Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction – ND #125

Planetary lineup in the Southeast sky (above the horizon after dawn) – Sky Guide app

Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction

One of the major astrological aspects to occur in 2022 happens today (12 April 2022) at 10:42 a.m. EDT, with a Jupiter-Neptune conjunction. As you know, when planets are conjunct each other when they’re occupying the exact same place in the sky (from our perspective here on Earth).

These two planets only come together every 13 years, and of course each time they do, it’s in a different sign of the zodiac. This year, they’re both at 23 degrees 59 minutes of Pisces, and the last time Jupiter and Neptune were conjunct in Pisces was in 1856. Rather amazingly, in February of 1856 Russia lost the Crimean War to France and the Ottoman Empire. How weird that Russia is in a war over that same area 166 years later!

What’s It Mean?

In the simplest of terms, Jupiter is the planet of expansion. Wherever it goes, it tends to make things bigger or cause attributes to take on a more powerful presence. Jupiter is also the historical ruler of the sign of Pisces, which is a mutable water sign. Pisces is often known as the sign of mystics and dreamers.

So even if Jupiter were just traveling through Pisces on its own, we might expect dreams to play a bigger part in our life, both individually and on a collective (worldwide) basis. And when you consider that Jupiter is meeting up with Neptune, it’s likely that dreams (and possibly even illusions or delusions) could become much more pronounced.

It’s interesting to note that Neptune is also acutely connected to water. Once Neptune was discovered, it became the ruler of the sign of Pisces – and of course Neptune was the God of water, so this particular conjunction of planets in this specific sign calls forth a remarkably huge connection to water. And it’s good to remember that water is often associated with emotions.

Photo: L.Weikel

What To Do

While I’m giving the barest of basics with respect to what’s going on above us today, it seems important to watch how big and volatile our emotions may play out today. We also may realize, or perhaps finally decide to begin manifesting, our biggest, boldest, most audacious dreams. It’s also possible that we may realize that some of our dreams are, in fact, delusions (of grandeur, Jupiter might say). It seems like it might be tricky to navigate the waters of thinking grand thoughts for the future, while keeping them within the realm of possibility.

Since these are huge, slow moving planets, the effect of their conjunction is not as ‘flash-in-the-pan’ as, say, a Mercury transit. Mercury (or even more rapid a mover, the Moon) zip in and out of the signs and the various aspects they make with other planets. Jupiter and Neptune, meanwhile take their time, and their influence, while gradual, is often much more profound and long-lasting. And since they’re so slow moving, don’t feel you have to have all your aspirational ducks in a row as of 10:42 a.m.

Give yourself permission to feel the expansion of your greatest dreams. Ask yourself what you want to feel (and bring into your life) over the next 13 years. And if you need some inspiration, here’s something to listen to as you consider how this week may unfold for you (and us all). (Remember, we’re approaching a full moon on Friday!)

Certainly we’re beginning a new cycle of seeding the expansion of our dreams – a cycle that will take 13+ years to culminate. Remember: nourish your dreams well.


Thoughts and Expectations – ND #87

Waxing Fingernail (new) Moon – Photo: L. Weikel

Thoughts and Expectations

When I walked out of the house early this evening – actually, just after we got home from our walk – I was bowled over by the profound clarity and beauty of the night sky. In particular, the new moon, having grown just enough to be a fingernail in the western sky tonight, was especially prominent. It felt like its sharp, sickle-shaped body sliced right into my heart when I allowed myself to pull over, just take in the moment, and let go of all my thoughts and expectations.

The evening sky was a gradation of color, from overripe plums (but sharper and clearer) to an otherworldly sapphire. I just walked outside again – hours later (it’s just past midnight) – and of course the moon has set. But the stars…oh my, the stars feel like they’re vying for my attention.

I find myself wanting to simply be in the energy of this night sky, this new moon. I just wish it were a little bit warmer. But inevitably, the weather does turn a little bit warmer. And what happens? The sky never quite regains the icy clarity of a winter sky.

Life is weird like that.


As I mentioned a few days ago, this new moon that we just experienced in Pisces is packing a wallop. There are a lot of volatile aspects playing out between the planets with drama and sudden transformation playing crucial roles.

While I discussed the power behind contemplating and planting intentions on this new moon, I myself have yet to devote any alone time to really sorting out what I want to plant right now. When I took the accompanying photos of the moon tonight, I felt her. I felt her sluice me open to demand that I give myself the respect to contemplate my dreams.

This past week I accomplished a lot on behalf of other people. If pressed, I could say that completing those tasks, fulfilling those promises, were part of my new moon intentions. But now it’s time to mine my own treasure.

I refuse to believe it’s too late to plant the seeds of my dreams that may take much longer than one month to manifest. If I’m dreaming of manifestation within a longer lunar timeline, then something tells me setting the intention within just a few days of the precise conjunction between sun and moon in Pisces is still great timing.

So that’s my goal (ok, one of them) this weekend. Planting the seeds of my future for the next two and a half years. To be clear, I’m planting those dream seeds now, with Sun, Moon, and Neptune in Pisces. Neptune, the planet of dreams (among other things), is in its home sign of Pisces (it entered Pisces again in 2012 for the first time since 1862!), and will remain there until 2026. It feels important to put some thought into this. Perhaps you have already done so. If not, let’s make this weekend our dreaming-the-seeds-we-want-to-plant weekend, shall we?

Waxing new moon – Photo: L. Weikel
