It’s Ugly – Day 830

Another day, another year, but beautiful nonetheless – Photo: L. Weikel

It’s Ugly

I’m struggling to come up with something interesting to write about this evening. Everything just seems so damn depressing. From the politics of last week to climate change this week, preparing for the impact of which was completely botched by politicians in Texas due to their slavish dedication to the vaunted holy grail of deregulation, it’s ugly. And that’s not even mentioning the ongoing pandemic and the threat of what seems like a bazillion mutations appearing now and expected to continue dodging, dancing, and shifting their structures into the future.

I look out my window at the moment and see a car slowly making its way along our road, ice crunching under the tires. It’s slippery out there. I know firsthand.

A Miserable Mix

As we walked late this afternoon, the precipitation was a miserable mix of sleet and rain that turned to ice as soon as it hit anything – including my jacket. Running my hand along my sleeve or the front of my jacket felt like I was reading braille.

On the last stretch of the walk there were at least three inches of snow on the road surface, with a coating of ice on top that added that crunchy cadence to all our footsteps – even Spartacus’s. It was easier to walk in the thicker stuff. Anything that had been packed down was completely slick. So I was careful.

But as we started to make our final descent down the hill that leads to the crossroads near our home, my feet went out from under me. This fall unfolded more slowly than the last one (in which I smacked the back of my head) and I must say, I do believe I scored at least a 7.5 in grace.

Tomorrow’s Promise

I do have one hope that always bubbles up on days like this and never grows old. It’s the hope that we will awaken tomorrow to an indescribably breathtaking winter wonderland, where every single branch of every single tree, every single blade of grass and every single pine needle is coated in ice. And to top off the perfection, the sun needs to come out and cast glistening rainbows making life look like it’s taking place inside a magical kingdom.

If I’m lucky, I’ll see it and share the magic with all of you. In the meantime, we’ll have to make due with memories from other such storms. Because trust me – there was nothing but gray skies to document today.

Icicles – Photo: L. Weikel



Love It – Day 766

Mid-storm – Photo: L. Weikel

Love It

I’m sitting here in the silence that is actually anything but silent. The snow and sleet that’s been coming down steadily in very fine flakes (and crystals) all day since 2:00 p.m. continues to swirl and tink-tink-tink against our windows. I love it. And the wind!

Clearly this is no light and fluffy affair. Nope. And it would appear both the state and township are deciding there’s no point in trying to get ahead of this storm. I don’t think I’ve seen one plow go by yet, and we’re approaching 11 hours of virtually non-stop precipitation.

There’s a seriously icy edge to this storm, too. Although perhaps because of that and the weight of the somewhat sleet-like particles raining from the sky, it doesn’t look like the accumulation is as high as one might expect. It’s hard to tell from inside, and truth be told (I must be getting old), Karl and I decided to forego a walk today.

Part of me is disappointed in us. But oh well. Maybe we’ll take two tomorrow. (Doubt it.)

A Strange Sight

I took the accompanying photos just a few minutes ago, to provide a comparison to the ones I used in my blog post the other day.

If you take a close look at the one below, there are some very odd markings on the front porch pillar facing the camera.

I quite distinctly see a face looking at me at the top of that column. And the whole ‘design’ is lovely. I can’t tell if it’s a pattern created by the precipitation (which would be weird) or if it’s just a trick of the light or the camera. But I can vouch for the fact that there’s no design on that column ordinarily, nor is there, especially, a face glancing in my direction. Usually, anyway.


I hope all of you who are in the midst of it are enjoying this storm and don’t have to venture out in it (other than to play).

Bizarre designs on post – Photo: L. Weikel
