A Worthwhile Endeavor – Day 948

Waxing Moon 16 June 2021 – Photo: L. Weikel

A Worthwhile Endeavor

I listened with interest the other day to an Astrology Hub podcast discussing the transits for this week. In that Weekly Weather podcast, Anne Ortelee suggests an exercise that feels both intriguing and powerful to me. In fact, it feels like such a worthwhile endeavor that I thought I’d mention it here.

All of you know that I’m no astrologer. At best, I flirt with the tiniest bit of knowledge, which is always a dangerous thing. But in my beginner’s mind innocence, I also harbor enthusiasm for the insight the macrocosm can provide to each of us as a unique microcosm.

Of course, I’m providing the link to the specific podcast here. It may be a little confusing, but I’m finding the best way to learn this stuff is to listen and apply it to my own chart. I suggest you do the same. In fact, there were even more interesting insights in this particular podcast that I’m following up with for myself. But see for yourself, if you’re interested.

One great thing about Amanda Pua Walsh, the founder of Astrology Hub and the host of the Weekly Weather as well as the Cosmic Connection (the program with Rick Levine that I’ve linked to occasionally) is that she asks great questions. Not only does she summarize what’s been said by the astrologer, but she also seems to get confused when I do – and asks for clarification when I need it.

Weird Clouds at Sunset – Photo: L. Weikel

Planting Seeds for the Long Haul

The exercise that Anne Ortelee suggested in this week’s Weekly Weather podcast has to do with the new moon that occurred last Thursday morning. You may recall that the new moon was also an eclipse of the sun. And to add to the intensity of that astrological lineup, it just so happened that the new moon and eclipse both lined up with the “Nodes of Fate.” The Nodes of Fate are the Moon’s Nodes – something I’m not equipped to get into describing at the moment. Suffice it to say, the Moon’s North Node conjuncted (landed in the same sign and the same degree as) the new moon and the eclipse.

I’ve written a number of times about the new moon being a fertile time to plant the seeds of new ideas or goals. These generally may come to fruition in a month, or in longer time frames such as 2.5 years. Well, precisely because this new moon took place conjunct the Moon’s Nodes (specifically the North Node of the Nodes of Fate), at an eclipse, a 19 year process was set in motion.

Since it’s only been a week since that powerful conjunction, the moon is still just beginning to wax and grow the intentions set during that time. In other words, it’s not too late to plant those seeds – particularly for the long haul of what you would like to manifest over the next 19 year phase of your life.

Interesting Exercise

If you even just indulge me in this and allow yourself to ponder what you would like to be experiencing in your life 19 years from now, you’ll see that this is a worthwhile endeavor. For one thing, it is fascinating to look back 19 years from this moment and ponder just what you were thinking, doing, and dreaming back then.

Did you have an accurate assessment of your present circumstances 19 years ago? Is the life you’re living now anything like the one you were living then? Are you living a life now that you fully imagined then?

Simply reflecting on the changes in your life over the past 19 years is fascinating. At least I found it to be so. And realizing that I had no idea then that I would be doing what I do now for a living makes me realize just how much everything can change in 19 years.

The most important thing to remember in contemplating this exercise is to focus upon what you want to feel in 19 years. The specifics can be filled in by Life Itself. But the most important activity we can do right now is set the intention of what we want to feel. Do we want to be surrounded by people we love and who love us? Will we be living in a home that’s secluded and in the country or within walking distance to the most important things in our life? Do we want excellent health? Children? Do we want to be living with a person who loves us and shares our passions? Do we want to own our own company or head a non-profit?

It’s the Passion

What’s most important in writing out these seeds that we want to plant/goals that we want to create or manifest in our lives is how deeply and passionately we want them. It’s not as much in the details; it’s the passion. Often the Universe (or Spirit or God/Goddess, whatever you want to call Creator energy) will give us something even better than we could have imagined.

“This or something better”

The truth is, we go a long way in getting the ball rolling by tapping into what’s in our hearts. And let’s be real. How often do we honestly sit down and contemplate what would I like to be experiencing 19 years from now?

It’s a most intriguing question. And depending upon your age, it can feel a bit unsettling or daunting. If we can overcome our initial uneasiness, though, the power of our imagination can be utterly life changing. And a worthwhile endeavor no matter how you look at it.

Waxing Moon in Virgo Flirting with Clouds – Photo: L. Weikel


Eclipse – Day 587

Ring of Fire eclipse – Image: Space.com


Right now, as I write this post, the ‘ring of fire’ solar eclipse (so called because it is an annular eclipse, meaning the moon coming between the Earth and the sun does not entirely block out our view of the sun’s rays) has begun. It officially began at 11:45 p.m. EDT this evening, will reach its totality (thereby creating the ‘ring of fire’ where visible) at 2:40 a.m. EDT on Sunday the 21st, and will conclude at 5:24 a.m. EDT.

In case you are one of those people who awaken shortly after I’ve gone to bed, here is a site where you can track the eclipse online. One of the places on the Earth where the ring of fire will be visible is in the Himalayas. Just the thought of witnessing this eclipse in the rarefied air of Tibet or anywhere along the track of the eclipse, especially high in those massive apus (sacred mountains), thrills me.

I’m definitely starting to feel the siren song of faraway travel calling to me again.

Happy Solstice

This solstice had an auspicious start for me this morning. I listened to and joined in on a solstice ceremony with one of my favorite and beloved paqos (Medicine Man/Shaman in the Q’ero tradition of the high Andes), Puma Fredy Quispe Singona. The heart in his teachings is undeniable and palpable.

I encourage you to watch the recording, which I’ve linked to, above.

This evening, Karl and I sat on our porch in candlelight, the western sky still streaked with hints of sunlight following the powerful thunderstorms that barreled through an hour earlier. We took to heart Puma’s reminder that today, Saturday, June 20, 2020, was the last day of our ‘old life.’

We opened Sacred Space.

Sitting in the waning light of this waning Time, we each made a list of those ways of being or thinking that we’re ready to leave behind. Of course, this is a timeless practice, as we are always growing and learning, accumulating lessons – some more painful than others – and experiencing the lessons that come with living a life on Mother Earth. In other words, it’s the rare person indeed who finds they have nothing to release in ceremony.

After completing our lists, we took turns offering these lists to our solstice fire, holding space for each other as made our offering and cleansed our mesas.

Tomorrow is the Dawn of a New Day

I know that during this time we are in alignment with the Galactic Center of our universe. As the eclipse takes place, the moon’s blocking of the light of the sun enables other energies to have more of an impact upon us. Some might consider us more open or receptive to downloads of celestial blessings or upshifts in our energy.

As we both ‘cleansed our palates’ this evening of the taste of old energies, lessons, hurts, and beliefs that were holding us back or weighing us down, we also each wrote a list of those attributes we seek to bring more of into our lives. Feelings, aspirations, ways of being that we want to cultivate not only in our own selves, but also in our interactions with family, friends, colleagues, and beyond.

We tucked these lists of higher vibration into our mesas. Doing so is not unlike placing them under our pillows and dreaming them into being – although I might argue working with our mesas is even more effective and intimate.

It’s not too late to set your intentions for this New Time. Take 5 minutes, or 15. Do it now. You won’t regret it.


Strategically Holding Space – Day 586

Nighttime Messenger – Photo: L. Weikel

Strategically Holding Space

There’s so much happening in the cosmos this weekend. Well, not just this weekend; we’re not out of the thick of things for quite a while, actually. But this weekend feels huge to me, and the best recommendation I can make (that I will be following as well) is that we engage in strategically holding space. We must hold this space for each other and ourselves. Our country and our planet.

There’s no other way to describe what’s happening in the U.S. right now but to say we’re being bombarded. Information, revelations, lies, conspiracy theories, a pandemic, isolation, fear, sickness, death. We’re being confronted with irrefutable proof that people of color do not share the same freedoms as white people. And we’re seeing a huge majority of our brothers and sisters (or perhaps for a lot of us, our sons and daughters) stand up and say, “The system is broken. It doesn’t stand for what we’ve been taught it does and we won’t pretend or allow it to persist any longer.”

Some of us will join in the protests continuing to unfold all across our nation in support of Black Lives Matter. Some of us will lend our support in other ways. Each as they are able, as they say. But as we witness injustice, as we begin to see with clear eyes the ugly parts of our history that have conveniently been left out of most of our educations, I do believe we will unite to create the ideal we all, deep down, want to believe is possible.

New Moon

We have so many indicators of a new paradigm coming to the fore, and a new moon (coupled with all the other major aspects) is, as we know, the time to set in motion the dream we wish to manifest.

As a result, I feel in my heart and soul that we are also being confronted with radical hope. Deep within our souls, thousands – perhaps millions – of people of all skin pigmentations are resonating with a seismic shift that will change our country forever.

Perhaps, just maybe, we are witnessing the birth of a new world.

Opossum Reminds Us

This opossum was just visiting me only minutes before I sat down to write this post tonight. I felt like its appearance was fortuitous. It’s urging us to use strategy to accomplish the change we demand. We need to expect the unexpected; be clever in seeking our goals. And above all, we’re being reminded to use our brains and sense of drama and cleverness to change the world.

We don’t need to stoop to the level of violence. We’re smarter than that. All of us.

We need to strategically hold space for each other to get this done. We can do this. It’s time. Time for an evolution.

A Heart in the Center of the Fire – Photo: L. Weikel


Stating the Obvious – Day 420

Photo: wired.com

Stating the Obvious

Sometimes I’m a master at this. And you know what? Sometimes it just has to be done.

The ‘obvious’ that I feel needs to be stated at the moment is that this is going to be one hell of an intense week.

Right out of the gate, we know this will be no ordinary week (and let’s face it, how many of them have we honestly experienced since January 20th, 2017?) because of the horrifying manner in which global tensions are being insanely and irresponsibly ratcheted up on a daily basis. By tweet, no less.

It’s stunning.

Another reason, a corollary to the first, naturally – since so much of our global, national, local, and personal stress is triggered in one way or another by the rash acts emanating from the White House – is that for every threat tweeted out against others, particularly toward those who were rashly and yet deliberately provoked by an assassination of one of their own, another cadre of self-proclaimed avengers is born.

And who will reap the fallout from that vengeance being sought? Almost certainly men, women, and children who do not see it coming. Oh, they may feel it vaguely raising the hackles on their skin when they read about another tweet or hear of yet another taunt or belligerent beating of a national chest. But quite honestly, save for the 9/11 attacks, there’s a profound belief, deep in the core of most Americans’ psyche, that we’re inviolable. That stuff won’t – can’t – happen here.

Photo: runnersworld.com

Our Bubble is Exposed

Given the taunts and threats of 52 sites of strategic or cultural importance being in the crosshairs of our military, I have to ask: Can anyone reading that not imagine how it would feel to have that same threat levied against us? Can anyone reading about anything that’s going on right now not use simple common sense and imagine the rage that we would feel if the bully slapped us like that?

How would we feel if we witnessed the bully slap someone else – perhaps a friend?

How would we feel if we witnessed that very same bully sucker punch a kid who wasn’t exactly our friend? Maybe even someone we whom we also feared – but not as much, since he’s smaller and perhaps a bit more wily (because he has to be clever to make up for his smaller build)?

We’d probably watch in horror and hope we wouldn’t get hit by a stray fist. Or worse.


To recap why I stated the obvious premise at the start of this post:

1. We have mad, provocative tweeting (and bombs); 2. We are creating new avengers daily, including people who may simply have been observers…before; and 3. We have a full moon and eclipse happening on Friday, plus a slew of planetary aspects that were daunting enough for us to face before the hasty and ill-advised events of the past couple of days.

More on the planetary aspects tomorrow, perhaps.

In the meantime, we must hold those centers. Keep peace in each of our own hearts and homes. It’s what we must do.


Total Lunar Eclipse – Day Seventy

Photos by L. Weikel

Total Lunar Eclipse

I don’t have anything to say about tonight’s astronomical event that hasn’t been said a million times over.

Standing outside in the single digit air, wind whipping through the bare boughs of the ash, black walnut, and maple trees, I’m startled by the cracking emanating from some of them. I’m grateful that we only had to endure tons of rain the past few days, otherwise the weight of what would have been snow would almost certainly be snapping those boughs instead of stressing them to their crackling brink.

The wind is whipping, though. My wind chimes clatter and clang themselves into a frenzy. My fingers numb up within moments.

Being a fan of Mother Nature and always game to either stay up really late or get up at the crack of dawn (preferring the staying up late than the getting up early, if I’m honest) to snag a first-hand experience, I never fail to feel a connection back millennia, to ancestors who were equally (if not vastly more) fascinated by the machinations of our celestial neighbors. Honestly, I almost literally feel those generations rippling back through the soles of my feet, all of us standing rooted to the Earth, staring wide-eyed into the vastness above.

I doubt it took them very long to figure out that their world was not coming to an end when the moon turned blood red, for it’s not all that rare of an occurrence. Especially when there was no tv and the entertainment was the stars, planets, and constellations.

Total eclipses are rare enough to be remarkable, though. For instance, I’m pretty sure tonight’s is the only such eclipse in 2019, at least visible to North America. But what did they think when they occurred? More interesting to me, what did they feel? A connection backward in time? Forward? Could they feel me reaching back to them from now?

It’s undeniable that there is something profoundly primal and humbling about witnessing tonight’s lunar hide-n-seek in Earth’s shadow. We are but specks in the grand scheme our galaxy, the Milky Way.

And when you realize that we know there are billions of galaxies in our universe…


Mind. Blown.

(T-1041) Photo by L. Weikel