Polar Bear – ND #55

Is that a Polar Bear? No! It’s a Polar Pig! – Photo: L. Weikel

Polar Bear

Do you see what I see? Karl and I were walking yesterday and couldn’t believe what the snowstorm had delivered to us. A POLAR BEAR!

I know; I know. They don’t usually meander as far south as Pennsylvania. But hey – our eyes wouldn’t deceive us, would they?

Well, maybe they would.

Because upon closer inspection (actually, it didn’t take long, especially after listening for a few moments to the eructations emanating from the beast’s mouth), we realized this creature that galloped across the snow-filled field to greet us was a pig. A hog. A ‘tame’ boar. A porcine ambassador.

Cutie – Photo: L. Weikel


I’m beyond excited – and delighted – to embrace the arrival of this new neighbor. I’m reminded of the posts I wrote back in 2019, when the Chinese New Year was ushering in the Year of the Boar. There were a number of pigs making an appearance at that time. But then in 2021, we were dismayed when we realized no pigs would be coming to bond with us that year.

Judging from the greeting we received from this beast as soon as it saw us, I have a strong sense we’ll probably develop a relationship. And if ‘it’ is a she and she has piglets…? Oh, man, I’ll be a goner.

If you have an opportunity to get up close and personal with a pig, there is no question these are sentient beings. Sentient and absolutely social. My goodness, we’d never even ‘met’ this pig before yesterday and when I called out to it, s/he literally bounded across the field, through the snow, and came right up to the fence to talk to me.

Trotting by – Photo: L. Weikel

Year of the Tiger

But this is a little off-topic from the Year of the Tiger, which begins tomorrow. Unlike when we kicked off the Year of the Boar, I don’t think I’m going to be running into any tigers on our walks anytime soon.

In looking back on my posts, I see that I’ve actually recognized the beginning of each new cycle in the Chinese calendar over the past three years. I didn’t think I had. What I was surprised to realize was how our entry into the Year of the Rat took place during the first impeachment trial of the now defeated president. And then last year, of course, as we entered the Year of the Ox, we were still trying to regain our composure after witnessing an insurrection and attempted coup.

We can only hope that the Year of the Tiger will bring substantially more clarity and comprehensive understanding of just what was planned and attempted last year. And if that clarity reveals criminal conduct? That accountability is demanded and justice meted out. We can hope.

Happy New Year!
