Clouds 20 April 2020 – Photo: L. Weikel
I opened Sacred Space this evening before making tonight’s selection on our behalf. As can be seen from the title to this post, I chose the Temperance card. The deck I was drawn to this evening is The Wild Unknown Tarot* by Kim Krans.
As usual, the intention I set was simply to receive a message or guidance for us to contemplate for the next few days, something for us to ponder and interpret for ourselves individually, as well as applied to ‘us’ in a much broader, inclusive sense. I asked that this message be a guiding factor for until I’m ‘told’ to check in again, for our next message, via another oracle.
I’m sure you’ll all be relieved to know that not only did I not imbibe this evening, I also happen to be fasting today. So, hey you guys – you’re getting a really clean pick!
Ha. I joke, but it’s true. There is a clarity that can be perceived on a bunch of levels when I refrain from eating for a day. The re-set of my system feels good. Hmm. I wonder if it’s sort of like rebooting my laptop. I never thought of it that way before, but the analogy doesn’t feel that far off.
The ‘Main’ Choice
The primary card I chose tonight, as mentioned above, was Temperance. It’s quite beautiful, as you can see. I encourage you to examine the card in detail and allow yourself to pay attention to what pops out to you. Allow your intuition to run ‘wild.’ Perhaps notice how the image makes you feel. Whatever ‘definition’ you personally bring to Temperance is important to note for yourself.
But in order to give you a framework for interpreting the card/message on your own, I like to provide you with the creator of the deck’s interpretation, which is as follows:

Temperance – The Wild Unknown Tarot
Temperance – XIV – Healing, Renewal
“The great blue heron remains calm and peaceful as she blends the opposing elements of fire and water. The temperance card asks you to be a moderator much like the heron. Focus on cooperation and compromise. If you’ve been excessive with one aspect of your life, practice self restraint and moderation now. You’ll find a new sense of healing and balance from bringing a little harmony back into your life.”
Personally, I was surprised by this card because Blue Heron has a starring role. The Medicine Card I chose for myself today was – you guessed it – Blue Heron (albeit reversed).
‘Underneath’ Card – 7 of Swords
I got the sense that I was supposed to employ what I call the “Weikel Way” to my card pick tonight – which simply means that I make the primary choice, and then look to see what card is on the bottom of the deck. I like to use the bottom card as a foundation or contextualizing card – perhaps giving a sense of ‘what else’ needs to be considered, what lies ‘beneath’ our experience of the main card.
Again, look at the artwork of this card and allow your intuition to help you pay attention to the details that may hold special meaning for you. Following is the author’s interpretation:

Seven of Swords – The Wild Unknown Tarot
Seven of Swords – Secrecy, Self Interest
“Six swords hang in plain view while the seventh is tucked under the sly fox’s tail. So goes the story of the seven of swords…a secret is being kept. Either you’re the keeper or the kept-from, and it’s time to identify which. Deceit and avoidance linger in the air. Face the cause of secrecy or risk ostracizing yourself.”
Lots to Contemplate
I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that this is quite a rich message. The application of both cards to both our own personal lives and what’s happening to us on a national and even global level definitely worthy of our attention (if we’re honest with ourselves and want to receive the message).
Of course, I’m hoping this will spur each of us to engage in some self-reflection and inner dialogue on how both of these cards might have some application to what we’re experiencing in our own lives at the moment.
They also may give us some insight into what’s unfolding on a macro level, too.
Seems to me we’re being asked to find a new balance. There’s probably a lot of deception that’s taking place right now – underneath everything – that may have caused what we’re experiencing on both a personal and a global level. It’s important, in striving to find a new balance, to see if we can honestly figure out how we may have been lying to ourselves about some things. And yeah – maybe we’ve been sold a bill of goods for quite a while now, too.
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