Portals – Day 995

Two of Wands – Rider, Waite, Smith deck – Photo: L. Weikel


A friend asked me the other day about the concept of portals and the number 11. After I mentioned the connection between the two in a recent post, she wondered whether the connection between 11s and portals is consistent between astrology, numerology, and shamanic work (where traveling between realms is an essential aspect of the tradition).

As an artist, she could easily see how the number 11 resembles the two sides of a doorway. But her question plumbed far deeper than the superficial observation.

In my experience, two pillars, but possibly two of almost anything depending upon context, often evoke the energetic desire of the observer to go through or between them. There’s an etheric barrier implied, an energetic tension between the two columns, that beckons to be pierced.

Maybe it’s the tendency for us humans to be fixated on duality that fosters this sense. We tend to see duality all over the place: in/out, up/down, male/female, black/white. So of course if there’s a threshold in front of us, there’s the tendency for us to think in terms of here/there.


A doorway intuitively leads us from here to there. So it’s a significator; it announces to us that we are leaving where we’ve been and entering new or different territory.

I can’t remember where or from whom I first learned that 11s are portals. I think it was probably more of a symbolic association than anything else. But as soon as I began my metaphysical studies almost 40 years ago, I realized how prevalent is the consideration of 11s as something special.


As I’ve mentioned in other posts, it took me a long time to feel comfortable exploring the tarot. But once I realized its value as an amazing means of accessing psychological and spiritual insight, the symbolism – when I gave myself permission to free associate – seemed to just fall into place intuitively. Although when I reread that sentence, I wonder if it was the development of my confidence in my ability to intuit symbols that finally helped me appreciate the value of the tarot.

Hmm. A thought for another time.

All I can say at this moment in time is that pondering this question has made me pull out a bunch of 11s in just one tarot deck. I want to use them as examples of how they lead from one state of reality, understanding, awareness, or experience to another.

But it’s taking me down a rabbit hole and I realize I don’t have nearly enough time to explore this and have some fun with it.


Suffice it to say for the moment that I have a special relationship to 11s. Not only do I have 11s showing up for myself numerologically, but of course Karl died on 11/11/11. I’ve always felt he couldn’t resist all the portals that showed up in front of him – so he went through and didn’t return.

For now, I’m just going to comment on how the Two of Wands, pictured above, shows a person on the brink of moving out into a whole new world. He just needs to go through the doorway formed by the Wands on either side of him. It’s his choice. The world is in his hands.

And there’s a lot more for us to explore.


Mother’s Day Message – 546

Buttercup – Photo: L. Weikel

Mother’s Day Message

Since I finally revealed just the other day the most profound and reliable way Karl uses to communicate with me since he drowned on 11/11/11, I thought I might share with you my most recent experience of this connection.

Mind you: I never know when it’s going to happen, although he almost always ‘comes through’ on days of special meaning or when I’m feeling particularly raw or vulnerable. So it wasn’t as if I was expecting to hear from him today. In fact, since the communications seem to be getting fewer and further between as the years go by, I rarely expect and only sometimes hope to hear from him anymore. I guess, deep down, I feel his soul has moved on and is busily engaged elsewhere.

Setting the Scene

I was driving to the local health food store this morning to pick up my weekly milk delivery. As I was driving up the road from my home, about a mile away, I received a text from my middle son, wishing me a happy Mother’s Day and telling me he loves and appreciates me. I see the text and my heart swells. Of course, I don’t respond; I’m driving. I just…smile to myself.

I do not have any idea what song had been playing on my iPhone at that time (through my car’s stereo system), but it ended. Right then. And a new song started playing. As soon as I heard the first chord, I felt it in my heart. And then I heard the words:

Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad?


Why does my heart feel so bad?
Why does my soul feel so bad?

Why does my heart feel so bad?
Why does my soul feel so bad?

Why does my heart feel so bad?
Why does my soul feel so bad?

He’ll open doors
He’ll open doors
He’ll open doors
He’ll open doors

He’ll open doors
He’ll open doors
He’ll open doors

He’ll open doors
He’ll open doors
He’ll open doors

Why does my heart feel so bad?
Why does my soul feel so bad?

Why does my heart feel so bad?
Why does my soul feel so bad?

He’ll open doors
He’ll open doors
He’ll open doors
He’ll open doors
He’ll open doors…

Source: LyricFind


I’ll be honest. I played it twice. OK. Maybe three times. Whatever. It got me up to the store, where I went in, got my milk, and returned to the car.

The Journey Home

Yeah. My heart was hurting. But I felt that Karl’s heart was hurting too. In fact, it felt like he sent that to me to hear, right after M sent me that text, because Karl couldn’t reach out and touch me, hug me, again.

But I have to admit – reading the lyrics when I got home and started writing this post, I’m sort of, well, in awe.

As I drove home, though, I decided not to dwell on how much either of our hearts were hurting. So I just let the next song play.

And there it was. Another message. Exactly what I needed him to follow up with: Give Me Love, by George Harrison. And I venture to say, we all need as much hope and help coping with this heavy load as we can get.

Give Me Love (Lyrics)

Give me love
Give me love
Give me peace on earth
Give me light
Give me life
Keep me free from birth
Give me hope
Help me cope, with this heavy load
Trying to, touch and reach you with
Heart and soul
Om m m m m m m m m m m m m m
M m m my lord . . .
Please take hold of my hand, that
I might understand you
Won’t you please
Oh won’t you
Give me love
Give me love
Give me peace on earth
Give me light
Give me life
Keep me free from birth
Give me hope
Help me cope, with this heavy load
Trying to, touch and reach you with
Heart and soul
Om m m m m m m m m m m m m m
M m m my lord . . .
Please take hold of my hand, that
I might understand you

Source: Musixmatch
Songwriters: Shahin George / Rainey Fatima Lorencz / Rakascan Marko
Give Me Love lyrics © Universal Music- Mgb Songs


Thanks, Karl. I love you – and your brothers – so very, very much. Your communication was a gift of heart and soul.

I’m doing my best to listen – and I hope I understand you.


Final Full Moon of the Decade – Day 395

Rising Full Moon (peaked 12:12 a.m., 12/12/2019) – Photo: L. Weikel

Final Full Moon of the Decade

Surely you know me well enough now to figure there’d be no way I could let this full moon take place this evening, reaching its apex just past midnight (Eastern Standard Time), without mentioning it.

I’m fairly dedicated to keeping track of the moon’s phases. I’ve found that the satellite that causes our tides and, in fact, holds a great deal of sway over all the liquids on our planet (from the seas to our own blood, to even the fluidity of our emotions) has a much bigger impact on our day to day lives than most care to admit.

Many people don’t even realize the moon’s influence on our lives. They literally could not tell you where it rises or where it sets; what phase it is in on any given day; and rare is the person who could offer the astrological sign it is in (especially since it moves through a sign every 2.5 days).

Frozen full moon – stars and frozen drops of snow on branches; Photo: L. Weikel

But the sense that this full moon is particularly momentous is probably lingering in the back of the minds of many – even those who would not ordinarily pay attention to that massive orb in the night sky. That’s because the moon will reach her fullest at 12:12 a.m. EST on the 12thday of the 12thmonth of 2019 (which, if you fancy your numerology, which you know I do) adds up to 12 (2+0+1+9)*. And on some level, just as people always seem to get a little, shall we say wackier? intense? during a full moon regardless of whether they know it is a full moon, I suspect almost everyone is feeling a tickle around their edges tonight.

Personally Speaking

For myself, though, I have to say all these 12s remind me of all the 11s I was so keenly aware of on 11/11/11. I recall sitting within my mesa at 11:11 a.m. (EST), holding space and clearing my mind, not having the slightest clue that my life would change cataclysmically at 11:11 p.m. (PST) that evening.

So, while I tend to be a ‘glass half full’ kinda girl, I’d be less than completely honest if I denied feeling the tiniest bit of trepidation at this grand parade of numbers.

The truth is, it feels momentous. The truth is, even though you can argue that the 12:12 timing, at least, is less than momentous given that it is only one time zone out of 24, especially when you’re living in that time zone – it feels significant.

And there are, of course, a plethora of ‘takes’ on what this full moon portends. There is Hare in the Moon, Chani Nicholas, and my favorite guy who makes me laugh while listening to his insight, Kaypacha. But they all pretty much agree that this full moon, in conjunction with all the other intense astrological aspects the planets are making to each other, portends great change.

Full moon far afield – Photo: L. Weikel


Cleansing and Releasing

For my part, I’ve opened Sacred Space and am allowing my mesa to bask in the intensity of Mama Killa’s light. Using my mesa and the khuyas (sacred stones) that are contained within it as proxies for me and various aspects of myself and my life, I am surrendering to the power and wisdom of letting go of what no longer serves me. I’m asking Her to burn off the dross.

This is also the final full moon of a decade that, from my perspective, has been filled with blindsides. I wish to shake off the detritus of this decade in order to enter the 20s with renewed hope, refreshed vision, and an abundance of joyful energy.

Ah yes…

It is now 12:21. My time outside was magical. If you didn’t get a chance to go outside tonight, I hope you will give yourself that gift tomorrow night. Even if only for five minutes, go outside. Look up. Be still. Give thanks.

I’m ready to complete this post and hit ‘publish.’ For whatever reason, as I stood outside in the stark brilliance of the FULL moon minutes ago, I felt compelled to wish peace to all Beings who are suffering in any way. May we all let go of the burdens we’ve accumulated this decade, especially those that weigh heavy on our hearts.

*And yes, of course, this means that we are being inundated with 3s, since 12 reduces to a 3. But I don’t want to go down that road at the moment.


Day Eighteen (T-1093)



This morning I was reminded by my favorite, most amazing, numerologist (who is also a friend), Alison Baughman, that today is yet another “11-11-11” day.

For those of you unfamiliar with the basics of numerology, you might be wondering how today, November 29, 2018, could be considered an 11-11-11 day.

Obviously, you realize that the first 11 is for November, the 11thmonth. The second 11 is the day today, the 29th, ‘reduced’ (2 + 9) to 11, and finally the year, 2018, also ‘reduced’ (2 + 0 + 1 + 8) to 11. That’s pretty much how you do anything in numerology as far as dates. Everything is added up to its lowest configuration between 1-9, unless you reach 11 or 22, which are considered “master numbers,” which do not reduce further (to 2 or 4, respectively).

There’s a ton of fascinating information you can access through numerology, and I urge you to explore it as a means to gaining yet another perspective on the quest to understanding yourself and why you are here, perhaps what lessons you are here to learn, as well as what skills and assets you bring to the table.

And yet again, I am the quintessential poster girl for the concept of  “a little bit of knowledge being a dangerous thing.” Don’t take my word for any of this. If playing with numbers is attractive to you, or you notice certain ones showing up frequently and wonder if there’s any meaning to it, take the time to learn about it. See for yourself if applying these principles bears fruit for you.

But back to the power of today.

Naturally, I am probably slightly more tuned in to the potential for transformation when it comes to 11s than a lot of people. Not only did my life change irrevocably on 11-11-11 (technically, yes, it was 11-11-2011), but it also turns out that I have 11s all over the place personally. Right down to the post office box that was assigned to me over 30 years ago adding up to an 11. It’s weird.

And despite my experience of 11-11-11, I actually love the number 11, probably because it is a number so deeply connected to me on so many levels. I see it, quite honestly, as the PORTAL, or doorway, that it is. A doorway to birth, rebirth, change, transformation, new experience, adventure, and yes, maybe even ascension.

So I felt a little bit of excitement quickening within when Alison reminded me (well, everyone following her on FB, to be honest) that today would almost certainly be a momentous day in some way because of its numerological significance. Indeed, all day I felt a sense of anticipation that we might be passing from one experience or understanding of ‘reality’ to another; that there might be revelation, or an exposition of us to light or information or profound change – either on a personal or much wider level.

And then the day started unfolding. Revelations abound. Lies are being exposed, light is illuminating the darkness, and perhaps – hopefully – truth is coming to the fore.

It is indisputable that we have passed through some major portals today as a nation, and it remains to be seen what will come of it all.

In some ways, perhaps, old beliefs and assumptions of what was true and what was not have died, making way for the birth of new understandings and perspectives. Ah, those alluring 11s. Those portals to our future…

I don’t know about you, but I am ready for some shifts in our reality. Walking through the portals may yield some really scary experiences and even feel like the death of some things (ideas, beliefs, hopes, fears), but ultimately, it is transformative. A rebirth.