Lean On Me – Day 909

Dandelion Siblings – Photo: L. Weikel

Lean On Me

I don’t even know what initially caught my eye about these two. They were simply on the side of the road, minding their own business. The first thing I think I noticed was how closely they were huddled. They looked like  siblings – and yet from another perspective they appeared to have had very different life experiences. It looked as if one was saying to the other, “It’s OK. You can lean on me.”

A gust of wind caught them just right. Their heads started bobbing and bowing, calling my attention to the distinctive appearance one had from the other. I wondered to myself how their experiences could’ve been so different when they so obviously grew up in an almost identical environment.

But upon closer inspection, it was as if one had been caught in a rainstorm or something. Its magic seed pods clumping together instead of fanning out in the traditional parachute-like canopy.

They were each delicately beautiful in their own unique ways. And when I photographed them together, their differences seemed to highlight each of their best characteristics.

Another Gust of Wind

When another gust of wind caught all of a bit off guard, I got a shot from a perspective I probably wouldn’t have sought otherwise. The stems of dandelions are not usually a focal point when I gaze upon them. From tightly clenched bud to brilliant expression of pure sunshine, I rarely look at the stem. That holds true for when they go to seed and become puffy wish givers as well.

But when I saw the bend in the stem, I knew why one looked sadder than the other. Somehow, in some way, life had dealt one of them a harder blow than the other. One of these dandelions was operating at a disadvantage. Its stem, while unbroken, was nevertheless askew. And a bent stem never seems to heal all the way.

No wonder the other seemed to hover protectively.

Did it sense its sibling had taken a hit, albeit from a passing car, a careless footstep, or perhaps even wild storm? Was one whispering in the ear of the other, “Just lean on me. We’re almost there.”

I have no idea; I doubt it, though. But one thing I don’t doubt is that together they appeared exquisitely beautiful in the moments I spent with them.

Lean on me; I’ve got you – Photo: L. Weikel


Prairie Dog – Day 534

Exquisite Sunset – 28 April 2020 – Photo: L. Weikel

Prairie Dog

I chose Prairie Dog this morning, with Elk underneath. I usually relish choosing this card. It gives me an excuse to hibernate.

A logical interpretation of a ‘pick’ like this would be, “Lisa, you need to withdraw; you need to retreat from all activity and go within.” This would be an especially likely thought process given the Elk underneath, which urges pacing oneself in order to cultivate stamina.

But of course, today was a glorious day of sunshine with a cool, refreshing breeze. And perhaps lending an even greater sense of urgency to ‘strike while the iron was hot,’ the weather forecast for the next several days is rain, rain, and probably even a little more rain.

This fact, plus plans I’d made days ago that couldn’t be changed, dictated that I engage in some pretty intense activity today in spite of the urging of my cards. While nothing I did today would qualify as intense by the standards of so many people who are laboring under extreme conditions, particularly those who are performing the myriad services that are keeping our lives both humming along and intact these days, it was more physical activity than I’m used to.

Another Day

As a result, I’m going to have to let another day go by without discussing the cards I chose last night from the Mystic Art Medicine Cards. Indeed, I’ve sort of been haunted by what I picked of those cards last night as it is. My sense is that the two I chose were not for all of us (you included) but were for me. And their lesson began with the discovery I made and wrote about last night.

The main predictable result of my failure to heed the Prairie Dog/Elk choice this morning is that I am weary to the bone this evening. Hence, I am closing now and leaving you with the photograph of the sunset tonight.

It was indeed spectacular.

I just checked the weather forecast again and it’s now changed. Again. Looks like tomorrow may not bring as much rain as they’d originally predicted.
