Solstice Is Upon Us – ND #13

Solstice Eve Sunset – Photo: L. Weikel

Solstice Is Upon Us

Late this afternoon, I managed to capture a glimpse of the sun just before it descended below the horizon. Yet another raptor darted from the bushes to my left – a falcon this time – crossing my path and weaving effortlessly amongst the saplings and grapevines. Hawks had accompanied me the entire length of my extended walk; I’d seen at least four, not counting this smaller, dark brown falcon. “The Solstice is upon us!” the falcon cried. “Time to fluff our feathers and hunker down. You need to get home,” it added.

And so the longest night of the year began with a messenger swooping before my eyes. This must have been Spirit’s last ditch effort to gain my attention, since a Red-tailed Hawk had literally executed a combination swoop/jump from tree branch to tree branch in front of me, spanning a quarter of a mile, its massive wings cupped forward, beckoning me to follow.

No photos of those quick hops from branch to branch. The best I could do was snag one of it facing the setting sun, turning its back to me, facing the wild unknown most bravely.

Hawk Facing West – Photo: L. Weikel


I’m feeling decidedly pensive this evening. I was keenly aware of the impending darkness this evening, especially the fact that tonight the darkness would last the greatest amount of time. Our fire is burning gently, reminding us of just how cold it became tonight – all of a sudden, too. I know I’d looked at the Weather Channel app several times over the past 24 hours and not once did I see the call for such frigid temperatures as those we awakened to this morning.

The cold only drives us deeper within.

Contemplating the dreams we wish to manifest over the next three months is our focus at the moment. What changes are we seeking? What messages will we be delivering? What is the coming year going to teach us about ourselves? How can we best honor the our heart’s desire?

So many questions. Such freezing temperatures driving us inside, making sure we hunker down.

Tomorrow we’ll awaken and the days will begin lengthening ever so slowly.

Enjoy the night. Revel in the silence. Or is that the call of a Great Horned Owl I hear?


A Sports Metaphor – Day 1024

Falcon on my walk today – Photo: L. Weikel

A Sports Metaphor

Happy 1st day of September! I find it a bit unsettling to realize that 2021 is in the last inning of the third quarter. (How’s that for a mixed sports metaphor!?) It’s almost sort-of accurate – and besides, you know what I mean.

I did in fact get a chance to take a walk this evening, while simultaneously getting in some last-day-of-the-compliance-period CLE credits. I have to admit, this was one of the more enjoyable legal seminars I’ve ever attended, at least with respect to the milieu.

Last night I was concerned that the remnants of Hurricane Ida might arrive here early enough to preclude me from walking this evening. Luckily for me, ‘she’ held off. But her torrential rains are expected to arrive within the next several hours.

Obviously, there’s no chance our area will sustain anywhere near an impact even remotely as catastrophic as parts of Louisiana and Mississippi are experiencing. And I’m not trying to draw an analogy to that devastation. But our area is already saturated, so the forecast of possibly 6” of rain falling in a short period of time is not insignificant.

Biodiversity Process

Just thinking about the flooding that will inevitably occur in our area tomorrow, as well as the plight of millions of households and businesses in Louisiana and Mississippi (and elsewhere) due to Hurricane Ida, and the most recent wildfire threat to the Lake Tahoe area (the Caldor fire), I’m reminded of one simple thing we all can do.

I’ve written about it before – lots of times, in fact. It’s the Perelandra EoP Biodiversity Process. I first described the Process here, just over two years ago. Hopefully a few of you are joining me in spending five minutes on the first day of each month engaging in this very simple process. The experience of working directly with the nature spirits of your land with the explicit intention of countering the effects of climate change and restoring balance is remarkable. (And by ‘land’ I mean the land for which you are responsible – either owning or renting – which can even be an apartment in the middle of a city.)

The best and most sincere endorsement I can give is from my own experience. I can feel the response of the Beings with whom we share this land. Not only can I sense a greater overall harmony since beginning this process two years ago, I also see it in the abundant fertility and coherence of the trees, grasses, wildflowers, birds of all sorts, insects of many persuasions, and animals that either live here or pass through routinely.

Giving Back

I’d like to think that my five minutes of devoted attention and intention contribute to the overall strengthening of the biodiversity on our planet. And even better? I love the opportunity it gives me to give back to Mother Earth for the cherished gifts she gives me – and all of us – every day.

If you don’t have your Essence of Perelandra (EoP) to engage in the process this month, I urge you to buy a bottle today so you’re ready on October 1st. Stay safe everyone. And balanced.


Overload – Day 793

Falcon (Kestrel) – Photo: L. Weikel


Honestly, I’m struggling to come up with something to write about that has nothing to do with either the votes I see taking place on the floor of the House of Representatives tonight, or the insurrection that took place just six short days ago. It’s hard; let me tell you. I’m on overload.

From the looks of things, it appears that the House is first voting to urge Vice President Pence and the Cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment in order to effectively remove DT from office. Pence has pre-emptively sent Congress a letter advising that he has no intentions of doing so. Thus it is expected that tomorrow the House will vote to impeach Donald Trump for his part in inciting the insurrection we witnessed take place last Wednesday, January 6, 2021.


There are myriad reasons why Congress is moving forward with this action so quickly. Not least of these reasons is that we probably came within five minutes or so of the mob of thousands of Trump supporters not only storming the Capitol at the urging and instigation of Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Jr., Rudy Giuliani, and others, but also taking hostages and possibly killing those in the line of succession to Donald Trump.

We’ve seen videos, heard chants, and read posts that establish these intentions. And we’ve witnessed DT telling these people, “We love you.” The outrage is not in an expression of unconditional love (which would have had to be coupled with a swift and harsh rebuke to stop the violence) but rather from the tacit implication, “We love your behavior.”

The behavior of the mob was, in a word, deplorable. Not to mention illegal. And utterly immoral and diametrically opposed to the fundamentals of democracy.

As DT is wont to do, he deliberately says something that means one thing but in actuality intends the opposite. It’s a trick of rhetoric that he constantly employs yet is probably unconscious of and unaware that he does it. He talks out of both sides of his mouth.

A Different Messenger Today

Given the manner in which events are unfolding, including the credible reports of (admittedly incredible) additional attacks on both the inauguration ceremony and state capitols around the country over the coming days, our country is on high alert. We are being placed in the stance and mindset of imminent threat.

All of this reminds me of the quite unexpected visitor that swooped and looped over my back yard and above my head this afternoon: a gorgeous falcon. Specifically, I believe it was a kestrel; also known as a sparrow hawk.

While I might be inclined to try to apply the attributes of Falcon to myself or my life, I actually feel this might be more of a confirmation of the best manner in which to deal with DT’s actions.

For instance, Ted Andrews, in his book Animal Speak*, states:

“The kestrel will usually plunge down upon its prey from a perch, or hover above it about twenty feet up before the plunge. This is unique among birds of prey, but also among most birds. (…) For those with a kestrel as a totem, this is very significant. It allows the movement to be performed with great speed and precision. It gives the kestrel a gracefulness. It implies the ability to stop and use the flight to its fullest advantage.

The kestrel teaches control of speed and movement. It teaches patience. The kestrel is often a symbol for recognizing opportunities and acting upon them at only the correct moment. It teaches speed and accuracy of action. (…) The kestrel and any falcon can teach us to know when to act but to fully commit to our actions for the greatest success.”


All of this reminds me once again of how essential it is that those who participated in the attempted coup on our government be held accountable – swiftly and without equivocation. It is a sad testament to our current predicament that because accountability has been delayed, denied, or deflected up to this point, the infractions against our country and our people have only become more egregious.

We need to act quickly; we need to act decisively; and we need to hold all those who would rip apart our democratic republic through treachery and violence accountable.

Falcon reminds us.

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