Bugs – Day 991

Meditative Bug Pose – Photo: L. Weikel


“No bugs were harmed in the writing of this post.”

I came across this striking creature as I was sweeping our porch. For some odd reason, I’ve been noticing and appreciating the peculiar beauty of insects lately. There was something about the pristine, shiny blackness of its body armor and the way its legs come together. Its zen-like posture looked meditative to me. Even as I look at this photograph again, it reminds me of something that I can’t quite articulate.

Curious, I carefully flipped this guy over and was delighted to see the striking nature of its dramatic camouflage. Clearly, from above, this insect is designed to resemble the ‘eyes’ of a much bigger creature. In a way it looks a lot like some butterflies that employ that same natural strategy.

Cool Bug – Photo: L. Weikel

I’m guessing bugs that have eyes this big must taste especially nasty to birds. Either that or they’re simply perceived to be too large a mouthful for most of the predators that might otherwise be interested in eating them.

Anyway, true to my first sentence, I think this beetle (or whatever it was) was playing opossum. Once I turned it over so I could admire its back, it quickly scurried away, making it clear to me that it had a lot of life left to live. Or at the very least, its encounter with me was not the end of the road.

Sign of Late Summer

Last night I once again had our front door open while writing my post. Unlike several evenings before, when a blanket of silence had settled over everything and it seemed like everything in my world was holding its breath, the first katydids of the season announced their presence.

I love the jaggedy zzz zzz zzz of katydids. But alas, as we are constantly and sometimes painfully reminded, time is relentless. Their scritchety noises are a harbinger of the dog days of summer that are right around the corner.


Yes, I Did – Day 510

Photo: Blue Dragon Journal.com

Yes, I Did

In case you’re wondering, yes, I did stop what I was doing this evening at 10:40 p.m. so I could sit with people worldwide in 20 minutes of meditation. If and when I suggest others do something for themselves or the greater good, I do my best to follow through and do it myself as well. Karl joined me, and I’m grateful.

My Experience

Obviously, everyone who engaged in this process had their own unique experience. A substantial part of my ‘time’ felt like it was spent connecting to other people I know who are mesa carriers, as well as people I know, love, and care about. People I do not know personally, but whose hearts I recognize. I saw myself connecting to each of you and beyond, connecting through the warp and weft of brilliant golden threads that spread across our beautiful Mother Earth in pattern after pattern of the flower of life. I felt myself joining countless others weaving these golden threads of light together and reinvigorating not only the cekes (streams of light) that join us heart to heart, but also the ley lines spanning our beloved planet.

I imagined the collective dross conjured by humanity, the ‘hucha,’ the heaviness, the greed and cruelty, the disease, pain, and profound grief. I saw this lack of light in its chokehold over our world and then witnessed it breaking apart, exploding into a massive black powder that dissipated into thin air.

There was a palpable sense of all of us joining together to raise our collective vibration up a notch or two (or more?) creating a higher vibration of caring and compassion for each other and all beings with whom we share this planet (including Mother Earth herself). I flew over all the healthcare workers not only here in the U.S., but across the world, doing their best to alleviate the suffering of others and sent them gratitude and peace.

I thanked the souls who are choosing to leave the planet at this time, hoping their sacrifices call  attention to the insanity of our way of life so they will be catalysts for profound change.

Interesting Discovery

When I searched just now for an imagine to include with this post, I tried to find something that reflected what I saw in my mind’s eye. I was led to the image I’ve included, which is linked to this web site. I’ve not read anything on it yet, but it looks intriguing.

But the image was so strikingly similar to what my meditation envisioned, I just had to include it. And it was only fair to include a link to the website itself.

Thank you – each of you – who participated this evening. I know I felt the connection, and I hope you did as well.

Flower of life – Photo: pinterest
