T & M’s Exquisite Dahlias – Photo: L. Weikel
Cool Numbers
I wasn’t initially intending upon writing about the cool numbers associated with this blog post, but they caught my eye as I saved the first draft. I can’t remember if I thought about these same numbers when I was ‘only’ on my 404th post, with 707 left to write.
Apparently not. I just checked, and the post I wrote on that day was all about the Winter Solstice (2019) and my participation in the I AM Solstice Symposium the next day.
As I recall, the Solstice last year was a day filled with intensity and drama. It was unpleasant and tough to witness, even if vicariously, for I cared very much for the safety and well-being of those involved. Imagine my surprise when I discovered a few weeks later that it had all been an elaborate ruse, a ‘hoax,’ if you will, apparently strung out over months – if not years.
This has me hopscotching to the upcoming Winter Solstice, nine weeks from tomorrow (technically ‘today,’ when this is read). There is a major astrological aspect that’s going to occur on that day, December 21st, and while I can’t remember what it is at the moment, I know it is significant.
I’ll check on it and get back to you with details.
In the Meantime
In the meantime, let’s face it. December 21st is nine long weeks away. Yes, in some ways it is but a stone’s throw from now. But good grief, I do believe we are all weary, wary, and wise enough to realize that an unbelievable amount of change – for good or for ill, or perhaps both? – can occur in that period of time.
Indeed, I do want to call upon all of you to please, no matter where you live – in the United States or elsewhere in the world – please take good care of yourselves. Social distance. Wear a mask whenever you’re out and about. Only go out and about as infrequently as possible. Zealously wash your hands.
We hear these admonitions all the time, but my spidey-senses are pricking my ears and I’m feeling a sense of urgency that we double and triple our personal and collective vigilance.
Maybe it’s the 707/404 combo that’s bringing home to me the 1111 of it all.
Stay safe, my friends. And drink in the cosmic color and energetic vibration of these exquisite dahlias when you need a boost.

Friends Sharing the Sweetness – Photo: L. Weikel