Owl Medicine
Owl Medicine is the true spiritual adventure story about a nine month period in my life during which I sought the message being brought to me when I found a dead Great Horned Owl hanging upside down at the side of a country road near my home.
The book actually covers more than just nine months, as it includes flashbacks to other times in my life that were relevant to the unfolding of the story and the messages I was receiving. Essentially, it serves as an affirmation to anyone who thinks they are “ordinary,” to realize that they, too, can have an amazing, magical life. And the fact that I’m a lawyer relating this somewhat fantastical series of events, well-trained in approaching life and issues through the application of logic and scientific-inquiry, serves as a catalyst to open some people’s minds to events and circumstances (“coincidences,” if you will) that they would otherwise dismiss without a second thought.
Owl Medicine also is a cautionary tale to those embarking on metaphysical pursuits, exposing the reality of “the dark side,” for lack of a better term, and illustrating that it is imperative to have an awareness of your own and others’ energies, an appreciation for the use of discernment, as well as knowledge of how to protect yourself. Back when my husband and I were first living these experiences and learning these lessons, there was quite a heavy emphasis on “positive thinking” and a pretty pervasive “Pollyanna” attitude toward energy, power, and the possible malignant intentions of others. While much more has been written on the subject of misuse of power and energy since we went through what we did, I still find there to be a staggering amount of naïveté surrounding this issue. (And by this I do not negate in any way the power of positive thinking. I do, however, believe that its opposite should neither be discounted nor ignored.)
I also introduce people (simply, through my story) to the fun of using divination techniques such as runes and Medicine Cards, etc., in order to access and exercise their powers of intuition and receive guidance. I am amazed, frankly, at how unaware people are of these tools even to this day, when they are such a rich and important part of my own life.
Read a selection of reviews of Owl Medicine.
She-Wolf Who Listens
I am currently in the process of writing the sequel to Owl Medicine, to which I’ve given the working title: She-Wolf Who Listens, Uncovering the Gifts of the Feminine. This tale chronicles the “next step” in our (Karl’s and my) spiritual evolution, although it is mostly about my own rediscovery of the power of the feminine.
I’d learned pretty early on in life that it was men who held the power – a fact that greatly influenced my decision to become a lawyer, still a traditionally male occupation, especially back in the early ‘80s. In my quest to become, indeed, “anything I wanted to be,” (a “world is my oyster” belief I had about myself and my prospects, thanks to the efforts of the activists of the ‘60s and ‘70s), I both consciously and unconsciously rejected a huge amount of myself – my own femininity – in a vain effort to gain acceptance into that fraternity. This is the story of my return to wholeness.
Magazines and other Periodicals
Spirituality & Health Magazine
An article I wrote, “The Power of a Really Good (Celtic) Cry,” based upon my experience of the Ritual of Keening at an International Gathering of Shamans in County Meath, Ireland, in April 2009, is featured in Spirituality & Health’s November/December 2009 issue.
The Village Q’ipu
In the June/July 2009 issue of this e-magazine distributed internationally to shamanic practitioners and others interested in this work, I was pleased to write a guest feature, Returning Home.
I was interviewed by Alison Baughman on her “Visible By Numbers” show on BBS internet radio on February 7th, 2011. You can sign-up to listen here: visiblebynumbers.com/bbsradio.html
Cabin Run, Bedminster Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Photo by Lisa Weikel