Great Success! – Day 322

Autumnal purple and gold – Photo: L. Weikel

Great Success!

The 15 year celebration at Medicine in Balance today was an unqualified success. Balmy weather, scrumptious food, and remarkable entertainment by Ryan Sabalaske all added up to create a fitting tribute to the longevity of this unique medical practice.

The best part about the afternoon, though, was the opportunity to catch up with friends and clients I’ve not seen in years.

Numerology Course

I did manage to get home in time to take a walk with Karl before my final numerology class with Alison Baughman. What a great course. Probably the one major downer about taking the course, though, is the fact that , without a doubt, I’m now going to be even worse than I ever was before about internally ‘doing the math’ to figure out the numerological status of practically everything I encounter.

What’s fascinating about that is the power of simple observation. That’s the most reliable method anyone can use to bring to light correlations and discover whether there’s any correspondence between the numbers and the traits or characteristics of the subject of study.

Karl, Sheila, Spartacus, and I did managed to snag a quick walk around before the start of my class. It was during this walk that I noticed the marked shift in cricket song that marks the turning of the season. One of the biggest ‘tells’ to the shifting of seasons is, indeed, the song of the crickets.


If you pay attention, you’ll notice that crickets rarely sing their usual staccato ‘cree-deets’ once the seasons start to change. Instead, it’s as if the crickets press their internal cricket button and they get stuck. Suddenly, we’re all living amidst one long chirp.

Even as I sit here now, with our front door open to let in some cool night air, the droning intonation created by the elder crickets is mesmerizing. While I love the sounds of the crickets and the occasional katydid punctuating the night, it’s unmistakably the beginning of the season of letting go.

Before I go to sleep, I must share with you the photo I took this evening of the wild flowers I took tonight. Sometimes I just have to marvel at the sheer perfection of Mother Earth’s palette.

Yet again, I’m closing a post feeling awash in gratitude for so very many seemingly tiny but tremendously moving miracles in my life. The fact that you’re reading this post being one of them. Thank you.


Reason to Celebrate – Day 321

Reason to Celebrate

Tomorrow afternoon, from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., a celebration will be taking place at 940 Town Center Drive in Langhorne, PA – a celebration of Medicine in Balance.

Fifteen years ago, Wendy Warner, M.D. gave birth to Medicine in Balance, a unique, cutting-edge medical practice bringing integrative and holistic medical and energetic modalities of healing to the Bucks County area and beyond. And I do mean beyond, as people travel from the Poconos, from across Pennsylvania, and from states all up and down the eastern seaboard to see Dr. Warner. Indeed, patients come to Medicine in Balance not only from across the country, but also from other countries, including Mexico and across Canada.

In the midst of all the rough stuff “out there” that almost everyone’s been feeling lately, this is an opportunity to come and celebrate vibrant, balanced health of body, mind, and spirit.

Come to our open house tomorrow and meet Dr. Warner and the other practitioners that make this practice so unique.

There will be all sorts of fun stuff to do, as well as goodies to win (including gift certificates), and modalities to learn about or sample.

Something Really Cool

One of the highlights as far as cool and eclectic things to experience is Dr. Warner’s acquisition of a plant singing box. Developed in an intentional community in Italy, Damanhur, this ‘instrument’ connects to live plants and translates their electrical impulses into notes that sound like music.

Wildflowers – Photo: L. Weikel

You’ll also learn more about the sauna that’s on the premises, see (and maybe even ‘feel’) demonstrations of some of the modalities offered, and get the chance to snag some discounted supplements and perhaps other treats.

This is your chance to mingle and chat with MIB staff and practitioners, getting to know us on a more personal basis, while snacking on some great food, sharing in the lovely fall weather, and enjoying wonderful music provided by Ryan Sabalaske.

Come out tomorrow! Stop by and congratulate Dr. Warner on 15 years of providing the community with an amazingly wide array of healing modalities all under one roof.

I know I’m grateful for the opportunities she’s provided me to connect with some amazing clients who’ve taught me so much.
