First Watchers – Photo: L. Weikel
Yesterday and especially today I began seeing evidence that ‘watchers’ and ‘witnesses’ are arriving on the scene. My sense is that the purpose underlying their presence is at minimum two-fold and quite possibly manifold.
First of all, the couple of small watchers that appeared above me as I sat at on a boulder in the middle of the Tohickon yesterday felt playful. The one on the right appeared to be diving down toward me, sort of emulating a person doing the frog kick of a swimmer doing breaststroke. I don’t know why, but it conveyed to me a message of, “Hey! Don’t stay down. Lighten up! Release your overwhelm into the flow of the creek and play. Know that we’re here. You’re not alone.”
Simply sitting at the creek the way I did and allowing myself to drink in the serenity of that place for half an hour was precious and restorative to my sense of well-being.

Getting Closer – Photo: L. Weikel
Getting Closer
Then we walked tonight and the sense of more beings making a closer inspection was palpable. Not only was I aware of the difference in size and demeanor of tonight’s visitors as compared to yesterday’s, the sense of scrutiny (perhaps both of being scrutinized and being asked to view circumstances with greater attention) was dramatically different.
There’s a lot going on right now. We’re hearing warnings – especially over the past few days – that have not been expressed since the midst of the Civil War, and some would argue, not since the inception of this country.
I do believe we’re being watched to see how we will react to these times of unprecedented choice. Of course there may or many not be interest in whether the grand experiment known as the United States of America will survive now that someone is basically refusing to abide by long-established ‘norms’ of behavior that most people never thought needed to be codified.
Universal Implications
But I get the feeling that the interest goes well beyond interest in the survival of our baby country. It’s the impact our survival as the beacon of ‘free and fair elections,’ of the champion of the ‘rule of law’ and ‘peaceful succession of power,’ will have on the rest of our planet. And the reason this survival issue is of interest to beings that may be viewing from ‘above,’ if you will, is because whether we choose to apply the underlying principles of love, justice, fairness, compassion, and responsibility to each other will literally ripple out into the Universe.
Do we choose our personal freedom to say, do, and be whatever we want without any thought to the way our choices impact others? Or do we recognize a higher octave of freedom? The higher octave that demands that we exercise our freedom to protect and ensure the rights of all?
Choices Matter
Right now, the choices we make have monumental consequences. Our responsibility to ourselves, each other, those with whom we share this planet, the planet herself, and sentient beings existing beyond our usual perceptions is being tested by fire.
They’re watching. We need to watch ourselves.

Scrutiny – Photo: L. Weikel