Pacha’s Glamour Shot – Photo: L. Weikel
What kind of a joint do we run around here, anyway? One based in equality? Fairness? We always thought so. Until recently, that is. But then rumblings of discontent began. Rumors started circulating. Banksy-like political messages started appearing in the cat litter and puppy kibble: TE4P. A slogan was born.
Everywhere we looked, this cryptic “TE4P” started showing up. Karl and I were perplexed. Concerned. What was the message? Who was behind it?

Cletus engaging in outreach – Photo: L. Weikel
Grievance Aired
Finally, Cletus engaged in some ‘outreach.’ On behalf of the newest additions to the household, he felt it incumbent upon him to report a grievance. Evidence, as well as word on the street, indicated that Pacha was not receiving the same level of benefits as her brother Brutus.
Tigger coughed up the fact that matters grew exponentially more egregious when it was discovered that I’d even written a post about the violation. Word of Brutus’s wildly inappropriate receipt of an exotic treat in a little red cup was going viral. There was talk of a walkout.
“Please,” I begged Cletus. “Tell me what TE4P stands for! How can I remedy a situation I don’t understand?”

If looks could kill – Photo: L. Weikel
Unbelievably Dense
Cletus scowled at me with disdain. “Seriously. How could you fail to understand that Pacha deserves the right to treats as much as Brutus. We had to stand behind her – and all pups similarly situated. TE4P! Treat Equity for Pacha!”
Then I heard it. Pacha barked it. Brutus growled his fearsome puppy growl in support. “TE4P! TE4P!” Even Tigger, Precious, and – of course – Cletus saw the inherent inequity and began plotting their efforts to win Pacha a puppaccino experience.
Management Caves
Of course! As soon as we realized the unequal treatment we’d rendered to our beloved pups, we knew the situation had to be remedied. The following photos tell the rest of the story.

Did I hear Mommy say, “Puppaccino for Pacha?” – Photo: L. Weikel

“OMG. Yum. Mmmph. Snarf.” – Photo: L. Weikel

A stalker is sensed – Photo: L. Weikel (Cue theme from Jaws)

Interloper does a sneak runaround – Photo: L. Weikel

HEY! Wait! How the heck….? – Photo: L. Weikel

Thanks, Cletus! You rock! – TE4P Forever! – Photo: L. Weikel
I am with the cats.! I wondered when this unequal treatment was going to be resolved. 😉