Thoughts and Expectations – ND #87

Waxing Fingernail (new) Moon – Photo: L. Weikel

Thoughts and Expectations

When I walked out of the house early this evening – actually, just after we got home from our walk – I was bowled over by the profound clarity and beauty of the night sky. In particular, the new moon, having grown just enough to be a fingernail in the western sky tonight, was especially prominent. It felt like its sharp, sickle-shaped body sliced right into my heart when I allowed myself to pull over, just take in the moment, and let go of all my thoughts and expectations.

The evening sky was a gradation of color, from overripe plums (but sharper and clearer) to an otherworldly sapphire. I just walked outside again – hours later (it’s just past midnight) – and of course the moon has set. But the stars…oh my, the stars feel like they’re vying for my attention.

I find myself wanting to simply be in the energy of this night sky, this new moon. I just wish it were a little bit warmer. But inevitably, the weather does turn a little bit warmer. And what happens? The sky never quite regains the icy clarity of a winter sky.

Life is weird like that.


As I mentioned a few days ago, this new moon that we just experienced in Pisces is packing a wallop. There are a lot of volatile aspects playing out between the planets with drama and sudden transformation playing crucial roles.

While I discussed the power behind contemplating and planting intentions on this new moon, I myself have yet to devote any alone time to really sorting out what I want to plant right now. When I took the accompanying photos of the moon tonight, I felt her. I felt her sluice me open to demand that I give myself the respect to contemplate my dreams.

This past week I accomplished a lot on behalf of other people. If pressed, I could say that completing those tasks, fulfilling those promises, were part of my new moon intentions. But now it’s time to mine my own treasure.

I refuse to believe it’s too late to plant the seeds of my dreams that may take much longer than one month to manifest. If I’m dreaming of manifestation within a longer lunar timeline, then something tells me setting the intention within just a few days of the precise conjunction between sun and moon in Pisces is still great timing.

So that’s my goal (ok, one of them) this weekend. Planting the seeds of my future for the next two and a half years. To be clear, I’m planting those dream seeds now, with Sun, Moon, and Neptune in Pisces. Neptune, the planet of dreams (among other things), is in its home sign of Pisces (it entered Pisces again in 2012 for the first time since 1862!), and will remain there until 2026. It feels important to put some thought into this. Perhaps you have already done so. If not, let’s make this weekend our dreaming-the-seeds-we-want-to-plant weekend, shall we?

Waxing new moon – Photo: L. Weikel


New Moon Reflections – Day 851

Dragon in Repose (Patient Dragon?) – Photo: L. Weikel

New Moon Reflections

We’ll be experiencing a new moon this coming Saturday morning at 5:21 a.m. ET. This new moon will, of course, be in Pisces because when a moon is ‘new,’ it occupies the same sign and degree as the sun, just as when the moon is ‘full,’ the sun and moon are in signs opposite each other on the wheel of the zodiac. As the cycle of the last new moon (which occurred in Aquarius) comes full circle and reaches completion, it’s time to engage in new moon reflections.

The new moon in Pisces is almost always a particularly fecund one, since it’s in the sign of Pisces and has all that dreamy, creative, just-shy-of-spring energy associated with it. With the new moon occurring early Saturday morning, it’s an especially good time to seriously contemplate what aspects of your life yearn to burst through the ground like a seedling singularly focused upon reaching for the sun. What new growth yearns to be given life through you and your skills or passions?

I’m mentioning this now in order to give us all a day or so to consider the goals we wish to set or the projects we want to initiate. (Or maybe, quite literally, the seeds we wish to plant in the Earth!)

Reflection and Assessment

This is when I remind myself (and all of us) to check in on the ideas, goals, or projects we began at the last new moon. The last new moon was on February 11th at 2:06 p.m. – and it was in Aquarius. If we launched a new product or idea on or around February 11th, has it blossomed by now? Have you taken the steps required to manifest the vision you had? If it hasn’t reached its fullest expression, was it a project that will more likely take six months to realize tangible progress on?

It’s important for all of us to remember that some things take longer cycles to come to fruition than others. It can be helpful to check to see whether your longer-term projects are progressing.  You might, therefore, want to check back in your journal to see what dreams or intentions you held and you set in motion six months ago. Are they close to reaching their fullness?

Cycles and Patterns

Nature is incredibly precise in so many ways – and yet almost reliably subject to chaos. There’s a paradox, huh? When we take the time to look deeply at life, it’s hard to miss the many extremely predictable ebbs and flows. Some of the longer cycles are harder to notice than others, though. Mostly because they’re so long, we forget what it was like when they weren’t precisely as they are now.

Speaking of cycles and patterns, tonight on our walk I saw a Dragon on the horizon.

I just did a search of my posts to find out when the last time was that I saw and posted a photo of a Dragon in the sky. Lo and behold, as I sit here and write about monthly cycles and six month cycles, didn’t I see a spate of Dragons six months ago? Yes, indeed I did; when the sun was in Virgo (the opposite of Pisces).

Cycles and patterns. Everywhere we look, there are cycles and patterns.

Dragon from afar (looks like it’s casting a shadow!) Photo: L. Weikel


New Moon – Day 469

Dark “New” Moon – Photo:

New Moon

Today the moon and the sun were conjunct in Pisces at 10:33 a.m. EST, meaning it was a ‘new’ moon.

You may or may not personally experience differences in how you feel or how you perceive yourself or your surroundings during the various phases of the moon. It’s helpful, if you can, to keep a journal and record your feelings and the various interactions you have with people on any given day.

Of course, I make this recommendation because it’s really easy to lose track of these types of things if we don’t write them down.

Everyone Is Different

And let’s face it: everyone is different. Not all of us are as tuned into the moon and its phases. And even when we are tuned in (i.e., we’re pretty cognizant of when it’s a full moon, when it’s a new moon, and when the moon is waxing or waning), we may not be fully aware of how the moon impacts us personally – or even whether or not it does.

The world is full of anecdotes about the effect a full moon has on sensitive people. Thus, it is not surprising when there are increases in potential mental health issues or even certain crimes during a full moon.

On a more mundane level, we may feel a yearning to complete a project or find ourselves sensing that a relationship or a business partnership has reached its fullest potential around the time of a full moon, and realize it’s time to let it go.

The same can be said for new moons – although new moons are more about having reached a place of emptiness. A new moon is usually experienced as a time of enthusiastically beginning something new, planting some new seeds, or celebrating a sense of openness to the potential of embracing something completely new. I’ve written about the time of the dark moon on a number of occasions over the past 469 days, here, here, and here (this one being especially relevant, since it also mentions Mercury being retrograde at the same time – which is also the case today) – just to link to a few.

Your Rhythms

It’s easy to dismiss the effect the moon might be having on you, your moods, your life experiences, and your decisions. Many of us find it just so easy to scoff at the old ways of trying to make sense of our world. It’s much easier to pretend to have ourselves and our world all figured out such that we simply are not influenced by something as mundane as the phases of the moon.

But again, this is the exact attitude that begs to be invited to keep track. Notice, in writing, how your energy shifts, ebbing and flowing throughout the month. You just might come to learn more about yourself and how influenced you may or may not be than you ever realized. And sometimes, if you keep accurate notes, you may come to realize that certain people with whom you interact on a long term basis actually seem to react differently to various situations depending upon the moon’s phase.

Again – once we start keeping track, we may learn more about ourselves and others who are in our proximity than we ever thought we could or would. Just remember: knowledge is power. If you’re too busy glibly dismissing the validity of tracking the moon’s phases or astrology in general without trying it, you may be missing a wonderful opportunity to know yourself better.

A Lovely Journal

Of course, you can always keep track of your feelings and experiences and how they track (or not) with the phases of the moon in a simple, spiral bound notebook from CVS. Or you can opt for something that keeps you more in direct awareness of the moon. A great journal for this specific work is produced by my dear friend Karen Ward, of Moon Mna, in Ireland. Check out her website and see if her journal piques your interest.

Notice whether you’re being drawn to bringing in a new attitude, starting to plan for a new phase in your life, thinking about applying for a new job, or maybe even contemplating starting a family. There are a myriad ways in which the start of something new may be knocking on the door of your consciousness.

Pay attention! Keep track. What can it hurt?

Men Too

Just because women are particularly connected to the moon throughout most of their lives, it’s really important to realize that men, too, share a connection as well. Our bodies consist mostly of water, and the moon exerts a great a deal of influence over water (hence the tides). There’s not that great a difference in the water content between men and women. As a result it just might come as an even greater surprise to men, if they start tracking the moon’s influence over their lives, to realize just how much they are affected by that great orb in the sky.

Again: knowledge is power.
