Solitary Bluebird Scoping Out the Feeders – Photo: L. Weikel
As I sit here pondering what I might write about tonight, I’m conflicted. On the one hand, I’m keeping abreast of the developments in Ukraine and can see the writing on the wall. Even more troubling than simply observing a map and noting how troops have been massing all along the border between Ukraine and Russia (and Belarus) is the commentary on how unhinged Putin sounded in his bellicose rant earlier today. I didn’t listen to it directly, but I did pay attention to the assessment made of his speech by our former Ambassador to Russia, Michael McFaul.
So, yes; I am paying attention. On the other hand, I would much prefer to focus upon the everyday delights that come from living in the country and witnessing the first furtive attempts of springtime to take hold.
I wonder if I’m feeling the way my parents may have felt when they read about or listened to accounts of the first invasions by Hitler. As much as our world has shrunk since those times, it is still true that bombs or artillery fire or the rumbling of tanks trampling everything in their path ‘over there’ is far too easy for us (as Americans) to ignore.
A Distraction
So here I am. I know there’s nothing direct or tangible I can do to have an impact on how the current crisis plays out. But I also know that doing my best not to get swept up in anxiety and fear, while maintaining awareness of what’s going on elsewhere in the world, can have a ripple effect as well.
There is a difference between affirmatively maintaining inner balance and tranquility in the face of dire circumstances and deliberately ignoring what’s going on beyond one’s own neighborhood. I’m reminded of the word that came up for us last week: Reverence.

Turkey Vultures – Photo: L. Weikel
Some Encounters
So it is with reverence for the cycle of life that I share the three photos I’m including in this post tonight.
The first is a not-so-great angle of a bluebird that came and sat on a branch just above my birdfeeders this morning. I’d just finished filling all the feeders and was luxuriating in the opportunity to sit on my porch and turn my face to the sun.
It’s odd for bluebirds to come to our feeders. They tend to flock and flitter through the open fields surrounding our home rather than hang out near the house. And this bluebird was all by his lonesome. He was literally the only bird anywhere near me at that moment – in spite of the abundance of seed available to all.
Above are some turkey vultures hanging out at an abandoned house about a mile from our home. It almost felt like they were picking the flesh off the carcass of the dwelling itself.
And finally, below, is a sweet photo I took of Pacha lounging on her daddy’s legs this evening.
I know I take these moments for granted – in spite of my efforts to appreciate and celebrate them. The thought of having to even entertain the idea of gathering up my precious four-legged family and a few family treasures, and then ‘evacuating’ to Canada is nearly impossible to fathom.
So I observe and attend to these parts of my life with reverence, in honor of those unable to do so at the moment. It’s the least I can do; but it is something.

Pacha just looking cute – Photo: L. Weikel