Cletus in rare pleasant mood – Photo: L. Weikel
Comfort Post
As you all know, I’m riveted by the Constitutional drama spooling out before our very eyes this week. But instead of discussing any of the abominably appalling details of what tried to pass for a defense of DT today, I’m electing instead to offer a comfort post.
I was going to title this Spartacus and the Pussycats, but – nah. My pets have no aspirations to emulate an early 70’s cartoon band, thank goodness. Nor would I condone them going on the road in the midst of a pandemic, even if they did. Somebody’s got to be the adult around here.
Instead, I’ll just give you some puppy and kitty cameos to make you smile.

Tigger Striking a Pose – Photo: L. Weikel
Fiddling While Rome Burns
I have to admit it feels just a little bit like I’m fiddling while Rome (or perhaps more accurately, D.C.) burns. But no. I don’t want to go there.
One place I will go, though, is to give a shout out to a young Penn State grad, Gabby Richards, who is the Communications Director for Representative Mary Gay Scanlon. She and Daniel Gleick, Communications Director for Representative Val Demings, wrote a letter on behalf of Congressional Staffers urging Senators to convict Donald Trump of inciting an insurrection.
What’s most remarkable about the effort of Gabby Richards and Daniel Gleick is the unprecedented nature of Congressional staffers taking a stand and speaking out on such an issue. I’d seen an interview featuring both of these staffers on Rachel Maddow on January 29th, when their letter had over 300 signatures. Tonight, however, Richards was interviewed again by Lawrence O’Donnell. She disclosed that she and Gleick had opened up the letter for additional signatures yesterday, I believe, and within an hour they had 100 additional signatures, and as of this evening they are up to 550 staffers entreating Senators to stand up for our Republic.

Precious Knows – Photo: L. Weikel
I will end this post here. You’ve essentially received a two-fer. Comforting photos of lovable pups and kitties, and a nod to some inspiring young people taking a stand and publicly entreating our representatives to Do. The. Right. Thing.

Spartacus Dreaming – Photo: L. Weikel