Tigger Sleeping Well – Photo: L. Weikel
Sleep Well
There’s nothing I can say tonight that can do justice to the spectacular nature of today’s events. My heart is full, my unabashed idealism stoked. I’m speechless, but undaunted in my desire to revel in the hope that’s been renewed in my soul. Tonight, at least, this household will sleep well.
There were so many moments. All day. Culminating in the single most amazing fireworks display I’ve ever seen. I only wish I could’ve been there to witness them personally, to feel their reverberations, and to immerse myself in their brilliance.
I can honestly say that in all my 61 years on this planet, I’ve never felt so invested in witnessing inaugural pomp, circumstance, and festivities as I did this year. Right down to the swearing in of the thousand or so people starting new jobs in the administration today who will be carrying forward the day-to-day work of getting the government working for us, the people, once again. I felt my heart flutter when I heard President Biden welcome and celebrate these civil servants and simultaneously let them know they would be summarily fired if found to be disrespecting or denigrating constituents. Accountability. Yes. May it be brought to every level of our government, especially the highest.

Precious Sleeping Well – Photo: L. Weikel
Back to Basics
President Biden brought some simple yet inarguably powerful concepts to the fore today, concepts that if honored can restore us from the ground up: Unity. Truth. Respect. And while he didn’t use the word very often, a sense of LOVE wove its way through every sentence he spoke.
Not the wet-lick-in-the-ear understanding of love we may be tempted to default to when we hear that word. I mean a higher order of love. A love that is founded upon respect, that embraces facts and tells the truth, and a love that cherishes our differences because they are what make us stronger because we each bring to the table something no one else can. Unity in diversity.
E pluribus unum. Out of many, one.

Cletus (Probably Faking It) – Photo: L. Weikel
Top Down
Even beyond all the words (and wow, speaking of words – Amanda Gorman was absolutely brilliant and a testament to the reason why we have no choice but to have faith in and hope for our future), the most striking lesson from everything we witnessed today was just how much power, authority, and influence those who occupy the highest positions carry.
We take our cues from those we choose to lead us. We look to them for confirmation of what we know, deep down, is right and true. If compassion is their watchword, we feel comfortable expressing it toward each other and ourselves. If they tell us the truth, we learn to trust not only them (whether it’s good news or bad) but also our own ability to handle that truth. We realize we’re resilient.
When kindness and grace is displayed by those we hold in highest regard, we emulate it. When we see with our own eyes the power that simple acts of goodness confers, we’re changed. We’re inspired.
Never underestimate the power of a leader who leads by example of both head and heart.
Perhaps we’re ready now to appreciate just that.
One thing I know: we’ll all sleep well tonight with people like President Biden and Vice President Harris leading the way into our future.

Spartacus Zonked – Photo: L. Weikel