Cletus Trying to Sneak a Few Zzzs – Photo: L. Weikel
The Sleep Vibe
Every single creature in our household is in some form of recline or repose at this moment. The ‘sleep’ vibe is utterly irresistible. It seems like they’re as affected by this sudden swing of temperatures as I am. At least, that’s what I’m attributing it to!
When I get this tired, it’s best to just call it a night.
One thing I can share with you, though, is the recent desperation experienced by Cletus. It’s probably mean that I’m chuckling at his efforts to find some privacy, but considering how he wakes us up at 3:00 or 4:00 a.m. by stomping on us and mrrrowing loudly in our faces, I’m not feeling much remorse.

Cletus – awakened from his slumber – Photo: L. Weikel
Cletus’s Desperation
We’re still keeping the crate we bought for the puppies in our living room so it’s easily accessible. They never spend a great deal of time in it, but it’s good to have in case they need a little space to themselves. We probably use it the most when we need to leave the pups at home by themselves. There’s no way our house would survive if we ever left them unattended.
So we have this crate taking up significant floor space in our living room. It’s almost become invisible to us, albeit an obstacle to be negotiated daily.

What’s the point? – Photo: L. Weikel
Imagine our surprise the other day when we realized Cletus was fast asleep inside the crate. We have no idea what prompted him to curl up on the blanket in there and take a snooze. It seems like an odd place for a cat to find himself, especially should the pups spontaneously decide to run in there to squirrel away a toy or a chew stick.
As I was thinking about how ironic it was that he took refuge in the dog crate, Brutus bounded into the room and immediately ‘sniffed an intruder’ in the crate. I swear I could hear Cletus roll his eyes.
Once the pups realized Cletus thought their crate was the hot place to be – well, naturally, they wanted in on the excitement. This of course ruined it for Cletus. It immediately lost any and all cool status.
Oh well. That’s life in the Big Kitty.
(I told you I was tired.)