Rising Almost Full Moon – Photo: L. Weikel
Almost Full Moon
Wow, did I manage to capture a magical photo of the almost full moon as she was rising this evening. It was still light enough out for my iPhone to be able to focus on the face of the moon and not get blown out by her brilliance.
There are a bunch of powerful, interesting aspects occurring this week astrologically, especially this weekend. We had a brief discussion about them at the beginning of our Wagon last night (Thursday night) and a fellow Traveler emailed me a link to this astrologer’s interpretation of how all of this is impacting us.
I’ve never read anything by this astrologer, Gahl Sasson, before, and I appreciate the opportunity to experience a new approach. While I’m not Jewish, I nevertheless find his perspective, which includes the Kabbalah, intriguing. Talk about an ancient tradition.

Rising Waxing Moon (closeup) – Photo: L. Weikel
The moon doesn’t actually reach ‘full’ until Sunday at 2:48 p.m., when it reaches exactly the opposite degree (in the sign of Libra) of the sun (in Aries). But I guarantee we’re all going to be feeling the effects of the unique configurations taking place in the sky all weekend and into Monday.
I feel like there are some significant cycles coming to an end – and as night follows day, some very exciting new ones beginning. Check it out.

Magical Colors of Dusk – Photo: L. Weikel