1st Day of April is Approaching – ND #112

Potato Dragon – Photo: L. Weikel

1st Day of April is Approaching

Here are a couple of bibs and bobs that are floating around in my head and need to be written down so, collectively, we can remember them. Importantly, the 1st day of April is approaching and – if you choose to participate – we should all be making sure we’re ready for the Perelandra EoP (Essence of Perelandra) Biodiversity Process. For me that mostly means making sure I remind myself of what day it is! I also keep my EoP drops out on my porch, along with a spoon, so I can pop out there in the spur of the moment (in other words – when it pops into my head on the 1st!) and take the two minutes required of me to engage in the process.

It really is quite simple. And yet when I engage in this process, the most profound feeling I get is one of gratitude from the Beings with whom I share our property (both seen and unseen). If I accomplish nothing else through participation in this process than connecting with the Nature Beings and letting them know I’m part of a network of humans who care about the Earth and all who live upon her, then I feel my time and energy is well spent. They notice; and that matters.

That’s why I invite all of you to participate as well. Sometimes we look around and see all the…stuff…going on in the world and we don’t have a single clue as to what we can do about it. This is but one teeny tiny drop in a bucket of maelstroms, but it works on a myriad of levels.


And the other thing I wanted to write about was to remind you to pay attention to your whimsy. Indeed, the name of my Potato Dragon, featured as the lead photo of this post, is Whimsy.

And you have to admit, she is a pretty photogenic little dragon. It felt like a harbinger of great new experiences, opportunities, and people entering my life when I encountered this creature springing forth from a potato this afternoon. And if you look closer, it almost looks like she has a little friend hitching a ride on her back.

Hmm. Maybe I should interpret that as the entrance of Whimsy2 in my life?

Sounds good to me.

It’s spring. Let’s play a little. Talk to the trees. Laugh with the bees. Make friends with potato sprouts.


Odd Ducks – Day 1054

Mergansers? Odd Ducks – Photo: L. Weikel

Odd Ducks

Another month is over. Only three remain in 2021. Campaign signs are sprouting up on lawns and proliferating in the ‘unoccupied territories’ of weeds near stop signs. It seems like nothing changes. And yet, at the same time, we know everything does. We know it and yet a part of us works overtime to remain in denial. We humans are odd ducks indeed.

One thing that’s changed dramatically since last week is the weather. Suddenly it’s fall. There’s an unmistakable shift in the air. It’s crisper. And the light? It’s gone by 7:15 p.m.  All of which means it’s time to start thinking about hunkering down.

Photo: L. Weikel

Quick Reminder

Since we’re starting a new month tomorrow (today by the time you read this), it’s incumbent upon me to remind you of your opportunity to enter into active relationship with Nature and the spirits of your land (no matter where you live) to create balance and minimize the effects of climate change.

Yes, I’m reminding you to whip out your Essence of Perelandra bottle and engage in the Essence of Perelandra Biodiversity Project. It literally takes no more than five minutes to employ this process yet the impact is profound. And it has a cumulative effect, so no matter when you start, know that every time you do it, you’re reinforcing your connection with the appropriate nature spirits and making life better for all Beings.

It amazes me to realize I’ve been writing about the EoP Biodiversity Project for over two years. Perhaps it’s because it’s so simple, people are inclined to think it’s not powerful. And yet…

Handsome Young Buck – Photo: L. Weikel

They Need Us to Care

I ran into this guy the other day (luckily not literally). I just love his antlers. They seem so young and tentative, and yet he is the model of virility. I was pleased he allowed me to get so close to him.

It’s time to use our power for good. If we see dithering elsewhere, we need to get to the point. We’re being asked to walk our talk. It’s time.


A Sports Metaphor – Day 1024

Falcon on my walk today – Photo: L. Weikel

A Sports Metaphor

Happy 1st day of September! I find it a bit unsettling to realize that 2021 is in the last inning of the third quarter. (How’s that for a mixed sports metaphor!?) It’s almost sort-of accurate – and besides, you know what I mean.

I did in fact get a chance to take a walk this evening, while simultaneously getting in some last-day-of-the-compliance-period CLE credits. I have to admit, this was one of the more enjoyable legal seminars I’ve ever attended, at least with respect to the milieu.

Last night I was concerned that the remnants of Hurricane Ida might arrive here early enough to preclude me from walking this evening. Luckily for me, ‘she’ held off. But her torrential rains are expected to arrive within the next several hours.

Obviously, there’s no chance our area will sustain anywhere near an impact even remotely as catastrophic as parts of Louisiana and Mississippi are experiencing. And I’m not trying to draw an analogy to that devastation. But our area is already saturated, so the forecast of possibly 6” of rain falling in a short period of time is not insignificant.

Biodiversity Process

Just thinking about the flooding that will inevitably occur in our area tomorrow, as well as the plight of millions of households and businesses in Louisiana and Mississippi (and elsewhere) due to Hurricane Ida, and the most recent wildfire threat to the Lake Tahoe area (the Caldor fire), I’m reminded of one simple thing we all can do.

I’ve written about it before – lots of times, in fact. It’s the Perelandra EoP Biodiversity Process. I first described the Process here, just over two years ago. Hopefully a few of you are joining me in spending five minutes on the first day of each month engaging in this very simple process. The experience of working directly with the nature spirits of your land with the explicit intention of countering the effects of climate change and restoring balance is remarkable. (And by ‘land’ I mean the land for which you are responsible – either owning or renting – which can even be an apartment in the middle of a city.)

The best and most sincere endorsement I can give is from my own experience. I can feel the response of the Beings with whom we share this land. Not only can I sense a greater overall harmony since beginning this process two years ago, I also see it in the abundant fertility and coherence of the trees, grasses, wildflowers, birds of all sorts, insects of many persuasions, and animals that either live here or pass through routinely.

Giving Back

I’d like to think that my five minutes of devoted attention and intention contribute to the overall strengthening of the biodiversity on our planet. And even better? I love the opportunity it gives me to give back to Mother Earth for the cherished gifts she gives me – and all of us – every day.

If you don’t have your Essence of Perelandra (EoP) to engage in the process this month, I urge you to buy a bottle today so you’re ready on October 1st. Stay safe everyone. And balanced.


August Arrives – Day 628

Photo: L. Weikel

August Arrives

Yes, by the time this post is read by any of you, August 2020 will be here. We will be seven full months into the cataclysmic year of 2020 and embarking upon month number eight.

Who amongst us isn’t freaking excited by the prospects? Huh? Come on. I know I can’t be the only one on the edge of my seat with anticipation over what revelations and curveballs await us this month?

Glad to See July End

Don’t get me wrong. I’m the last person to challenge worse. But I have to tell you: this last day of July has been a rough one. I’ll almost certainly write about what made today particularly discomfiting for me, but I have to sleep on it and assess the damage tomorrow.

But it’s not looking good.

Let’s just say the wild, torrential rain that accompanied some excellent thunder and lightning last night took an unexpected toll.

Biodiversity Project

I might as well use this opportunity to remind everyone that tomorrow is, indeed, the first of August. That means it’s time once again to lend your energy and intention to the Perelandra Biodiversity Project, which I’ve been encouraging participation in for well over a year now. (And just so it’s clear: I have no financial interest in Perelandra. I do not get a single penny for my enthusiasm. I simply love the concept and the sincere dedication of the organization and its founder to promoting our conscious partnership with Nature.)

This process, using Essence of Perelandra, is incredibly simple and quick. The whole procedure from start to finish takes no more than five minutes. And the loveliest part about it, in my opinion, besides the potential for fulfilling the overarching intention of restoring balance and harmony between all living things on your land or in your space, is the simple act of bringing awareness to the land on which you live.

Whenever I open Sacred Space, I specifically include and ‘call in’ the Spirits of the Place where I am doing the ceremony or engaging in sacred work. As a species, we’ve grown more and more oblivious to the sentience of anything other than other humans. Some people acknowledge the sentience of animals (especially their pets), but fewer and fewer still consider wild animals, insects, or plants as having a form of consciousness. It’s extremely rare for anyone outside of our brothers and sisters who retain their indigenous roots and connections to accord the land – and Mother Earth herself – sentience.

So beyond the explicit intention of restoring and healing the balance of diversity ‘in our own back yards’ that the Biodiversity Project fosters, I personally love the awareness it brings to each of us who engage in it. In the midst of these chaotic, uncertain, and oftentimes frightening times, engaging in this process asks us to simply STOP for five minutes and BE with where we are. It asks us to acknowledge our interconnectedness with All That Is. And it’s so incredibly simple and easy.

Simple – Like Wearing a Mask

The ease with which we might make an enormous difference in the energetic balance of our environment (including the environment within our own selves) by doing this simple process is akin to the huge difference the simple act of wearing a mask can make in protecting all of us and contributing to stopping the spread of the Coronavirus.

I guess I’m left wondering why we resist engaging in little steps that very possibly could make a humongous difference in the trajectory of our existence here on Earth. Are we afraid they won’t work and we’ll look foolish? If they don’t work, and we all die or the Earth becomes so out of balance that climate change inundates us (and kills us all in other ways besides the current pandeminc) to whom will we look foolish?


Another significant benefit to engaging in the Biodiversity Project is knowing that I’m joining people all over the world in a collective and sincere effort to make things just a little bit better. I love envisioning the web of interconnected love and caring that is established when I contemplate our united efforts.

As August arrives, if you have a bottle of Essence of Perelandra, join me. Read the instructions here and take a moment – at any time during the 1st day of the month – to help reclaim balance and healing for us all. We’re all connected. What benefits one benefits all.

If you don’t have a bottle of Essence of Perelandra – order one for September 1st. Goodness knows, I’m sure we’ll need more and more intentions set for balance and healing by then.

And although I’m sure I don’t need to say it, I will say it anyway: Wear a mask. For you. For me. For us.


First Day of April – Day 506

Photo: L. Weikel

First Day of April

It’s the first day of April by the time any of you read this, since I know I won’t get it published until after midnight. I’m sure you share with me the inclination to cock your head and ask, “Really? It’s April? What year?”

Nothing is normal anymore. Every single day we plunge deeper and deeper into an abyss of horror. “Surely,” we say to each other, “surely this is some vast apocalyptic nightmare movie that we’re all playing bit parts in. We’re extras in a movie starring Donald Trump, right?”

We’d be excused for thinking so – for thinking that we are no more than walk-on extras who are expendable in every way, as long as the star gets his due.

But I didn’t want to go there, so you can just forget these first couple of paragraphs. On to something tangible we can do.

Perelandra’s Biodiversity Project

I’ve written about this before – a number of times. The first explanation I gave of this very simply procedure that takes no more than five minutes, using ten drops of the elixir called Essence of Perelandra is in this post. I provide you with a variety of links to the Perelandra site and other interesting references in that post.

Hopefully, you’ve invested in a bottle or two of Essence of Perelandra so you can participate in taking a small but significant to Nature step in bringing humanity into balance with Nature.

It’s interesting to me that my first post on this subject was instigated by the fires in the Amazon. When I wrote about the lungs of Mother Earth being burned – and suggested we take this step to begin bringing us back into balance.

Hmm. Mother Earth’s lungs were burning, and humanity was in no small way complicit in that happening. And now our lungs are filling up and drowning thousands of us.

I dare say – there’s a correlation. On a lot of levels.

This Isn’t a Joke

So please – take five minutes on April 1st (today), and the first day of every month, to recognize and speak with Mother Earth/Nature – and do something proactive, profound, and yet oh-so-simple to bring us into balance with our home and the sentience that surrounds us.

It’s something you can do. And it’s not a joke.

And while you’re there, I urge you to check out the solutions being recommended that will build your immunity. (MBP solutions: Respiratory, Lymphatic, and Immune – and the Virus solution.) Read about the concepts underpinning these solutions. It’s all about creating a balance in your body and energetic field. Don’t take my word for it, though – read about it yourself. Make up your own mind.

Beauty – Photo: L. Weikel


New Month, New Year, New Decade – Day 415

Photo: L. Weikel

New Month, New Year, New Decade

The turning of the year this year feels momentous. I’d like to say I’ve taken a lot of time this week to reflect and contemplate not only on the past decade and year but also on the year and decade ahead. But I’d be blowing smoke.

That’s not to say that I’m not going to engage in these activities tomorrow. But I’m a little disappointed that I haven’t…yet.

All in Good Time

I’ve noticed a resistance within myself to even writing as much in my journal as I usually do. Perhaps it’s because it’s the end of the decade. Or perhaps it’s because I sense a lot of big changes ahead.

Every time I see a window of half an hour or so and find myself thinking, “I want to write in my journal,” I pick up my notebook and feel a very unusual sense of being stymied. There’s some deep stuff rumbling very, very deep down, deep in the cavernous nooks and crannies of my heart and soul. Either that or <<poof>> there’s nothing left.

I haven’t decided.

There’s some really wonderful personal stuff to look forward to in 2020. Perhaps I should focus on that because, very uncharacteristically, I’m finding I don’t even dare think about the bigger stuff that may or may not unfold in the world.

I sit here yearning to be optimistic. I want to feel good, deep down, about where we’re headed. But a weary part of me suggests we’ve been here and done this already, and the lessons haven’t been learned. And even worse, I look around and witness more and more willful ignorance, more and more deliberate refusal to seeing what’s right before our eyes.

I was in a room full of millenials this evening. We played Cards Against Humanity, laughed a lot, and enjoyed each other’s company in what’s become our unique version of a New Year’s tradition, which we’ve cultivated over the last ten years or more. We rang the new decade in and suddenly, it seemed, the desire for sleep demanded immediate attention. The quiet that preceded the decision to get some rest was precipitated by me asking them what they feel the coming decade holds for them. The uncertainty of what the future holds was palpable.


There’s work to be done ahead of all of us. Attention to be paid – both to where we’re going and how we’re going to deal with the consequences of where we’ve been.

This decade is momentous. I just can’t escape this conclusion. And yes, every decade is, in its own way. But if we’re paying attention, we know the tipping point is teetering underneath our feet. And it’s not just a tipping point for one major challenge. We’re surrounded by them: issues and challenges that have knocked on our doors for years and years, and because we refused to answer, have now become crises. It’s a tipping point for us.

But I want to be my optimistic self. I want the next ten years to be a transformation – an evolution – of the way we live on and with the Earth, and with each other as well.

We can do this. We can come together. We can decide to look at our situation and choose to work together to change it all.

Even if we’re in for even more upheaval before we break through to the next level, we must remember the power in solidarity. And it’s the solidarity of love that’s the greatest force. That’s what will help us let go of what no longer serves and hold onto what’s truly important.

Let’s make every day in this decade count.

EoP BioDiversity Project

And to that end, don’t forget to set aside the (literal) minute it will take to do the EoP strengthening exercise with Essence of Perelandra on the 1st day of January. You’ll recall I’ve encouraged this practice every single first of the month for many months now. You can read about it here and here and here.

Even taking this one little step and committing to joining the force of your energy with those of others all over the world every first of the month will have a huge effect on shifting the trajectory of the decade we’ve just entered.

Every step counts. Every commitment counts. Every smile counts. Every decision to make a difference counts.

Together, we can achieve anything.

Happy New Year! Happy 2020! Happy Decade of the 20s!

Essence of Perelandra “EoP” – Photo: L. Weikel


Don’t forget the EoP! – Day 323

Essence of Perelandra – Photo: L. Weikel

Don’t forget the EoP!

By the time I post this, it will be October 1st. As I shared both in late August and on September 1st, there is a pretty cool way to enlist the aid of Nature spirits in bringing our environment into balance.

If any of you have looked into the concept behind Perelandra and possibly purchased a bottle of Essence of Perelandra (EoP) with which to participate, you will realize that this is not some nefarious money-making scheme or anything like that. Yes, you need to purchase a bottle of Essence of Perelandra in order to participate. But the entire process, called the monthly EoP Biodiversity Project only requires use of 10 drops from a dropper and five minutes of your time (at the most).

I encourage you to check out the links I’m providing in this post as well as the ones I provided in my two earlier posts, if you care to learn more about Perelandra.

An Added Bonus

One perq to checking out Perelandra and purchasing some EoP is the fact that you can (and probably should) squirt some of those drops into your mouth as you engage in the Biodiversity Project. (Well – before or afterward would probably be better.) That’s because EoP can be effective in bringing balance to you and your emotions, as well as bringing balance to the systems comprising your environmental biome.

If you poked around the Perelandra website at all, you may have seen reference to ETS, which stands for Emergency Trauma Solution. (This is similar to Rescue Remedy®, which is a product put out by Bach Flower Remedies.) Personally, I’ve found ETS to be really helpful when I’m feeling particularly anxious or upset over something. And it can be something personal or, as is more often the case, something going on in the larger world – such as politics.

With this in mind, I’m thinking it would probably be beneficial for all of us to make sure we have a bottle or two of ETS handy in the coming days and months.

Photo: L. Weikel


I’m not intending to be hyperbolic, but taking into consideration the factors I often keep an eye on, such as major astrological aspects, numerological influences, but even more so my own increasing sensitivity – not to mention just simply paying attention in general – I feel it is incumbent upon all of us right now to do whatever we can to hold our centers and remain balanced and calm in the days and weeks to come. ETS can help. So can EoP. And taking them throughout the day (and keeping them handy) is something simple that can really help you cope – which in turn can influence how you react to others and influence others.

Yes, I feel things are going to get incredibly intense, volatile, and perhaps even take some turns that none of us would have ever imagined possible even last month, before they eventually get better. And if you’ve even been paying attention over the past 12 hours, you may have a sense of the genesis of my concern.

Personal, Local, National, Global

It doesn’t matter where our greatest or most immediate stresses are originating. Indeed, for most of us, I’d wager we’re ‘feeling the love’ from every sector. What matters is how we respond.

What matters is whether we give ourselves strategies – some small scale and some much more complicated, depending upon our resources and connections – to cope with challenges to everything we hold dear: the environment, our families, our health, the rule of law, integrity, and justice, to name a few things that matter (at least to me).

We’re in this together. I’m feeling the agitation in the air. And I’m sure I’m not alone.


Tomorrow we can take a couple small steps toward creating balance and harmony. We can take five minutes to bring our attention fully to our environment and offer ten drops of EoP to the Nature spirits on our property. And we can take some ETS to help us hold our centers.

Perhaps we might also thank our stars that we’re not personally embroiled in the cluster@#%$ that’s unfolding before our eyes nationally.

I know this may sound sappy, but please: hold a vision in your hearts of the principles our country was founded upon holding firm and carrying us through this crisis. May we learn from what is unfolding before our eyes and use these lessons to all our benefit: personally, locally, nationally, and globally.

Little guy – pre-transformation – crossing the road; Photo: L. Weikel
