Natural Sistine Chapel – Day 872

Photo: L. Weikel

Natural Sistine Chapel

It’s been a while since I’ve written about the clouds on our walk. At least, it seems as though the clouds themselves have been rather tame, yielding their creativity to sunsets and lunar appearances. This afternoon, though, my sense was that the long cloud drought is over. The piles and platters and weird shapes and colors are moving in for the season. And kicking things off? When I took these photos earlier this afternoon, I felt a vague sense of déjà vu and a sense that I was walking in a natural Sistine Chapel.

I know my interpretations of clouds are sometimes ‘out there.’ And I guess that’s part of what I’m trying to bring into our collective awareness: our imagination’s power to see and embrace magic. Oftentimes this ‘magic’ is simply the process of giving ourselves permission to play with patterns and associations our brains and subconscious minds might make that actually point to pieces of a larger puzzle that is our life.

The photo above, as I said, reminds me of the Sistine Chapel – yes, the iconic work on the ceiling.

When I looked at these clouds today, I could feel the potential of conveying the spark of life. I could sense the reaching out, the effort to make a connection between one being and another.

Photo – L. Weikel


Oddly enough, to my mind at least, I found the close-up of the ‘hands,’ so to speak, were almost upstaged by the splash of pure, brilliant white that seemed entirely out of place.

I’m not exactly sure what I make of the close-up. Or the splash of white.

But I do know I’m delighted to welcome back into our everyday experience more appearances by the Cloud Beings.

They are like pilates for my imagination. And imagination and creativity are the stuff – the spark – of life.

On second thought, maybe I’m seeing something from Monty Python?


Welcome Distraction – Day 773

Sky Goddess – Photo: L. Weikel

Welcome Distraction

At least three times today I was compelled to pull off to the side of the road to take a photo of the sky. And there were probably twice as many times I wanted to pull over but couldn’t. I don’t know if it was the sunshine or the mild temperatures that called to me today, but I’ll admit just driving around and looking at the clouds was a welcome distraction.

It was hard to believe some of the forms and figures I saw splashed across the sky today weren’t literally painted by some invisible hand. Beyond the figures included in this post, there were a couple that looked eerily as if someone was trying to write a name or a message in the sky. Letters hung precariously in the middle of blank blue sky like broken pieces of a wooden sign, swinging from hooks. And those letters appeared to be gilded and illuminated from within as the sun, peering at them from behind other clouds, caressed them just so.

The letters were so unlikely, too. Small and distinct, employing odd angles and textures. And they seemed to appear within kissing distance of some grand, sweeping expanses – yet remained chaste, standoffish, and utterly isolated.

Cloud Goddess – Photo: L. Weikel

Tremendous Range

The few images I managed to capture almost couldn’t have been more different. The first, which is at the top of this post, reminds me of a Sea or Wind Goddess either offering a gift to the sun or making an offering of the sun to the face discernible above and to the left of the sun. Either way, the bearer of the gift is the epitome of a beautiful creature celebrating the freedom of the sky.

On the other hand, the photo below could indeed indicate that the invasion of our Insect Overlords has commenced. Resistance is futile.

Insect Overlord? – Photo: L. Weikel

I have to say, while the gigantic praying mantis does appear to be eyeing us up, I’d like to think its intentions are benign at worst and benevolent at best. While I detect just a hint of glee in its expression, I don’t think it’s in anticipation of a meal.

At least I hope not.


Back in the Saddle – Day 702

Clouds & my mood at the beginning of my walk  – Photo: L. Weikel

Back in the Saddle

I tend to think of myself as fairly steady overall emotionally. But sometimes I can feel overwhelmed and not have a clear idea of what’s at the source. That pretty accurately describes the trajectory of my day today. As the day wore on, I felt more and more sad, frustrated, and as if I was spinning my wheels in seemingly ineffective efforts to accomplish anything productive. That’s when I realized I needed to get back in the saddle.

I’m a list maker. I like to cross stuff off; it gives me a distinct sense of accomplishment to strike a line through something as simple as ‘mail a package.’ Well, today was not a good day for my list-crossing-out side. In my attempt to cross one such task off my list, I first encountered a line of five people (stacked into the lobby) at my own post office – which then shut down as I ran back to my car to repackage a box I was sending. Undaunted, I ran to a far larger post office about 20 minutes away, only to discover a line of customers 13 people long waiting to send packages.

I let that go until tomorrow.

Nevertheless, it was a lot of spinning of wheels. And that was only one of the items on my list today.

Clouds about half way around – Photo: L. Weikel

Take Five

Karl could see on my face that I was feeling more and more down as the day unfolded. But then I went on my merry postal chase and he knew my attitude was definitely not improving. From afar, he texted me that it might do me some good to do what I would tell him to do: take five minutes to sit with my journal and allow myself to decompress a little.

It was when I ‘took five’ that I realized we hadn’t taken a walk in a full week. Just realizing how much our walks keep me in balance was a revelation. Of course, on many levels I already knew just how critical our walks are to our overall health and harmony. Goodness knows, I’ve certainly written about it enough.

But here it was: in my face. My mood was dark and morose. I needed to walk.

And so we did. And didn’t the atmosphere shift before our eyes as we walked, with my own mood tracking it bit by bit? It was amazing to witness how getting back in the saddle of our physical routine so dramatically lifted my spirits.

And my journey was reflected in the sky.

Clouds nearing the end of our walk – Photo: L. Weikel


Things Look Different – Day 668

Photo: L. Weikel

Things Look Different

I took the two photos I’m including in tonight’s post within less than a minute of each other. The only change was the use of the zoom on my iPhone. While I do this a lot with a vast majority of the subjects I photograph – zoom in and out to see how much detail I can capture or what the big picture might tell about context – tonight’s two photos really caught my eye. Things look different.

Perhaps it’s just my mind struggling to make sense of the latest revelations billowing across the airwaves. Hearing our president admit, knowing he was being taped, that he was warned back in January of the colossal impact and likely devastation the Coronavirus was going to bring to our country. Hearing him relate to Bob Woodward in an eerily breathy and awestricken voice just how deadly and easily transmissible the virus is. And then recalling him telling us day after day the exact opposite of what he knew to be true.

It’s a lot.

And tonight’s clouds just felt like a darn good metaphor for what’s being revealed.

On the one hand, close up one can almost feel a bit of optimism. There’s some blue sky within the cross-hatch of the clouds, a bit of clarity. But if you look at the clouds a little more carefully, it’s as if they’re at cross purposes. Some seem clearly heading one way in the sky and another patch, almost within the realm of the first patch, seem intent on heading in the opposite direction.

Cross Purposes

One might imagine the view of the sky, if taken from a wider, more expansive perspective, might reveal even more hope; a bit more blue sky. More options.

Usually, when we ‘stop and take a step back’ we find some sense of reassurance or perspective.

I didn’t feel that tonight, especially when I got home and looked more carefully at the two photos. Nor did I feel it when I paid attention for the first time tonight to the latest ‘breaking news’ in what has become a fire hose of ugly revelations. But the thing is, the revelations are not a total surprise. If you were paying attention, the clouds at cross purposes were there all along.

We wanted to focus on the slivers of blue sky, the stark and dramatic outlines of the trees along the horizon.

If we’d adjusted our sights, taken a step back, we just might have caught wind of the blanket of darkness escaping our perception.

Then again, on second thought, perhaps it all looks rather bleak.

Photo: L. Weikel


Bummed Out – Day 640

Weird Clouds Lurking – Photo: L. Weikel

Bummed Out

I’m not having any luck seeing Perseids this year. I may go out again tonight after I post this, and there’s still tomorrow night, too. But it just feels like I’m being thwarted by high, thin clouds that are just opaque enough to prevent me from seeing any meteors. I’m bummed out about that.

We did get a good walk in tonight, though. At first I didn’t think we’d get in a longer one since there were flash flood warnings earlier in the day. We decided to risk it, though. Thank goodness the oppressive humidity lightened just enough as we did a long walkabout to make it bearable – and then the sky actually became entertaining.

August Beauty – Photo: L. Weikel

I’m finding myself sitting here writing to you about the clouds we were oohing and ah-ing over as we walked this evening. I’ve deleted most of what I wrote. It would probably serve us all more if I just shared the photos I took.

The sky wore many masks today. Sometimes only a minute or two would go by and the tone and tenor of the entire world above our heads transformed.

August Beauty One Minute Later – Photo: L. Weikel

While there was plenty of entertainment playing out in the sky, there was a part of me that was a bit melancholy and distracted.

I find myself still feeling that way now. Sadly, those emotions generally serve to stunt my inspiration.

So I’m just going to share with you the many faces of the sky this afternoon and this evening, and hope that inspiration gives me another look tomorrow.

Have a wonderful 13th day of August.

Stunning – Photo: L. Weikel


Polar Bear – Day 630

Photo: L. Weikel

Polar Bear

I don’t have much time to get this post written this evening. But I’m at least relieved that I can include some cool photos I took this evening. For a good portion of our walk tonight, Karl and I were accompanied by a polar bear and her cub.

To be honest, when I took the photos, I didn’t notice the cub. But I sure noticed it when I sent the photos to my laptop.

The beams of light emanating from the big bear’s head were a sight to behold. And to be honest, I took a bunch of photos of a variety of towering, gilt-edged formations that were sparking our imagination in a myriad of ways.

But then we rounded the corner and immediately noticed the polar bear walking along beside us.

Photo: L. Weikel

I don’t have time to look up the various meanings or messages that Polar Bear might be bringing. But truth be told, it simply felt like she was accompanying us on our journey. I’m delighted to realize, now, that her cub was along for the ride as well.

Finally, the moon becomes full after midnight tonight. But when I took her photo this evening, she sure looked like she was full already. Just in case it’s cloudy tomorrow, I have a great shot to share from tonight!

Here’s to traveling the first week of August together. At least we have our Polar Bear companions!

Photo: L. Weikel


Blown Away – Day 606

Visible Breath of the Wind – Photo: L. Weikel

Blown Away

Karl and I took a walk early this evening and noticed that the clouds seemed particularly expressive. Not in the massive, billowy, rather threatening way the thunderheads have been of late. The clouds today were of a much more playful nature, some even bordering on the whimsical. And then…I was blown away.

I didn’t realize I was going to have such a reaction when I took the photo. In fact, there’s a reason I speak in the first-person singular, above, and that’s because Karl will only be seeing the photo that just blew me away when he reads this post tomorrow morning.

Fodder For the Blog

Karl’s gotten used to the fact that our walks are the saving grace of my 1111 devotion. (Yeah…remember that? Can you believe I’m at 606 with only 505 left to write?) Actually, it’s not so much our walks per se that are the inspiration for a lot of my posts. It’s the photos I take along the way. The photos capture the inspiration that Mother Earth and, to be fair, equally or even more often Father Sky, provide. They are the Creative Team that actually make my posts possible. But you knew that.

As a result, I’m always passing Spartacus’s leash to Karl to hold while I capture moments in my iPhone like fireflies in a jar. Only the photos are better since I don’t have to poke holes in the top of my iPhone and, better yet, the photos don’t end up belly up the next morning.

But they do sometimes yield surprises. There have been many photos that revealed faces or figures that I only saw long after I got home, that ended up inspiring posts.

Spiral – Photo: L. Weikel

Well, as I mentioned, tonight’s clouds seemed especially playful and light. Like this spiral: long and drawn out, stretching across the sky in a straight line – but most definitely a spiral. It’s fascinating to contemplate the winds aloft that created such a cloud.

The photo at the top of this post reminded me of breath made visible as it’s blown across the sky.


And then there’s this photo, below. Wow. I took it simply because the shapes looked weird to me. I walked into a field to capture the full effect because I didn’t want telephone wires in the foreground. Karl half grumbled that he’d have to do a ‘tick check’ on me because of my venture into the tall grass just to take a shot of more clouds.

But what’s particularly fascinating to me is that I did not actually ‘See’ what this photo now seems to broadcast so obviously. Maybe I’m tired and seeing what I want to see. It’s possible, I suppose. But the magic of this photo popped out at me tonight when I went to send it from my phone to my computer. It gave me chills when I saw it. And the magic turned into the subject of this post.

I was blown away – not unlike when the Easter egg ‘happened.’

See for yourself and make your own decision:

Karl Cloud – Photo: L. Weikel



Best Easter Egg Ever – Photo: L. Weikel

Thanks, Karl, my son. Love you. Miss you.


Chill Out – Day 599

Old Man In Repose Among the Clouds – Photo: L. Weikel

Chill Out

Ha ha – I’m undoubtedly dating myself with the title to this post. Meh – that’s ok. There could be a lot worse phrases from my youth that I could proffer at this moment. “Chill out,” seems to be one of the most benign.

All the signs are here. We’re receiving a message. Are we listening?

Even the dramatic change we’re experiencing in the weather appears to be making a statement. (Of course, I’m speaking for eastern Pennsylvania, but I’m pretty sure many other places are getting a similar message.) It was oppressively hot today. And if the Weather Channel is worth its salt, we apparently have many more days ahead of us, all in a row, to practice our ability to remain calm, cool, and collected in the midst of one shit storm after another.

Even Walking Was Rough

We put off walking until the last possible moment this evening. And even then the heat took a toll on all of us. Spartacus panted the whole way and we only did our two mile jaunt.

Meanwhile, Sheila’s been sitting out on our walks for several days now, only managing to stroll up the road a piece and back again. Just enough to get her system moving enough to qualify as a ‘constitutional.’

Taking Cues From The Man

When I saw this guy so obviously in repose in the sky yesterday, I had to take his photo. I knew he was bringing all of us a message.

It’s time to stay home. Kick back. Stay cool. Read a book. Wear a mask.


I’m taking my cues from the Man In the Sky: “Chill out.” I suggest we all heed his advice while we can.

Old Man in Repose Close Up – Photo: L. Weikel


Beauty – Day 595

Anniversary Clouds – Photo: L. Weikel


What a day we enjoyed today, mostly just hanging out with each other. Isn’t that the beauty of a relationship that’s celebrating 40 years of official togetherness? (We knew each other for three years before we tied the knot, so there are a few years of ‘unofficial’ togetherness, too…wink wink.)

But honestly, the best part about Karl and our relationship is how much I enjoy just being with him. Sitting on the porch, reading together, picking cards, laughing, snarking, watching the birds, cursing the squirrels, dreaming more dreams, wondering what’s next on our adventure agenda.

Anniversary Clouds 2 – Photo: L. Weikel

We really only did two things today: (1) We purchased a wonderfully deep and melodic wind chime, something of beauty to remind us of our milestone every day; and (2) took a walk. Of course. Because it’s the sacred little things we do that make all our lives both magical and worth the effort.

I share with you the blockbuster clouds that accompanied us on our journey today.

Love to all of you who sent us a happy thought or two today. We mirror them back to you with joy!

And hang on to your hats, everyone. I have a feeling this week is going to be…raucous.

Anniversary Sunset – Photo: L. Weikel


Look Up – Day 548

What I saw when I looked up – Photo: L. Weikel

Look Up

I realize many of you are starting to gain an appreciation for my fixation on clouds. Karl teased me this morning about what I wrote about them in last night’s post, but you know what? I’m standing my ground. Or maybe, more appropriately, I’m standing my ground but keeping my head in the clouds.

As we took our walk early this evening, I of course was enchanted once again by the most peculiar shapes of clouds that were contorting themselves above the fields. It was hard to imagine the dynamics of the air aloft that would create such convoluted shapes.

Nevertheless, today, I found myself resisting ‘seeing’ anything specific in those shapes other than their innate beauty.

Weird clouds – Photo: L. Weikel

A Rare Moment

All along our walk today, I found myself looking up. Maybe it’s a metaphor. Maybe there’s something within my being that wants ‘things’ to be looking up. Or maybe I just want a change in perspective.

I don’t think it really matters one way or another. The point is that I looked up as we walked through one of our oft-frequented ‘tree tunnels,’ and I felt awe sweep over me.

The photo at the top of this post is what I saw.

I grant you – in the grand scheme of things, perhaps it is one of the least special photos I’ve taken or shared. But just the way the trees framed the periwinkle blue of the sky brought a rare moment of peace to my heart and soul.

And then we turned the corner – and the clouds performed.

Weird clouds from afar – Photo: L. Weikel
