning for the top card: Guardians. One possible interpretation might be for us to pay particular, conscious, attention to our powers of perception. Perhaps those Watchers I’ve been sensing are answering our calls for guidance – but we need to shift our perceptions ever so slightly (sort of like how we used to turn the dial on a radio just a teeny tiny bit to hit the sweet spot/frequency that would get a station to come in clearly) in order to perceive them.

Good stuff to keep in mind as we embark on a week like no other.


Change of Plans – Day 533

Change of Plans

I started out writing my post for this evening by opening Sacred Space and choosing from one of my favorite oracle decks, Mystic Art Medicine Oracle Cards – Tools for Transformation, created by Cher Lyn. In the process, however, I made a discovery that resulted in a change of plans.

The focus of my choice tonight was to be different than my usual, rather generic question that I usually ask, “What do we need to know right now?” (or a variation on that theme). Instead, I was prompted to inquire: “What do we need to release or shed?” and “What do we need to embrace?”

I will write more about the cards I selected tomorrow night.

Sad Discovery

I’ve loved these cards ever since discovering them several years ago. In fact, they were published in 2011, a fact that’s intrigued me, since the imagery she uses feels very connected to symbolism I’ve come to associate with my son Karl, since his death in 2011.

I don’t know what possessed me to do a search on Cher Lyn as I was writing my post, but I did. It may have been curiosity to see if she had published anything else.

As you’ve probably deduced from the heading, above, I was shocked to discover that she passed away suddenly just this past October.

The photos of Cher on her Facebook page and website reveal an unmistakably beautiful and sensitive spirit. I’m not even sure where that sense comes from other than the powerful response I had to the photographs of her, as well as her richly symbolic and haunting artwork.

Lost in Her Story

I lost myself in reading about Cher, even though I could tell there was obviously a lot more to her life’s story than what I was stumbling upon. The details of her death in a car accident shocked me.

And so, I find myself approaching my evening deadline, distracted and saddened by this sad discovery. Perhaps it’s a function of the tragic abundance of death that’s surrounding all of us right now. There are so many heartrending stories swirling about, across the entire planet.

I found I couldn’t just blithely use Cher Lyn’s oracle cards this evening once I made this discovery. I want to simply honor the loss of her life.

Mystic Art Medicine Oracle Cards (box) – Photo: L. Weikel


Cha Wakan (Tree of Life) – Day 520

Photo: L. Weikel

Cha Wakan (Tree of Life)

Following up on the idea I expressed in yesterday’s post, I approached the portion of my bookcase that holds my various oracles with an open heart and mind. This is the section that pretty much encompasses everything not tarot.

I asked what medium wanted to be used as the inaugural messenger to us, both collectively and individually. (I figured I’d set those standards high right from the outset.) I was surprised to find my eyes being drawn repeatedly to a boxed set of cards that, quite honestly, I cannot remember ever using, although I must have when I first acquired them. I’ve looked at the set many times over the years, glanced over it, more accurately – but not been drawn to work with it. At least not for many years since I purchased it.

When I removed the cards and book from their box, they looked and felt new. I checked the copyright: oh my, the copyright is 1994. It makes perfect sense to me why Karl and I must have purchased this item so long ago. We’d each undertaken a vision quest under the guidance of a metis medicine man back in 1992. I’m sure we were attracted to this set because of our affinity for the Native American ways we’d touched upon tangentially in our studies leading up to our profound initiatory experiences.

The Lakota Sweat Lodge Cards

The set that called out to me was The Lakota Sweat Lodge Cards – Spiritual Teachings of the Siouxby Chief Archie Fire Lame Deer and Helene Sarkis.

Looking through these cards and reading the Lakota words and concepts once again stirs my heart. Life was profoundly different back in 1992. The internet was not part of the daily lives of most of us yet. Email was not common. We were still mostly communicating via snail mail and regular telephone. There’s a whole story to how we came to have had the honor of going on vision quests back then.



I opened Sacred Space and sat with the cards of this deck. I shuffled and blew my intention into them – that being a request for a teaching, message, or concept for us to contemplate at this time. As we are embarking upon a whole new phase of life on Mother Earth, what should we hold in our thoughts and awareness.

I chose Cha Wakan (Tree of Life).

The first thing that stood out to me was how much this image resembles the sacred trees in Tuva (Siberia), where I traveled in 2003. But I want to just offer the image to you for your perusal. And following is what is written for this card:

Cha Wakan – Tree of Life – Acceptance

“In me, all life is One: There is no demarcation of ‘other.’ The nuances of vision may vary, yet the essential sap is nowhere separated, and is, in itself, exaltation. I am the bearer of this knowledge, this understanding, this experience of grace; however you may insist on believing you are apart from that which is in you, that which surrounds you, the law which is All will bring you to me, to union and communion.

I bless you.


The Tree of Life is the archetype of all spiritual knowledge. The trunk forms branches and the branches form leaves. Humans are like the leaves. We reach a certain ripeness, and the time comes to go into the Spirit World. Our bodies drop to the earth, like leaves of the tree.

The Card

The Tree of Life reminds us to be patient and accepting as we travel our spiritual path. Open your heart to all your brothers and sisters and to all of creation, relinquishing your judgments and expectations (of yourself and others). Allow all our relations to be exactly who they are; accept all that you are. We are all connected, parts of great Tree of Life in its thick foliage. Although each leaf has its own individual form and life, all grow from the same source, the same roots; all sway together in the same breezes. The tree grows strong and tall, with each leaf adding its part to the beauty of the whole. We must accept that each of us is only one leaf; by itself, one leaf doe not make a tree.


I honor the abundant diversity of Spirit and rejoice in my place within the fabric of creation.”

When I read it initially, and as I read it again as I typed it out here, into this post for all of us to share, I feel chills. Reading these words within the larger context of what we are all experiencing at this time – all over the world – I am awed by the perfection of this message. I know without doubt that my request on behalf of all of us was heard.

I leave this for you to contemplate.

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