New Moon and Lyrids – Day 527


New Moon and Lyrids

I know; I’m sorry. I should’ve written a day or two ago about the Lyrids – the meteor shower that is peaking tonight. I’m hoping you may have seen their arrival mentioned on social media. But if you didn’t, and if you’re actually saner than I am and therefore sleeping as I write this, take heart. Even though they’re peaking tonight, there should be a fair number continuing to streak through the sky over the next few days.

And if you happen to be an extremely early bird (you know who you are and I know you’re out there!), it might be worth your while to nip outside in the pre-dawn hours of Wednesday the 22nd to ‘see what you can see.’

The good news is that, since we’re in new moon territory (reaching its fullest darkness at 10:26 p.m. EDT tomorrow), the stars – and any passing meteors – should be brilliantly apparent to our searching eyes.

New Moon in Taurus

Before I even read this thoughtful essay by Chani on tomorrow’s new moon, I was feeling a palpable shift. It’s weird (in a good way) when all of a sudden you just sense a difference in the way things feel. Sort of like a weight has been lifted or a blockage removed. Believe me, I’m hoping those feelings persist.

And while it is true I know only a smattering of astrology, I must admit that the conjunction of tomorrow’s new moon with Uranus (and as I said, in Taurus), makes me feel as though the stars are predicting that new ways of being and living here on Earth are demanding to be ‘unearthed.’

We keep hearing that people want to ‘return to normal.’ And if you’re like me, you see articles and essays and advertisements all over the place demanding us to decide whether we even want to return to normal (whatever that is or was) and perhaps even more importantly if we can return to that so-called normal.

Old Normal

Probably the first thing we need to do, if we’re honest with ourselves, is figure out just what in the world we consider to be ‘normal.’ That’s the ‘old’ normal, which we can figure out by describing (in a journal or wherever you routinely catch random thoughts and wrestle them into submission) how our lives used to play out on a daily basis.

And when we write out the details of our old normal, it’s essential to pay attention to how we feel. How is our body reacting to our description of our old normal? With warm fuzzies of affection? A knot in our stomach? Dread? Sadness? Anticipation?

New Normal

After we’ve described what our lives used to be like, it’s important to describe what we crave, deep down, to truly have return to our lives. (Perhaps, if we’re honest, for the first time.)

Tomorrow, and the next day, are especially powerful days for us to envision what we want to create in our lives and plant the seeds in our consciousness and intention to create that new reality.

If we don’t dream big now, when will we allow ourselves to envision our new normal? When will we ever have another opportunity like we’re being offered right now? Almost everything has come to a screeching halt. We’re seeing the precariousness of so much that we believed was a juggernaut of indescribable power.

Things are changing. It’s up to us to make up our minds that we’re not going to go back to business as usual. It’s a new moon; let’s dream a new world into being.

