Spring Arrives Tomorrow – ND 102

Approaching Thunderstorm – Photo: L. Weikel

Spring Arrives Tomorrow

It’s quiet tonight, and I even have the front door flung wide open to take in the sounds of whomever might still be awake. The peepers were in full throat earlier, but the only voice I hear now is the wind’s, sighing through the tops of the pine trees across the way. Perhaps all the creatures fell asleep when they hunkered down during the thunderstorm that rolled through earlier. Spring arrives tomorrow, riding the coattails of the lightning that lit up the sky tonight.

As much as I love the peepers and tree frogs, though, I’m rarely disappointed when silence is the prevailing theme for the evening. In this moment, I feel like silence is an especially rare gift that those of us lucky enough to have it should receive with gratitude – and awe.

Daffodils Amid Ice – Photo: L. Weikel

Life Bursts Forth

The warmth of the past two days has caused a virtual eruption from within the soil. Croci and daffodils bloomed in a cacophony of color yesterday. With so much of our attention on the war and carnage in Ukraine, it seems almost weird to witness Nature’s relentless surge toward expression.

Weird, but are any of us truly surprised? I doubt it. We all know, if we’re honest, that humans may end up killing ourselves. But Nature will almost certainly survive. (I’d say it’s certain, but I don’t want to jinx it. Never challenge our species in the whole ‘who can make things worse’ category. If anything, ‘We’re number one!’ when it comes to that. Woohoo!)

Full Virgo Moon

Last night, the moon reached her peak fullness. A neighbor had a lovely full moon fire in the middle of her forest. It was gorgeous to witness as we wrapped up an early evening walk. At first it seemed risky but it was clear she had built it just so and neither a tree nor a leaf budding forth was in danger of being singed. In fact, the flames licking upward caused deep orange shadows to dance on the bodies of all the trees serving as sentinels.

A moon cycle comes to its apex. A season of introspection and rejuvenation ends.

Let’s envision skies that are quiet and peaceful rippling out across the world. A new season. A new way of being.

And precisely as I wrote the words of that last sentence, the eerie, unexpected bray of a donkey echoed throughout our little hamlet.


Radically Positive – ND #41

Photo: L. Weikel

Radically Positive

Tomorrow (Tuesday 18 January 2022) has the potential to be a radically positive day in the United States. Conventional wisdom, of course, suggests that it will merely be a sad (and infuriatingly disgusting) affirmation of the dark, anti-democratic trajectory our country seems to be insisting upon taking.

I’m speaking of the Senate beginning formal debate on the Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act. It is utterly disgusting to me that this is even a ‘thing’ in our country in the 21st century – that due to the rooted-in-racism origin of the Senate rule establishing the filibuster, it takes 60 votes to even begin debate on bills in the Senate.

The only way debate will be taking place tomorrow on this voting rights bill is because it will be attached as an amendment to a bill related to NASA that has already passed the Senate, and then the House (with amendments), and is now going directly back to the Senate. What a convoluted process to even open debate on such a fundamental and defining aspect of our system of government.

Just think of it! Voting: our sacred opportunity to have a voice in our government is under as great a threat now as it was 60 years ago. There are forces at work (that have lurked in the darkness for the duration of our country’s existence) that will do anything to skew the table as to who has the power of the franchise. Talk about things being ‘rigged.’ This needs to end.

Cause for Optimism

You’ll recall that I began this post with the shocking suggestion that tomorrow may end up rendering a positive outcome. My teeny tiny sliver of hope comes from the stars. Because…why not?

First of all, we just enjoyed a full moon tonight (the 17th), and full moons usually bring with them a sense of culmination and fulfillment. Well, ok. I’m ready to embrace the idea that the forces of racism and blatant (as well as subtle) attempts to disenfranchise our fellow citizens have run their course. It’s time for this revolting attitude and mindset that enshrines inequality to come to an end.

And beyond the full moon is the fact that Uranus, the great planet of revolution, lightning-like change, and enlightenment is ending its retrograde course and turns direct on the 18th. It’s time now for us to stop hanging back. It’s time for some major disruption in ‘the way things are done’ – in a positive sense – by jettisoning the filibuster or simply having a couple of Republicans actually stand up and courageously take a stand ensuring voting rights for all citizens.

Oh my, wouldn’t that just be a radical notion? Wouldn’t it be utterly thrilling if we suddenly witnessed the entire Senate stand up and link arms in solidarity to the fundamental building block of our nation? Yes, I know. I’m a dreamer.

But who knows? Maybe we’ll witness something amazing tomorrow. Wouldn’t that be a radically positive outcome to a battle that needs to end now?


Wherewithal – ND #8

Lounging – Photo: L. Weikel


I have a bunch of things I’d like to write about tonight but each topic deserves more thought and effort than I have the wherewithal to muster at this moment. Wherewithal. That’s a cool word.

I feel a tug to pull a couple cards for us, too. But not tonight. I’m thinking maybe Friday or Saturday night. I’ll ask what we need to ILLUMINATE in our lives and perhaps shed or set aside at this full moon. What has reached its fullness in our lives and is ready to move on?

It might benefit all of us to pose that question silently to ourselves now, actually. You know, give ourselves a couple of days to ruminate on the question.

We’re coming up on a powerful time – the winter solstice (here in the Northern Hemisphere, anyway) – the longest night of the year.

Light in the Darkness

It’s important to notice whether any of the intentions we set at the new moon are culminating this week. Or perhaps there are longer term projects that are beginning to see the light of day.

It’s easy for me to plant the seeds of what I’d like to create or manifest in my life – and then forget to ‘check in’ with the Universe to see right where I am at the present moment. It’s an essential practice.

Sometimes we just need to remember to light a candle or otherwise bring some light to the darkness. And sometimes the darkness that’s darkest is what’s inside of us. So in lieu of swallowing fire, how do we find a light in the darkness of our thoughts and feelings?

I’m thinking.


Grim Discovery – Day 983

Closeup of Northern Ring-necked Snake – Photo: L. Weikel

Grim Discovery

I made a grim discovery on our walk today. Sadly, the snake pictured above suffered an untimely demise. Given its injuries, even though it was discovered on the road, I have to wonder if it was shaken to death by a dog or perhaps even more likely snagged by the claws of a raptor and then dropped. If hit by a car, I suspect it would’ve been much more smooshed.

As it was, I was shocked to see its bright orange underbelly. Before this evening, I’d never seen a snake with this coloring. Its top was such a uniformly beautiful charcoal gray color, it reminded me of a seamless suit of armor.

It wasn’t until I picked it up to take it to the side of the road that I noticed the ring around its neck. It was so pretty and distinctive – this single ring of pale orange at the base of its head, blending with and complementing the definitively bolder tangerine of its underbelly.

I’d already taken a photo of the slight little serpent when I discovered it. I wanted to document its striking coloring. But then I took a few more snaps of its distinctive markings before curling it up in the grass on the berm of the road. I made an offering of a few strands of my hair as a gesture of respect for its life.

PA Herp Identification

Once again, the wonderful site known as Pennsylvania Herp Identification (or PA Herps for short) came to my aid in identifying this beautiful creature. It’s a Northern Ring-necked Snake. They’re apparently ubiquitous throughout Pennsylvania, but in all my 62 years, I’ve never seen one before tonight.

It’s funny – in looking at the photos of other Northern Ring-necks on the PA Herp site, I wasn’t at all surprised to see many photos of people gently holding the slender creatures in their hands. I was surprised to feel a similar inclination when I picked it up off the road. Yes, I know, it was already dead. But I felt a distinct sense of gentleness from it.

It was still very supple when I discovered it, too – which made me sad to realize it had probably died only minutes before we discovered it. Its sweet little face wasn’t the least bit scary or intimidating. I felt a real sense of loss.

Grim Discovery – Photo: L. Weikel

Snake’s Message

As I’ve written a bazillion times a simple and obvious intuitive interpretation of such a discovery might be that change is afoot. Snake often shows up when we’re being encouraged to undergo some type of transformation; perhaps a major opportunity to let go of who we’ve been (our outer identity or ‘skin’) and grow into a whole new iteration of ourselves.

Had this Northern Ring-necked Snake been a venomous serpent, I might have pondered whether I was supposed to transmute some poisonous thought, idea, attitude, or belief within or about myself or my circumstances. But that’s not what this felt like.

To be honest, until I started writing this post tonight I never even considered that it might be bringing me a message. (I know; hard to believe. But it’s true.) I was more focused upon simply identifying its beautiful self and sharing my discovery.

Full Moon On Friday

But now that I think about it, I’m willing to honor this creature’s life by interpreting its death, and my discovery of it, as a message to me in my own life. As we approach this full moon on Friday, it might serve me well to take a little time to contemplate what I want to shed in order to move forward in my life. The orange underbelly could be a hint that it has to do with creative endeavors. Perhaps the ring around its neck might represent something (a belief? an attitude?) that’s been keeping me captive. Not poisoned – just…limited. It’s possible.

While shedding is often a task undertaken as we approach a new moon, it feels right to consider what has reached its fullest expression in my life and can now be let go. We’re always in a state of flux; a state of beginning, becoming, or shedding.

It’s sad when any creature meets with an early or untimely demise. I hope on some level that treating this Being with respect and expressing gratitude for its appearance in my life somehow added to the balance of all things.


Blissed Out – Day 955

Prehistoric Monster – Photo: L. Weikel

Blissed Out

I engaged in some adventures today, and to be honest, I’m feeling sort of blissed out at the moment.

While I know from experience how essential it is to disentangle ourselves from our devices and the news and the every day concerns that comprise the lives of so many of us, it always feels amazing to actually do it.

Today I found myself delighting in little things, such as the seemingly ginormous beetle traversing an old log lush with a carpet of moss. Close up it looked like it could be something out of Jurassic Park.

Another wonder that caught my eye was the rainbow spider web. The exquisitely cool breeze made it dance in the wind and no matter which way it bounced, it never lost its multi-colored shimmer.

Day Lily – Photo: L. Weikel


Day Lilies to Creek Bubbles

During my walk today I realized all sorts of lilies are blooming in a surge of life force. Their beauty makes me catch my breath – I’m such a sucker for the vibrant colors and masses of buds just waiting to burst forth.

After my walk delivered me to the creek’s edge I was yet again fascinated by something simple. Bubbles clamoring to make their way through a gap in some rocks reminded me of people rushing to an exit, when all they really need to do is find another way around. Or out.

Photo: L. Weikel

Fires and the Moon Never Disappoint

Ending my day, I sat with a fire and talked to the flames as they transformed from sharp and voraciously hungry to mellow and satisfied. We became comfortable with each other and I felt an intimacy with the element that almost, actually quite distinctly, felt like love.

As the fire dwindled to a bed of glowing embers, the brilliance of the moon – which will be full (and a ‘super moon,’ to boot) in Capricorn tomorrow (Thursday) afternoon at 2:40 p.m. – transformed the night. Lightning bugs tried to compete for my attention, but it was almost as if they decided to save their juice for a few nights from now. As the moon wanes, they’ll get their chance. Tonight they graciously stepped aside and allowed Mama Killa to be star of the show.

Photo: L. Weikel


Tomorrow’s Full Moon – Day 896

Colors of Tonight’s Sunset – Photo: L. Weikel

Tomorrow’s Full Moon

Maybe it’s just me, but it feels like it’s been an especially long two weeks. I’m talking about the two weeks it’s been since the new moon in Aries when we planted all the seeds we wanted to manifest in the weeks and months to come. With tomorrow’s full moon, we’re going to want to check on our sprouts to see how they’re coming along – and make a concerted effort not to yank them out of the ground if they’re not growing as quickly as we’d hoped.

As I do every now and again, here’s a link to Chani’s assessment of the main attitudes we’ll be feeling and confronting with this full moon in Scorpio. Make sure you read both your sun sign and your ‘rising’ sign (known as your ascendant). Pay attention to which one seems to more accurately describe you and your feelings or approach to life. It just may be that your ascendant holds a more accurate key to understanding yourself and your position in life than any reading of your sun sign will ever yield.

Ascendant and Moon

Just in case you’ve forgotten what sign your ascendant is or where to go to find out, I want to remind you that it’s important to know your time of birth. Once you know that, it’s pretty easy: just go to astro.com and create a free account. (You can always look up everything as a guest – but if you create an account, you can save all the different charts you create when inserting birth information about yourself, your family, and people you’re interested in understanding better.) Once you start piecing things together for yourself, trust me: you’ll become ‘curiouser and curiouser’ about all the other people in your life.

Once you’re into the website, click on “Free Horoscopes.” On the far right side, you’ll see a link under “Drawing and Calculations.” The top link is “Natal Chart, Ascendant.” Plug in your birth information there and you’ll be well on your way to understanding yourself better. Plus, you’ll know precisely what two signs to read first whenever you run across a website or article like Chani’s.

Another important placement for you to discover in your natal chart (the position of the luminaries – sun and moon – and the planets at the time of your birth) is the sign the moon was in when you were born. This information, too, will be found on the chart you create on astro.com.

A Rehash

I realize much of this information is a rehash of stuff I’ve written about in other posts. But this basic information is important for all of us to know about ourselves. It’s extremely helpful to know your ‘rising sign’ (ascendant) and moon sign as well as your sun sign (which almost everyone seems to know). Tracking this information and the accuracy of its application in your own life only serves to help you know your own self better.


It wasn’t my conscious intention to focus upon the fundamentals of astrology tonight. But here we are.

I’m guessing at least some of you will benefit from this refresher and a little nudge to remember who you are, what the cosmos looked like at the moment of your birth, and what that means for you today.

It’s as if the cosmos are reaching out to put their arms around you in a big, loving hug.

Cloud Being Swooping In With Arms Extended – Photo: L. Weikel


Sense of Completion – Day 838

Journal – Photo: L. Weikel

Sense of Completion

It’s a full moon tonight/today. Technically, I’m writing this at midnight Friday night – and the moon will reach its fullness at 3:17 a.m. EST, just a scootch over three hours from now. But all day Saturday the moon will be considered full. And I just realized how the full moon is manifesting for me this month: in the sense of completion that comes with filling another journal cover to cover.

I began this journal at the beginning of August, a few days after discovering I’d left my prior journal buried in the cushions of our porch glider only to have it soaked by a torrential thunderstorm that saturated piles and piles of pillows and glider cushions to wreak havoc on my treasured notebook. The soaking and subsequent irreparable running of colored inks left many pages of that journal looking like simple watercolor washes. Utterly unreadable. It was awful, and I finally wrote about it here.

Momentous Memories

This current ‘diary’ that will be retired tomorrow spans just shy of seven months and contains some truly profound and treasured experiences. Its deep purple cover shields the pages that document our beloved Sheila’s decline and eventual passing in September.

On the other end of the spectrum, it spans the wedding of our youngest son – although, truth be told, I wrote more about the wedding here in my blog posts than I did in my actual journal. Sometimes, when you’re being pulled in several directions at once and trying to get a lot of last minute details covered, something has to give. Sadly, detailed entries for a spate of days in October were casualties of time devoted instead to hand-painting masks for the wedding party – a sacrifice I don’t regret. Although – as usual – I am disappointed that I didn’t slog through the sleepiness and capture more specific feelings and details.

But hey – at least I kept true to my 1111 Devotion and managed to get posts written and published throughout the entire festivities. Those posts were documentations too, just of a different sort.

The In-Between

And between those two high of highs and low of lows were the details of a pandemic spreading across our nation. Two pandemics, actually: one called Covid-19 that has topped 500,000 deaths in our country alone (in the span of a year) and another called political disinformation and lies by those elected as our representatives and leaders, leading to a literal armed insurrection.

Yep, this journal has seen a lot.

As usual, I’m grateful for the memories and eager to begin a new chapter in my life.


Presence – Day 778

Rising Moon – 12/28/2020 – Photo: L. Weikel


While the moon won’t be at its fullest until tomorrow night at 10:30 p.m. ET, it was hard to ignore her presence as she rose above the tree line early this evening. My eyes were drawn to the horizon and when I caught sight of that massive orb rising in the eastern sky, I felt a direct connection between it and my heart.

Tomorrow’s full moon is 2020’s 13th full moon. It’s time to say goodbye.

It’s interesting to note how some objects and some people don’t need to say or do a thing in order to have an influence on their surroundings. Every time I look at the moon, no matter what its phase, I feel a reaction inside myself. Sometimes it’s wonder and awe. Other times it’s delight. Sometimes – not often, but occasionally – it’s a sense of foreboding.

Whatever reaction the moon has on me inevitably comes down to its presence.

This concept applies similarly to humans. It’s fascinating to witness the effect some people have on their surroundings simply by showing up and being themselves. Their mere presence has the power to shift attitudes or change minds.

Full Moon Seeing Its Future – Photo: L. Weikel


As we walked this evening, I found it difficult to tear my eyes away from the moon. The shadows she cast were stark and profound. There was no wishy-washy doubt lingering between light and dark. Our shadows, leading us forward since the moon was peering over our shoulders, were crisp and certain. They knew where we were going.

Sensing a slight dimming of the moon’s brilliance at one point, I looked up and saw clouds flirting and taking shape around and beyond her. As I watched, it looked ever so much to me as though the clouds took the form of a waning crescent ‘ahead’ of the moon itself – indeed, a crescent with a classic ‘man-in-the-moon’ face. For the life of me, it looked like the full moon was chasing its future, which in its own way was yearning to move forward, cloud arms outstretched toward an invisible goal.

Reaching Forward – Photo: L. Weikel

Take Advantage

It feels important for us to take advantage of the next few days to contemplate what we want to lean toward this coming year. Where is our shadow leading us? What adventures do we yearn to pursue?

I’m reminded of the dance between Jupiter and Saturn. As we’re well aware, Jupiter has been pursuing Saturn, leaning toward it, and it finally managed to catch its prize one week ago today in the Grand Conjunction.

It was quite surprising then, tonight, to witness just how far Jupiter has left Saturn in its dust in the mere seven days since that conjunction.

I wonder if we’ll slingshot forward toward our dreams just like Jupiter in 2021?

Jupiter (left) whizzing past Saturn – Photo: L. Weikel


First Full Moon – Day 690

Sheila’s Moon – Photo: L. Weikel

First Full Moon

Doesn’t it just figure that this most provocative and transformative year of 2020, October plays host to two full moons? The first full moon was today, October 1st. And of course the second one will be on, you guessed it, Halloween. Because what could possibly be more in keeping with the year 2020 than having a so-called “Blue Moon” occur on Halloween?

Tonight’s moon, which I’m dubbing Sheila’s Moon (just because), was especially photogenic. I actually took the photos I’m including in tonight’s post last night. I’m glad I did, because the sky clouded over this evening before I had a chance to experience her in all her glory.

I did, however, encounter a Cloud Woman this evening, running across the sky with arms flung back, her long hair streaming after her. She appeared to me to be running with abandon – not in fear, but rather in joyful delight that she had such gorgeous fields to be skimming over, toward a sunset that could melt the hardest heart with its sumptuous colors.

Cloud Woman Racing Across the Sky – Photo: L. Weikel

Joyful Abandon

Yes indeed, joyful abandon is the emotion I sensed emanating from this Cloud Woman racing across the sky. In fact, it’s possible she was prancing ahead of the rising full moon as a sort of curtain-raiser or cosmic warm-up act for the main event.

And perhaps she is dancing October into our awareness. If that’s the case, it occurs to me that we might want to engage in some quick reflection and notation. What do we notice at the edges of her skirt that she may be whooshing into our life?

Cloud Woman From Afar – Photo: L. Weikel


Indeed, let’s pay attention to, hone, and take stock of our perceptions! Take a few minutes to honor yourself and your feelings by jotting down what’s going on in your life as we experience this Harvest Moon at the inception of October. What thoughts occupy your mind? What hopes and dreams are you contemplating? Of course, there’s a lot about the outside world that you might want to document for posterity. But what’s also going on in your personal life? What emotions are you experiencing? What musings do you have about your life, your relationships, your place in the world?

When you think about the range of possible changes in your life, let them flow onto the page. From a numerological perspective, I’ve been taught by Alison Baughman that it behooves all of us to pay particular attention to what unfolds in our lives during October (yes, of every year), because October, being the 10th month, is a ‘1’ month – and hence is a reflection of what we might expect in our year ahead.

So as we skip across the sky with our Cloud Woman, perhaps we can set a little reminder for ourselves to take stock each week – perhaps at every quarter phase of the moon as she dances from full to full – and pause to reflect and record our perceptions of what’s going on around us, both globally and intimately. Each week might reflect what we can expect for each quarter of 2021.

It could be a fun exercise. It’s possible we might see one expression of a situation or issue or relationship now and see a shifting of that into a higher octave next year. The trick is documenting it now and then tracking it later.

Full Moon to Full Moon

But first let’s just see how this wild and wonderful October plays out on its own. What will we be thinking about and experiencing just four short weeks from now when the Blue Moon beams its light upon us on All Hallow’s Eve? We think we won’t forget these times, but I guarantee: so much is flying at us every single day, we will be astonished and grateful for having kept track. And you never know how our perceptions might change if we give ourselves permission to take the time to notice what’s really going on in our lives.

Lighting the Way to Our Future – Photo: L. Weikel


Full Moon Dreaming – Day 631

Full moon in Aquarius – August 2020 – Photo: L. Weikel

Full Moon Dreaming

I’m glad I managed to get some sweet shots of the very nearly almost full moon last night, because there’s not a chance it’s visible this evening. No, we’re relegated to full moon dreaming this evening – and hoping it doesn’t turn into a flash flood nightmare.

Indeed, we’re lucky we even got a two mile walk in. Only minutes after returning home tonight, my phone pinged to alert me to a meteorological prospect I’d already sussed out: we were on the verge of being hit by a severe thunderstorm. While we did receive a reasonable storm (it was nothing like what hit us last Thursday evening), the amount of rain that fell was a mere drop in the bucket to what we’re likely to experience in the early morning hours tomorrow.

It seems a bit weird that here in eastern Pennsylvania we’re getting hit with a tropical storm calling not only for up to 6” of rain falling ‘in a short period of time’ (causing flash flooding), but also winds potentially ranging between 58-73 mph and even the possibility of tornadoes.

I think I can pretty confidently say that Pennsylvanians, on the whole, did not sign up for this. Or tornadoes. Tropical storms are generally southern and mid-western state issues. What the heck is happening here? Mid-Atlantic states say, “No thank you!”


I’m sure the effects on the coastline of Tropical Storm Isaias (which I believe has regained hurricane strength as it makes landfall in the Carolinas this evening) will be exacerbated by the full moon, undoubtedly creating higher than normal storm surges and even greater erosion than usual. But beyond that, I hate to think of the suffering and risk people will endure as a direct result of the confluence of these battering storms and the unavoidable reality of the pandemic.

It seems like every day we’re bombarded with more and more stories of the precariousness of life here in the United States. Meanwhile, Congress dithers.

Something’s gotta give. And that’s usually when a full moon comes in and gives us a well-timed push.


Since the inception of 2020, all of us are facing choices day in and day out that we never imagined we would have to make. I think it may have been in this podcast that I heard that this full moon is in the fixed air sign of Aquarius, which is completing a cycle begun at the end of January, at which time we experienced a new moon in the fixed air sign of Aquarius.

I can’t help but wonder at the choices that have been made in how we viewed and dealt with Covid-19 from the earliest days of its arrival here in the U.S. (our first awareness being at the end of January) to how we’re viewing and dealing with it now (at this ‘fullness’ of the same moon as when it all began). I’d like to think that this full moon could represent the climax of the virus’s impact on our society – and had we made other, significantly different choices on how to respond to the virus’s arrival, surely wresting it under control would have been a possibility we’d be enjoying.

But sadly, this full moon could actually signify the virus just starting to hit its stride in taking us out.

Taking a Stand

This full moon could very well be challenging us to stand up to the bullying we’re enduring to have our children and teachers return to school as if the virus is contained. We must acknowledge the truth: it isn’t contained. Not even close.

And a point is going to come – soon, I sense, urged on by the pressure and illumination of this full moon – when parents are going to rise up and demand accountability. Demand testing. Demand a national strategy that will protect all of us, but especially those our government is insanely threatening us to sacrifice: our children, our teachers, those who feed, transport, and clean up after them. Our future.

The present disastrous predicament we find ourselves in did not need to happen. And as unpopular as it might be, there still exists an opportunity for us to dream another future into being. But it would entail short-term but rather draconian sacrifice. Short-term pain for long-term gain. (Something we’ve already squandered once, but hey – maybe we can still turn it around?)

In the meantime, I think Spartacus has the right idea: he’s dreaming, and possibly projecting, himself into a future featuring American humans making wiser, more compassionate choices.

Spartacus – Dreaming of Humans Making Better Choices – Photo: L.Weikel
