Explosive Potential – Day 1075

Brutus Giving Us the Side-Eye – Photo: L. Weikel

Explosive Potential

What an amazing full moon we’re experiencing this month. Perhaps I’m appreciating its magnificence more acutely because of the almost summer-like weather over the past few days. Or maybe it’s just that when I walk outside it’s almost bright enough to read a book. The pull of her energy is palpable. Weirdly, I feel both a sense of momentary limbo and simultaneous explosive potential.

I’d like to think chickens are making their way back home and will shortly be roosting. But at the same time, like many, I’m almost afraid to hope. Accountability, it seems, has become a quaint concept, applicable only to those who hold little or no power.

And yet I feel that undercurrent of power held by this moon. It feels even more powerful than the last – and I’m reminded that our beloved Spartacus departed on the last full moon. It’s only been a month. That shocks my sensibilities.

Every day, I walk with Brutus and Pacha back behind our barn. We make a point of stopping to say hi to Sheila and Spartacus – their ancestors, in a sense. If Sheila hadn’t been as amazing a dog as she was, we never would have had Spartacus – and we certainly never would’ve heeded his dream message and sought out these two pup-tarts.

All Over the Place

I realize my musings may seem all over the place this evening. For several days, I’ve wanted to pick a card to guide us through what’s coming, but was told to wait. Tonight feels different. Perhaps it’s the culmination of energies that a full moon represents. Maybe it’s just time.

What do we need to know right now and moving forward as we close out the month of October? I consulted the Witches’ Wisdom Tarot* by Phyllis Curott.

Strength – The Witches’ Wisdom Tarot by Phyllis Curott


Wisdom: The Pilgrim is awakening to her power. It courses through her from the ground up, sustaining and absolute. This force of Creation is an unfamiliar feeling and yet she knows it to be real and essential. It’s hope fulfilled, potential recognized, and all that is right in the world, and in her. But how does she summon it? Wield it? What purpose does it serve? Until she has the answers, she can’t unlock its magic.

There are challenges before her and time is growing short. For too long we have reared the force of nature, thought it red in tooth and claw, or thought ourselves uniquely superior. Separated from the Sacred, we have become wounded, unconcerned, and cruel. We have ascended through deomination – the mightiest predator of all – and now the world lies dying at our feet.

But Nature can’t be conquered, nor is there need to do so. The Pilgrim’s path has given her the Strength of the Goddess Artemis to heal what we have broken. She stands amid Nature’s glory and knows where real Strength comes from and whom it’s meant to serve: Creation’s infinite expressions that teach us of their divinity, and our own.

A quiet, hidden wood mouse, a blue-winged butterfly, an owl, a cat curled in the sunlight, an oak tree in the garden, the heather on the hill all guide the Pilgrim now, and she plunges into Life. She becomes a salmon, swimming strongly upstream, then, scrambling to a wooded shore, becomes a bear, a wolf, a moose, a black crow flying through the Air. Fit, strong, and confident, she is able to call upon the elements, upon wind and flame, Earth and rain, to dance with them, become like them, draw power from them. We wield unwavering sovereignty when the Earth and our body are inseparable.

The Pilgrim steps out of the shadows and into view. Humble and open-hearted, she has become a Speaker for Mother Earth, for her children, for all the peoples who cannot speak for themselves, but who can teach us what it means to live rightly to live as One. Her purpose is her Strength.

Essence: Challenges, courage, care. Hearth path. Purpose, action, service. Empowerment.

Counsel: Life is full of challenges that can fill you with doubt and fear. Are you good enough? Smart enough? If you wait to feel courageous, you may never act at all. Here’s the magic trick: Act even if you feel afraid and you will become strong. Leap, and on the other side you’ll find your courage. Face the worst and it will bring out your best. You’ll discover what you believe in and that you have power to do what’s right, even if it seems to put you on the losing side. Stand strong, stand for what’s right, speak from your heart. The path of the heart is the path of Strength. And whenever you doubt this, spend time in Nature. Let your heart open and feel yourself part of the whole Earth community that loves you, supports you, and knows what you really are: strong.

Magic: What do you believe in? Find that and you’ll find your magic and your Strength.

And underneath this magnificent card?

Ace of Water – The Witches’ Wisdom Tarot by Phyllis Curott

Ace of Water (Memory)

For the sake of brevity, and to promote perhaps a deeper reflection on the main card selected, I’m only going to offer the briefest recitation of the author’s explanation of this card.

Essence: Be fully present in your feelings – emotional, physical, instinctual

My sense

What better way for us to tap into what we truly believe in and value but to be fully present in our feelings? Over the next several days we may see the writing on the wall. We may realize at a gut-punch level that the status quo is truly unsustainable. We may find ourselves staring our destinies in the face and feeling, for possibly the first time ever, the utter make-or-break calamity unfolding all around us.

What is this full moon enlightening and revealing within each one of us? We must take a risk, look within, and embrace our purpose. We may discover it holds explosive potential.

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Trickery – Day 1074

An 8-point buck; I swear! – Photo: L. Weikel


I don’t know what it was about today, but things did not seem to be what they appeared. Or maybe it would be more accurate to say they didn’t appear to be what they were. Either way, the trickery with which I felt my eyes and brain were being teased was unexpected.

I think I was expecting the light of this powerful full moon to illuminate everything that needs to be seen, both easily and obviously. If we have been deceiving ourselves, then certainly it stands to reason that when the big reveal arrives, we should be able to recognize it. Right?

Well, maybe that’s not the way things really work. I don’t know.

Or maybe some things were being revealed while others were just messing with me. Or – a third option: maybe the ephemeral is the reality. Maybe what I take to be something certain and obvious actually isn’t.

A Better Look – Photo: L. Weikel



My first example of what I mean is the creature I encountered early this evening as I was driving home from the grocery store. The moon was just coming above the horizon and was filling the backdrop of blue-black sky with an eerie orange glow. I rounded a 90 degree turn and this was standing in the middle of the road. It took me by such surprise that I had to fumble for my iPhone – and even when I found it, I only managed to take this single photo.

I think it’s a chupacabra. And I think it usually disguises itself as an 8-point buck.

Sea Lion Amused at the Illusion – Photo: L. Weikel

Number Two

My second surreal moment today came while permitting myself a couple moments at the creek. The weather was flawless. Ha ha –  I take that back. In all the vastness of this perfect autumn day, one single cloud appeared in the middle of that cerulean sea. Even that moment felt like it was hinting that there’s more to what things than what meets the eye.

But the photo below took what felt like an inordinate amount of time to come into focus. It literally felt like my brain was doing that in-and-out with a telescopic lens that cameras do now. No matter how I looked at this photo, I couldn’t make heads nor tails out of it.

The wavy attempts to focus and make sense of what I was seeing did settle. And when they did, I very clearly saw the smiling Sea Lion sitting at the base of the portal –  err, I mean, the shimmering entrance to another world.

So, you tell me. What was revealed?  The truth of the way things really ‘are?’ A glimpse into another realm?

Which makes me also wonder what ‘the truth’ is about the things and circumstances I’m seeing now in other areas of my life. Am I engaging in trickery over myself?

Puppy Pic

Brutus Beefcake – Photo: L.Weikel


Shrouded In Shadow – Day 1073

Amazing Full Moon in Aries – Photo: L. Weikel

Shrouded In Shadow

The moon hasn’t even reached its peak fullness and copious amounts of light are starting to spill onto matters shrouded in shadow for years. From Oleg Derapaska to Steve Bannon, and even TFG himself, secrets are being revealed. It’s possible that the blindfold so relentlessly woven around our eyes is starting to unravel.

Of course, I don’t want to get ahead of myself. Those intent on corruption are adept at using the rule of law against those who are most committed to upholding it.

Nevertheless, my sense is that the more light is shone into the crevices, cracks, and unwashed nether regions of those who think they are above it all, the more grossed out we’ll be by the craven and blatant abuse of power exposed. Perhaps – just maybe – we’ll collectively be so appalled that the old way of doing things will finally collapse.

At the very least, we can hope that the light being spilled on so much this week by this full moon in Aries will mark the beginning of the end of this reign of terror and abuse of power. And gee, who knows? Maybe a forceful push from Mars squaring Pluto fans the fuse of the fifth square between Eris (the Goddess of Discord and Chaos) and Pluto (Ruler of the Underworld – all things hidden) this week will also lend (or force?) a hand.

Not technically full for another 15 hours or so – Photo: L. Weikel

So Much Support

All by itself this full moon would be powerful in its commitment to exposing that which has been hidden in darkness. But we also have both Jupiter and Mercury stationing yesterday and now moving forward. Lots of stuff will be exposed and communicated as a result of so much support from these two planets.

And again, while we’re seeing it play out on the big stage of the exploitation of our country’s good nature, it would serve all of us to take a moment (or many) to shine that light on the circumstances of our daily lives.

19 October 2021 – Photo: L. Weikel

What old thoughts and beliefs about yourself need to get reduced to rubble?

Come on. We have a lot of support to really call ourselves out on this. And if we don’t let the light show us what’s really there, if we don’t let go, we’re doomed to remain under the weight of its invisible, oppressive thumb. I know; I’m tired too. But the status quo is killing us. And ‘going along to get along’ doesn’t get us anywhere anymore.

Pacha (aka Eris) & Tigger – Photo: L. Weikel


State of Denial – Day 1072

What will the light reveal? – Photo: L. Weikel

State of Denial

The atmosphere of the world is feeling really dicey to me lately. Precarious. In a lot of ways, it feels like most of our country, at least, is in a deep state of denial. “Let’s pretend everything is the way it’s always been.” “Ignore the insurrectionists behind the curtain!” “It’s all an illusion. A scam. A hoax.” “We’re number one!”

For the past nine months or so, one planet after another has ‘gone retrograde,’ up to the point where Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, and Mercury were all seemingly going backwards in the sky at once. It doesn’t take an astrologer to intuit that this occurrence could indicate a time during which our forward momentum might get disrupted (to put it mildly).

For me personally, it’s felt like I’ve had some exciting insights and hatched some great ideas, but then found my attention being called elsewhere. I can see the need for radical transformation, not only in our country but in the world as well. Climate change is accelerating exponentially – just to name one crisis we share world-wide.

The foundations being shaken, the status quos being challenged, are not just ‘out there.’ They’re personal, too.

Change – Photo: L. Weikel

Things Are Shifting

Over the past couple of weeks, everything has started to shift again. One after another, the planets are screeching to a halt in their (illusory) backwards trek and grinding their gears to start moving forward again. It’s not pretty. And deep down, deep within our very own selves, we’re feeling the grind.

This all started just about nine months ago. Hmm. Just think. I wonder what we’ve been gestating. Looking around, it appears as though grievance-stoking has been a hot pastime. Elites operating with blatant impunity and not a single shred of accountability being levied upon anyone in power is gutting our system. Everywhere we look, division, hatred, and fear have replaced the concept of ‘e pluribus unum’ and the concomitant belief in us being stronger together.

So as these outer planets start ‘turning around,’ I wonder. What exactly will ‘moving forward’ bring to us? And this full moon arriving on Wednesday (the 20th) – just what will all that light reveal?

There’s been a concerted effort to not only keep a lid on progress in this country but also (I think we can all agree has become painfully obvious) drag us back to a halcyon past that never was.

Moving Forward

I have a feeling the last nine months or so were a chance for us to look at and really see (and hear) what’s going on all around us. It was a chance to start cleaning up our act and holding people, corporations, and other entities accountable for the decimation of practically everything we hold dear.

And since we’ve managed to essentially dither that time away? Well…I’m guessing we’re going to start reaping soon.

I don’t think there are enough puppy pictures in the world to make things ok. But I’m trying to hold up my end. So here: let’s take a lesson from Pacha and Brutus and hold onto each other as we enter this next phase of our evolution.

We need to hold onto each other – Photo: L.Weikel


Cold Snap – Day 1071

Cold Snap – Brutus & Pacha’s First Jackets – Photo: L. Weikel

Cold Snap

Yesterday afternoon’s wild line of storms that barged through our area ushered in an entirely new season. We’re now navigating some deliciously brisk fall weather! In fact, I’d almost go as far as to say we’re enjoying the first cold snap of the season. And let me tell you: there are two short-haired Boston Terrier puppies who take serious umbrage at this turn of events!

Pacha and Brutus are utterly worn out this evening. The sudden change in seasons wears us all out, pups. We humans can relate; at least I know the two-leggeds you’ve chosen to live with can.

Watching their reaction to the sudden shift in temperatures was fascinating. It started last night. Trying to get them to tinkle outside when it was not only raining but the temperature had dropped 30 degrees or so was, umm, frustrating. They obviously wanted no part of that nonsense.

Both of them immediately headed back onto the porch, demanding immediate re-entry into the warm (dry) house. It was a test of wills. Back and forth. Again and again. I have to give it to them (especially Pacha): they are stubborn. Ultimately, I’d say it was a draw, which isn’t exactly the best outcome, but oh well.

Sheila: Mother of a Grand Tradition of Warmth – Photo: L. Weikel

This Shivering

Oh my, let me tell you. The shivering we witnessed today! As it is, they’re tiny and adorable little Beings. But when they start trembling and looking up at you with those irresistible puppy eyes? Putty. You turn to putty. Naturally, lap time was essential.

I was quickly dispatched to locate some appropriate fall weather fashions to keep these sensitive loves warm. Sheila and Spartacus had long since grown out of any puppy-sized sweaters or coats. In fact, we walked so often and so religiously that they wore out most of their clothing. Spartacus was definitely wearing some threadbare ensembles last year.

The other day, Pacha balked at wearing a harness that required her to put her head through a loop. (Brutus couldn’t care less.) I was surprised to find a harness for her that just allows her to step into it. No over-the-head stuff involved. (Wow, these dogs are spoiled. Sheila and Spartacus never had so many options.)

I was wondering, then, how they would react to putting on a ‘coat.’ Suffice it to say, there was no need. In true Boston Terrier fashion, they took to these fleece jackets like ducks to water. Not a single struggle or whimper; indeed, both fell deeply asleep as soon as they got warm and cozy.

Bottom Line

The ultimate take-away from this experience so far is that donning warm fleece jackets may be just the ticket to lulling two little puppies to sleep.

Can you imagine how hard they’re going to fall for the fireplace? I suspect that’s when we’re going to see some major inter-species snuggling (and vying for the best spots in front of the hearth).

Every day holds a new adventure. Thanks for sharing them with us!



New Friend – Day 1070

Bigger Than Life – Photo: L. Weikel

New Friend

Tiffany discovered she has a new admirer today. She was sitting on our porch, minding her own business – actually, she was playing with the puppies – when she felt a stirring in her hair. To be fair, the wind was picking up and she assumed it was just the breeze playing with the strands a bit. When the tickle persisted, she ran her fingers through her hair – and discovered she’d picked up a new friend.

Surprised, she flicked it away. It landed on the step right beside where she was sitting and looked a bit bewildered at its rapid reposition.

Almost immediately, this stealthy hunter (remember: hummingbirds!) started walking toward Tiffany again. It was as if she were magnetically drawn to her, helplessly succumbing to Tiffany’s irresistible allure.

Mantis Misdirection – Photo: L. Weikel


There’s no doubt about it. This bug was hot on Tiffany’s trail. Indeed, the Mantis looked a bit guilty for it. If you take a close look, you can see what appear to be its pupils glancing off to the right of the scene, sort of indicating, “Hey! Enough of me. Can’t we go after a bad guy or something?”

But I refused to be distracted. I wanted as intimate a portrait as I could muster of this otherworldly creature, and I knew this was my best chance.

I was impressed with just how photogenic this Mantis was. She liked being photographed, and even seemed to watch us with great interest. It does make you wonder.

It also was keeping an extremely watchful eye on the puppies. We all know Mantises were a seasonal treat for Sheila – and only last year (and the late summer, this year) did Spartacus start picking up the slack. I am pretty sure Mantis was both of their most loveable roadkill snack.

Last But Not Least

I wouldn’t feel right depriving you of a puppy photo tonight. In this one, Brutus is proofreading. He did a terrible job.

Brutus proofing – Photo: L. Weikel


Ridiculousness – Day 1069

I My view upon waking in the morning – Photo: L.Weikel


Has anyone else written a check lately and struggled to recall what month it is? First of all, I realize that ‘writing a check,’ in and of itself, is an archaic concept that undoubtedly merits ridicule. So compounding that ridiculousness with a straight up admission that I’m having a hard time keeping track of what month it is probably puts a strain on my credibility as a contributing member of the 21st century.

Putting that aside, I’m asking the question in all honesty. We’re only two weeks away from Halloween! I went to Pet Smart today (not to buy another toy for the pups) (really!), and I nearly fell over when I realized that the entire main aisle of the store is now dedicated to Christmas regalia and toys. CHRISTMAS.

Meanwhile, I’m sitting here on the couch, surrounded by my minions, with my front door open to a cacophony of cricket and katydid chatter. It sounds like it’s the middle of summer. And the ever-so-slight coolness of the breeze coming in feels much more summery than fall-like as well. My senses are confused.

How Quickly It All Could Change

Would any of us be surprised if two weeks from now we suddenly found ourselves under two feet of snow?

I, for one, don’t mind snow. But it wouldn’t be good for the trees. Many would still have their leaves, and snowstorms in October are notoriously ‘wet’ snows, which cling to branches and weigh them down. More leaves on trees would mean more snow piling up – increasing the potential for branches snapping or entire trees being felled.

But I have to cop to an even greater immediate concern: puppy hygiene.

It’s hard enough at the moment to catch them in the act and whisk them outside to do their business. Once it’s frigid outside? Oh yikes. I’m praying for a miracle here, guys.

Evening Sprawl – Photo: L.Weikel

For Now

So for now, before we have ‘Pacha and Brutus’s first snowfall’ photos, I am going to give you two shots of my perspective on these puppies today.

The first (at the top of this post) is the somewhat M. C. Escher-like conglomeration of paws and fur, one creature seamlessly blending into another, that greeted me when I opened my eyes this morning. It’s literally the view I enjoyed this very morning.

And the photo above, in the middle of this post, you’ll find is just ’giving the facts, Ma’am.’ We start our day together, we’ll end our day together. It’s clear to all (or me, at least) that Tigger is refusing to relinquish his ‘by my side’ status to these interlopers. Nope. He’s planted his flag. He’s here to stay. These ‘children’ can rough and tumble, bite his tail, and yip at him with all the puppy aggression they can muster. But he’s staying. By my side.


Sprinkle – Day 1068

Work of Sky Art – Photo: L. Weikel


Falling asleep again at my keyboard tonight. I hate it when I do that. Maybe it’s to be expected, though, when you don’t turn off your bedside light until 2:00 a.m. Then toss in a few mornings (including today’s) of sleepy, face-licking puppies needing to be taken out to sprinkle the yard.

I’ve been trying to be a zealot over taking the pups outside to do their thing. And yet…there just seems to be something not connecting with them. We’ve tried rewarding with praise and coaxing with trainer treats. If we pick them up and take them outside, they’ll go willingly enough. It’s the independent realization that they need to go – and they need to go outside – that we’re still waiting to have click into place.

We tried putting a puppy pad down when we first brought them home. Brutus shredded that sucker faster than you could say, “Go pee-pee!”

Perhaps we’ll rent a carpet cleaner this weekend and ‘start fresh.’ That might end up being the best option.

Keep your fingers crossed for us that we get this resolved relatively quickly.

Easter egg colors – Photo: L. Weikel

Return to the Sky

While the pups have taken a number of walks already (short spurts for them, then getting carried most of the way), I managed to take a walk by myself today. I have to marvel at the difference it makes to have to literally carry an extra six pounds (or 12 if I’m carrying both of them) any distance. If that isn’t incentive to lose that extra ten pounds of Covid weight, I don’t know what is.

I hope everyone got a chance to spend at least a chunk of time outside today. It was definitely one of ‘those’ days. You know: the type that makes you swear God(dess) must wear a beret and clench a paintbrush between her teeth. (Between her teeth?) The artistry and flair I witnessed tonight was breathtaking.

The striations of pink, purple, and chartreuse in these clouds were not your normal rainbow. And the evolution of the clouds as they formed and reformed today told stories upon stories, if only I could decipher them.

I’ve missed encountering clouds that are blog-worthy.

Here’s a PachaPig fix – Photo: L. Weikel


Becoming One-dimensional – Day 1067

Little Tuffy – Brutus vs. Tigger – Photo: L. Weikel

Becoming One-dimensional

By my calculations, puppy photos have festooned my posts for at least the last three consecutive nights. Surely I’m becoming one-dimensional. If I don’t interrupt this love fest with some variety, you guys will get bored and wander off, robbing me of readers for my final 44 posts. That, my friends, would be a colossal bummer.

So…hmm. What in the world can I write about that could be anywhere near as pleasing as puppies? Honestly, you guys really need to tone down the thoughts. Right now. Because I can actually hear you – now – even though you’re thinking them in what is technically my future but actually your present.

Nothing. There’s precious little more comforting and endorphin-producing than puppies. Kittens, perhaps? Maybe some babies. But kittens and babies are known to engender a curiously dedicated oppositional faction. These nay-sayers are small in number but can be vociferous in their protestations when others are melting at the exposure.

So I am constrained to reassert that puppies are probably the single biggest draw my posts will ever enjoy.

Getting to Peaceable Kingdom – Photo: L. Weikel

Even the Cats Concede

Our cats are far from spring chickens. Precious is the oldest and the most emotionally vulnerable. I’m pretty sure she’s over 14 years old. I guess if I loved her I’d look up her birthday in my records*. But even she is conceding that these annoying little black-and-whites are probably here to stay. If she wants to avoid feeling hungry, she’s going to need to at least start coming around again.

Cletus has made the biggest strides. As you can see from the photo above, he is at least deigning to grace the top of the same couch as Brutus. But it’s quite obvious who is ‘top dog,’ so to speak. And Cletus wants to make it perfectly clear that he’s just being civil. He can sense the (disgusting, in his mind) level of delight we have for these little bundles. He sees and feels it. And yet he’s also falling for their charm.

It annoys him to no end.

Patience & Acceptance – Photo: L. Weikel

Tigger Reigns, Though

But of all the reactions the other four leggeds have given to the arrival of the pups, Tigger by far has been most patient and generous. They jump on him, chase him, bark at and harass him, and sneak up on him when he’s sleeping. And the most they get from him is a meow that says, “Back off,” and a stern glare. He’s the epitome of patience.

Someday I bet they’ll even sleep together.

Ooops. I just realized: I posted more puppy photos. Oh my. Perhaps I am indeed shameless. Or maybe I’m just responding to your future pressure and becoming one-dimensional – to keep my customers satisfied!

*I do love her.


The Art of Cuddling – Day 1066

How it starts – Photo: L. Weikel

The Art of Cuddling

I thought I had it down. After 41 years of marriage and three sons, I thought I was a master cuddler. A super snuggler. But watching these puppies contort themselves into positions of maximum warmth and comfort is a master class in the art of cuddling.

I’ve had at least one cat in my life all my life. Even before Katen came to me as my  kitten, when I was six, my family had a gray cat named Jack and a calico named Money. I’m pulling that name out of the air. I think that was her name. The memory of the calico feels so long and far away, it almost feels like another lifetime. I’m pretty sure I was pre-verbal when she was around.

Believe it or not, Karl and I even got a kitten on our honeymoon. We adopted him at the Brewster ASPCA, in Brewster, MA, on Cape Cod. Yeah. We were bound and determined, if not destined, to live amongst love.

Wow, come to think of it, we even adopted an orange kitten out of wedlock – while we were still in college at Penn State. He was such a sweet, long drink of water cat. Stretched out (which he loved to do), he was a cat and a half. I’m almost embarrassed to admit it, but we named him Sage. Nothing like our youngest son having the triple luck of being named after a wise one, a healing herb, and a beloved kitty.

Funnily enough, not unlike Tigger (my boy whom I took in when Sage and Sarah couldn’t keep him at their university), my mother took in Sage (the orange beast) when we realized he was playing with PSU housing staff under the door of my dorm room. Oops! Ha ha. She loved that cat so much…

Rootching around to get comfy – Photo: L. Weikel

Back on Point

My point is that I’ve always had my feline familiars schooling me in the art of the cuddle. Then Sheila came along – and taught me that snuggling with a puppy is distinctly different than with a cat. But Spartacus, being in our home from Day One of his life, took the art of cuddling to a whole new level. He had an unerring knack of molding himself so that he fit perfectly into the small of my back. Or when Karl insisted on ‘being there,’ Spart was always willing to ‘come around to the other side’ to be held by me. Three spoons in the drawer, so to speak.

But watching these two puppies from the same litter snuggle is beyond the pale. It’s a level of merging bodies and maximizing skin-time that surpasses anything I ever saw Sheila and Spartacus engage in. Sheila loved Spart every minute of his life. But she was his mother. They were never equals. They cuddled – but never really intertwined  the way these two do. It’s hard to explain.

A Cuddle Progression

So here it is. The first set of progressive photos, showing you how these two moved from a simple side-by-side snooze to – well – I don’t know what you want to call it. I think it speaks for itself, although it is almost like looking at one of those optical illusions that slowly make sense as your brain puts it into some semblance of order. (All of which reinforces my suspicion that I have a lot left to learn!)

That’s the ticket – Photo: L. Weikel
