Tree Beings – Day 895

Tree Gnome – Photo: L. Weikel

Tree Beings

It’s been a long time since we took a walk like the one we took this evening. It wasn’t so much the walk itself but rather the Tree Beings that appeared along the way that made it an especially magical time.

All the way along, but most noticeably just as the sun was setting (of course, because that is a most numinous time of day), the personalities of some of the trees became particularly expressive. Mind you, these are trees we walk by all the time, but rarely take particular note of their essences. One after the other tonight, though, their personalities, expressions, and temperaments became glaringly obvious.

Perhaps it was all a function of my own mindset. While that’s certainly a possibility, I tend to doubt it. And the reason I doubt it is because I was nursing a most skeptical mindset this afternoon and early evening. I have to say: I was not in the ‘mood’ to be seeing a bunch of different tree personalities making their presence known to me.

If nothing else, my cranky self wondered aloud, “Why are all of you appearing tonight? What’s the point? Is there a message?”

Tree Diva – Kiss Me, You Fool! – Photo: L. Weikel

Being Of Service

Actually, I just got a remarkably clear message as I wrote the above paragraph. This did not occur to me even once as we walked, nor did I consider it as I began this post.

They were doing me a solid. These Tree Beings, Ents (if you will), were coming out of their usual camouflaged stances and willingly making themselves patently obvious with the specific intention of giving me something to photograph and write about.

It never occurred to me until just this moment that when we set off to take our walk tonight the sky had clouded over and a pall of yellowish-brown haze had settled over the area. It was a dismal walk indeed. Not even the hint of a remotely attractive sunset was up for discussion.

So I’m going to show my appreciation for their fine service and post their photos.

There were so many more than just these three. But for now, they will be the stars of my evening show.

Dour Professor Tree – Photo: L. Weikel

For the Record

For the record, I want it known far and wide that I am thrilled these Beings revealed themselves to me tonight. And I want to thank them for their service in entertaining all of us.


2 thoughts on “Tree Beings – Day 895

  1. Thank you so much for this entry of the tree beings! I share in your gratitude of “being shown” when needed to be reminded.
    I thank you for your sharing of your thoughts and days, Lori

    • Thanks, Lori! I’m glad you enjoyed my post. I trust you could ‘See’ them as clearly as I could?! Sometimes when I post photos of the Beings I see on our walks and in the sky, I wonder if everyone else can see them. I hope they can! Imagination is a wonderful thing…

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