Odd Ducks – Day 1054

Mergansers? Odd Ducks – Photo: L. Weikel

Odd Ducks

Another month is over. Only three remain in 2021. Campaign signs are sprouting up on lawns and proliferating in the ‘unoccupied territories’ of weeds near stop signs. It seems like nothing changes. And yet, at the same time, we know everything does. We know it and yet a part of us works overtime to remain in denial. We humans are odd ducks indeed.

One thing that’s changed dramatically since last week is the weather. Suddenly it’s fall. There’s an unmistakable shift in the air. It’s crisper. And the light? It’s gone by 7:15 p.m.  All of which means it’s time to start thinking about hunkering down.

Photo: L. Weikel

Quick Reminder

Since we’re starting a new month tomorrow (today by the time you read this), it’s incumbent upon me to remind you of your opportunity to enter into active relationship with Nature and the spirits of your land (no matter where you live) to create balance and minimize the effects of climate change.

Yes, I’m reminding you to whip out your Essence of Perelandra bottle and engage in the Essence of Perelandra Biodiversity Project. It literally takes no more than five minutes to employ this process yet the impact is profound. And it has a cumulative effect, so no matter when you start, know that every time you do it, you’re reinforcing your connection with the appropriate nature spirits and making life better for all Beings.

It amazes me to realize I’ve been writing about the EoP Biodiversity Project for over two years. Perhaps it’s because it’s so simple, people are inclined to think it’s not powerful. And yet…

Handsome Young Buck – Photo: L. Weikel

They Need Us to Care

I ran into this guy the other day (luckily not literally). I just love his antlers. They seem so young and tentative, and yet he is the model of virility. I was pleased he allowed me to get so close to him.

It’s time to use our power for good. If we see dithering elsewhere, we need to get to the point. We’re being asked to walk our talk. It’s time.


Collective Action – Day 993

Luna Moth Caterpillar – Photo: L. Weikel

Collective Action

It’s been a long time since I wrote about one of the simplest ways available to engage in collective action to combat the effects of climate change. Participating in the Perelandra EoP (Essence of Perelandra) Biodiversity Project is easy, simple, and – from my perspective – effective.

I’ve only reminded you of this project once in 2021! But I have to say, after the intense weather events we’ve been experiencing lately, it’s crossed my mind a number of times that this process could very well be shifting something ever so subtly so that the ravages of climate change are felt just a little bit less on our land.

Some Observations

One thing I’ve noticed since I began engaging in the EoP Biodiversity Project has to do with rainwater. Specifically, the effects of the massive rainstorms we’ve been having seem to have lessened a bit. Our cellar still gets wet, but the water doesn’t seem to reach the inordinate depths it used to. (Thank goodness.) Funny thing is, I think there’s been more rain than there used to be when the cellar would flood worse.

Another example of the possible balancing effects of engaging in the EoP Biodiversity Project on the 1st of every month is the health of our birds. I’ve been keeping a hawk eye (ha ha) on our songbirds and so far so good. All my winged ones seem to be enjoying robust good health.

I’m also cautiously optimistic about the Spotted Lanternfly’s apparent (hopefully) dwindling population. I hope I’m not feeling too confident too early, but the signs (or lack thereof) seem auspicious.

So Easy

It occurs to me that it’s possible that the five minutes I take on the 1st of every month to walk outside, set the intention (the exact words and steps are provided on the Perelandra website), put drops in a spoon, shift the energy to the intention, and give thanks is bringing all the elements and life forms associated with our land into better balance between each other. As balance is achieved between everything that lives here, the land as a whole has an opportunity to heal itself and make adjustments to deal with the rapidly changing climate.

A cool part of this process is that I don’t act all ‘top of the food chain’ know-it-all when it comes to dealing with the rest of the Intelligence that exists on and in this land. Nope. I simply set the intention to ask for and provide strength and support to counter and reverse climate change stress and the resulting loss and extinction of (my personal environment’s) biodiversity.

Ultimately, it seems to me that I’m basically just getting out of the way and facilitating Nature taking care of Herself. This process may very well just be ‘busy work’ to make the human feel like she’s doing something. But you know what? I appreciate that.

I want to be part of the solution instead of wasting time feeling guilty for being part of the problem. Engaging in the monthly Project is such a simple way to give back to the land that supports you every day of your life.

Give it a try! Engage with your unique Nature Spirits.

If you don’t have any Essence of Perelandra on hand, please consider investing in a small bottle now so you can join me – and those across the world who are participating – next month.


Welcome September – Day 293

Essence of Perelandra – Photo: L. Weikel

Welcome September

Wow. Well, here we are, slipping into the home stretch of 2019.

Yes, I realize we’re not even in the final quarter of the year. But we all know that the season of returning to school marks an inevitable acceleration in the passage of time. Days, weeks, and months just fly by from now on.

EoP Biodiversity Project

Before I forget, I want to remind you now (because tomorrow night – at least by the time I publish my post – will be too late) to take five minutes out of your day to engage the simple protocol of the Essence of Perelandra (EoP) Biodiversity Project, which I wrote about some ten days ago or so.

Hopefully you took advantage of the great deal Perelandra was offering several days ago that offered a discount on Essence of Perelandra. If any of you visited the Perelandra website and read the instructions for engaging in this protocol on the first day of every month, you would realize just how simple it is. It literally takes five minutes at the most. And yet it is energetically linking up with all the other people in the world who are engaging in the protocol on the 1stof the month.

After working with the Perelandra products for three decades, and witnessing the efficacy of Machaelle Small Wright’s work and communication with nature spirits and how these efforts hae translated into my life and experience, I urge you to give this a try. It’s a small step, a seemingly innocuous step; but sometimes the smallest can also be the most powerful. If you do this for Mother Earth, you never know what you will find yourself discovering for yourself.

Why I Write About This

I just want you to know that I am not receiving anything of value for my writing about Perelandra. I’m letting you know about this process, as well as the existence of Perelandra and its pretty fascinating history and uniqueness because it’s something that’s right underneath our noses that the vast majority of people have never even heard of. And since I have had the great fortune to work with these products (as well as have the support and encouragement to learn how to communicate with nature spirits), and have felt the benefit to my own health and well-being, I’m actually excited to be offering you an alternative to achieving and maintaining optimum health – as well as an incredibly unique connection with nature.

I care.
