What a wonderful lineup of gourd-gutting creativity! Behold the 2020 Blue Moon Halloween Pumpkin Array.
I’d like to be chattier tonight but it’s not in the cards. Upon reflection, I have to laugh at that statement. Not only am I not feeling conversational, I’m not picking any cards for us, either.
But that’s at least partially because I feel we got a lot to chew on with last night’s cards. I did not get a chance to sit quietly and engage in any reflection today, so I’m hoping to find some time tomorrow. You know…we have that whole extra hour to indulge in.
There are new stories and reports of clashes between supporters of the two presidential candidates, as well as some rather horrific descriptions of people marching in solidarity to the polls in North Carolina, only to be met by pepper spray and arrests.
Hang on, I have to check my calendar. What year is this?
The tension everywhere is palpable. I’ve actually had to remind myself several times today to just disengage from my thoughts, look up at the sky, the clouds, the sunset, the moon, and just breathe.
It helped. So I remind you, too. Look up. Breathe deep. Smile.
Mystic Art Medicine Oracle Cards by Cher Lyn – “Dreamtime”
Blue Taurus Moon
I’m sure most of us are aware that in less than ten hours (10:49 a.m. E.T. on Saturday, October 31, 2020), we will be experiencing a full moon in the sign of Taurus. It’s in Taurus because the sun is in Scorpio – and a full moon occurs when the sun and moon are in opposition, or on opposite sides of the zodiac (opposite each other from the perspective of Earth). And to make this day even more powerful, it’s actually a blue Taurus moon because it is the second full moon occurring within the same month.
I actually wrote about this month’s ‘first’ full moon, which occurred on October 1st (in the sign of Aries, since the sun was in Libra). One of my suggestions in that post was to pay attention to what was unfolding in our lives at the beginning of each week, because numerologically, each week in October can bring a foreshadowing of what we might expect in each of the quarters of the coming year.
To be honest, I didn’t consciously think about what was unfolding at each quarter phase of the moon this month, but I’ve left myself some clues (these posts being at least somewhat of a reference point, as well as my journal entries). I’m hoping all of you are keeping journals too, or are at the very least jotting down on a calendar or something a few memories or reference points to important experiences you’re having throughout these extraordinary times.
I know I’m like a broken record on this subject, but I promise you, your future self will never regret that you left it mnemonic breadcrumbs. Never.
Full Moon and Weekend Focus
I pulled two cards for us in contemplation of the power of this full moon, landing as it is on Halloween, and this being the final weekend before this momentous election on Tuesday.
What should we be focusing upon, I asked Spirit. I consulted the Mystic Art Medicine Oracle Cards by Cher Lyn, which have been such powerful guideposts for us these past several months.
The top card I chose was Dreamtime.
Dreamtime – “Aboriginal Dream”
Dream into your world with a song
Awaken your Heart’s vibration…
You do belong…
Cosmic Stars shine from above…
The Earth’s held in balance,
The Earth’s held in love.
The Aboriginal sends his sounds
Through the didgeridoo
Into the Earth, me and you…
—Cher Lyn
“Aboriginal people believe the true source of the mind is in the inspirational reality of the Dreamtime. In the painting of “Aboriginal Dream,” the Aborigine’s body is ceremonially decorated. He holds his didgeridoo connecting Earth and sky through vibration. He sends energy into the Earth symbolizing the integration of light into matter. Healing happens through the ancestors’ love all working together with the Goddess of Creation to help bring us back into harmony. The Aboriginal Dreamtime medicine is in the Earth’s heart and spirals, rocks, the oceans, cosmic universe and the sky.
It is important to take notice of your dreams. There lie within hidden messages. (…)
Choosing this medicine cards suggests you follow the Aboriginal into the Dreamtime and explore the otherworldly mysteries unfolding for you. The power to dream is the power to participate in the creation matrix that is only found within you. Hidden messages from ancient times cross over through and into your past, present and future time continuum. Awaken in your Dreamtime wisdom. Create and play in infinite potential.”
Mystic Art Medicine Oracle Cards by Cher Lyn – “Integration”
The “foundation” card I chose (which is what I call the card that’s on the bottom of the deck when I make a selection) was Integration.
Integration – “Rainbow Blesser”
A command for our souls, all parts to return.
I call in God’s tribes to integrate these sides,
Easily and gently, let peace within reside.
—Cher Lyn
“The image shown is from the upper portion of the painting “Rainbow Blesser.” An Indigenous profile of a man wears his Godhead as a headdress. His vertebra surrounding the spinal cord is aligned with vibrant colors associated with the chakras. His healing hand tattooed with a six-pointed star is integrated with a heart, sending love energies to the Earth’s children. The vision of Rainbow Blesser brings in the birth of the rainbow tribe creating healing, unity, and Integration into One.
The Hopi Indians believe that each of the world’s religions contains a thread and that these threads are always seeking each other. Integrally woven like a rope that will pull us out of this dark world and into the next. We all share an identical need to feel love. No matter what color the skin or how different the dress and how you perceive the behavior, there is no real significant division between others and us. Our basic nature is the same.
Inside each and every one of us, our core is entirely whole and complete. Yet, on the exterior everything is fragmented and appearances can seem strange. (…)
You do not need a new dogma to believe in. Inside at your core, you are perfect. You can always cultivate a stronger sense of compassion and tolerance towards yourself and others. Inspire unity in your consciousness. Each of us carries an aspect, clue, or piece of existence on how Creation works. Individually first, then collectively we come together to bring humanity into wholeness.
My Take
Yet again, we’re being asked to dream our reality into being. This is important for us to do this weekend, particularly at the powerful time of this blue moon.
At the very foundation of what we’re dreaming into being is our knowledge, at our core, that WE are the RAINBOW TRIBE that yearns to bring humanity together.
Doesn’t it just figure that this most provocative and transformative year of 2020, October plays host to two full moons? The first full moon was today, October 1st. And of course the second one will be on, you guessed it, Halloween. Because what could possibly be more in keeping with the year 2020 than having a so-called “Blue Moon” occur on Halloween?
Tonight’s moon, which I’m dubbing Sheila’s Moon (just because), was especially photogenic. I actually took the photos I’m including in tonight’s post last night. I’m glad I did, because the sky clouded over this evening before I had a chance to experience her in all her glory.
I did, however, encounter a Cloud Woman this evening, running across the sky with arms flung back, her long hair streaming after her. She appeared to me to be running with abandon – not in fear, but rather in joyful delight that she had such gorgeous fields to be skimming over, toward a sunset that could melt the hardest heart with its sumptuous colors.
Cloud Woman Racing Across the Sky – Photo: L. Weikel
Joyful Abandon
Yes indeed, joyful abandon is the emotion I sensed emanating from this Cloud Woman racing across the sky. In fact, it’s possible she was prancing ahead of the rising full moon as a sort of curtain-raiser or cosmic warm-up act for the main event.
And perhaps she is dancing October into our awareness. If that’s the case, it occurs to me that we might want to engage in some quick reflection and notation. What do we notice at the edges of her skirt that she may be whooshing into our life?
Cloud Woman From Afar – Photo: L. Weikel
Indeed, let’s pay attention to, hone, and take stock of our perceptions! Take a few minutes to honor yourself and your feelings by jotting down what’s going on in your life as we experience this Harvest Moon at the inception of October. What thoughts occupy your mind? What hopes and dreams are you contemplating? Of course, there’s a lot about the outside world that you might want to document for posterity. But what’s also going on in your personal life? What emotions are you experiencing? What musings do you have about your life, your relationships, your place in the world?
When you think about the range of possible changes in your life, let them flow onto the page. From a numerological perspective, I’ve been taught by Alison Baughman that it behooves all of us to pay particular attention to what unfolds in our lives during October (yes, of every year), because October, being the 10th month, is a ‘1’ month – and hence is a reflection of what we might expect in our year ahead.
So as we skip across the sky with our Cloud Woman, perhaps we can set a little reminder for ourselves to take stock each week – perhaps at every quarter phase of the moon as she dances from full to full – and pause to reflect and record our perceptions of what’s going on around us, both globally and intimately. Each week might reflect what we can expect for each quarter of 2021.
It could be a fun exercise. It’s possible we might see one expression of a situation or issue or relationship now and see a shifting of that into a higher octave next year. The trick is documenting it now and then tracking it later.
Full Moon to Full Moon
But first let’s just see how this wild and wonderful October plays out on its own. What will we be thinking about and experiencing just four short weeks from now when the Blue Moon beams its light upon us on All Hallow’s Eve? We think we won’t forget these times, but I guarantee: so much is flying at us every single day, we will be astonished and grateful for having kept track. And you never know how our perceptions might change if we give ourselves permission to take the time to notice what’s really going on in our lives.