Sunflowers – Day 990

Look away?!  – Photo: L. Weikel


I did a double take when I drove past a nearby field earlier today and saw row after row of towering sunflowers. Usually when I see fields of sunflowers I slow down so I can admire their bright and sunny faces. This time, though, it took me a moment to even realize the extraordinary sight I was seeing.

I drove past the field and found myself feeling like something wasn’t right. It was almost as if I’d witnessed something that simply didn’t compute in my brain. It was a mild form of that notion that when we perceive something either visually or aurally, but have no prior context or experience with this occurrence, our brains scurry to try to find something within our internal ‘data banks’ that make sense to us. Or else we ignore it altogether.

Most of us have experienced this at one time or another – and have heard our brains whirring within, trying to find a ‘match’ to help us identify the subject of our experience. I know there have also been research studies that have tracked how our ability to ‘see’ something is impacted by our expectations.

I actually think that’s why it took me a bit of a drive beyond the field to realize what I’d just seen.


I did a U-turn to return to the field as soon as my comprehension clicked. Yup. It was a field full of sunflowers with their backs turned. I thought the entire scenario was especially odd since the sun was a good 90 degrees in another direction. What in the world were these sunflowers so fascinated by as to eschew their beloved sun?

It truly did feel as though they had turned their collective backs on the traffic driving by their field. They were shunning the traffic, perhaps?

I supposed that’s a possibility. But I likened their behavior more to the utterly appalling admission by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy that they hadn’t even watched the testimony of the four officers before the House Select Committee yesterday.

Honestly, I find that level of disrespect for (a) the officers who showed up for work on January 6th, 2021 and actually worked to save these lawmakers’ lives; and (b) the process undertaken by our government to conduct legitimate oversight of and investigation into exactly what unfolded on that date, why it happened, and who was behind it, utterly inexcusable.


I do not understand how elected representatives can so profoundly disrespect the foundations of our government and the Constitution upon which our country was founded (and which they specifically took an oath to uphold and defend). Disrespect is being shown at every level and, quite frankly, I believe our hearts are wounded every day as we observe this taking place before our very eyes.

It is excruciating to stand by and watch those with the greatest power appear to remain unscathed by their betrayals of our country, our laws, and our norms. I shudder to think what conclusions our youth are drawing when they see adults – and some with very high status within our country (military, elected, and appointed individuals) – acting like petulant bullies and disgusting, uncouth vandals.


I wish we could be like the sunflowers I saw today and simply, collectively, turn our backs on these people. I’m afraid the only way for us to do that is in the voting booth.

What’s scary is that these bullies are doing their level best to undermine our belief in the sun of democracy: the voting systems in our country. They’re trying to fool us all by saying the sun no longer shines and fooling us into installing spotlights instead. Then, all at once, they plan to turn out the lights and allow chaos to ensue.

We’re at a huge moment in our country’s evolution. And we all need to be paying attention. Much as we wish we could turn our backs on the insanity and disrespect, we mustn’t. It hurts to watch it unfold, but we must not stand in denial of what’s unfolding before our eyes. We need to see it; we need to call it out; and we must do everything we can to reclaim the truth of the sun.


Dark Day – Day 715

Incoming  – Photo: L. Weikel

Dark Day

While not unexpected, this is indeed a dark day. The shameless behavior of the Republicans in the U.S. Senate this evening will have repercussions that reverberate into the very foundation of our country.

There are few people in this country who are paying attention to the startlingly hypocritical maneuverings of Mitch McConnell (and his compatriots that vote in lock step with him) who cannot know, deep in their bones, that our country is broken. This brazen and disgustingly transparent and craven manipulation of our system is unsustainable.

Shocking Revelations of Intentions

I’ve been writing occasionally about the dramatic alignments and aspects of the planets that we’ve been experiencing, particularly since right around December, 2019. The position of three of the four major outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto) in Capricorn and their going forward and then retrograding and now moving forward again very recently have shown quite a correspondence with the arrival and response to Covid-19. These ‘big three’ are not done with us yet. However, more large-scale aspects are starting to come into play now as well.

For instance, we’re starting to feel the effects of planetary interactions (aspects) with Uranus, which usually signals revelations and expositions that feel like lightning strikes. Ripping away lies and revealing harsh secrets and truths can be expected, especially with Mercury currently retrograde, because Mercury is all about communication, and when retrograde, we’re going back over old ground. Digging up stuff that’s been hidden – until now.

I see that happening in two major areas affecting all of us in the United States:

First of all, the Administration is admitting now that they have no intention of fighting the spread of Covid-19. That’s actually a fact that’s been obvious since the very beginning, but driven home by the relentless refusal to advocate the simple precautions of wearing masks and social distancing. The refusal to utilize the Defense Production Act to ensure that the entire country has plenty of PPE and test kits was also (and continues to be) a dead giveaway. The mind boggles at the sheer ghoulish disregard for human life that these architects of a deliberately inept response to a pandemic show toward all of us.

The second example of the ripping away of any veneer of continued lies is the utter hypocrisy of the Senate. And I’m not speaking solely of this disgusting installation of a blatant ideologue onto the Supreme Court (for the second, if not third time). No, I’m speaking of the deal with the devil that Mitch McConnell and the far-right-wing dinosaurs made with DT to attempt to yank our country back into the 1950s, if not further back into our ignominious past. It’s all becoming all too harshly transparent.

Let Him Run Roughshod

The deal? Let him run roughshod over all the basic norms of civil society and a government based upon everyone at least having a modicum of honor and an agreement as to fundamental values of fairness, respect, truth, and integrity, thereby distracting the populace. Let him destroy our alliances, enter into dubious (at best) relationships with dictators and enemies of our country, all the while distracting us from seeing that they (the Republicans holding all the power in the Senate) were fulfilling a 50 year long game of installing right wing ultra conservatives into the judiciary.

This little screed of mine is just scratching the surface of what’s being revealed. But the fact that the Senate left Washington D.C. this evening and will not reconvene until a week after the election – without providing any economic relief to either the states or the millions who are on the brink of losing everything as a result of this pandemic – screams their ill intent from the rooftops. And now we can look forward to the prospect of this newly installed ‘justice’ participating in a decision that will almost certainly obliterate the Affordable Care Act and most certainly shaft every single person who has a pre-existing condition.

But not a single one of those Senators needs to worry. Nope; you betcha – they have top of the line, Cadillac health insurance. And steady paychecks. And investments in the vaunted stock market that are doing oh-so-well. (Shall we take bets on how long it will take before an investigation reveals that some – or many – of them have lots of money in the companies working on the proposed vaccines or touted ‘therapeutics’ for Covid-19?)


All I can say is, I hope beyond hope that I’m not tempted to have ‘Dark Day’ as my post title next Tuesday, too.

And while I’m sure I’m preaching to the choir: please, please, please: VOTE.
