February Moon – Photo: L. Weikel
Stuff Happens
Sometimes ‘stuff happens.’ And sometimes ‘nothin’ happens.’
Usually, on the nights that ‘nothin’ happens,’ there’s a reason for the nothin’ coming into being.
Tonight, however, I can tell you exactly what happened: I fell asleep.
I guess the past couple of days caught up to me. That’s probably the best guess I can make.
Primary Night
I suppose I could talk about the results of the New Hampshire primary. But actually, I figure my regular (thank you!) readers would prefer I write nothing at all. Ugh! Boring.
I know, I should probably care who wins, and I do care, to an extent. But honestly? Until the primaries start happening in states that are more representative of the actual demographic composition of our country, I’m just going to have to respond with a hearty, “Meh.”
Department of Justice
The other major story tonight is the horrific events unfolding in the Department of Justice. The bedrock of our country is our system of justice and the fundamental belief that it is essentially a fair system. Our current president, recently acquitted by a Senate whose Republican majority is a profile in cowardice and calumny, has succeeded in finally getting an Attorney General who will bring the wheels of justice to a halt – in his favor.
Our country is in peril.
I think I would rather go back to sleep. This is exhausting and depressing.