Preparing For the Storm – Day 764

Christmas Lights Before the Big Storm – Photo: L. Weikel

Preparing For the Storm

Well, no one can look at the major stories in today’s news cycle and not have the question at least cross their minds, “Huh. I wonder if it was in the stars?” Eclipse? What eclipse? Meanwhile, my neck of the woods, the mid-Atlantic and Northeast region of the United States, is preparing for ‘the’ storm that just might cap off 2020 in the manner in which we’re accustomed to being treated by this year-of-all-years: brutally.

Today was a huge day of enormous contrasts lurching from one spectrum to the other. Not least of these being the United States breaching the appalling record of 300,000 Covid-19 related deaths while on the same day rolling out and beginning administration of a vaccine for that same disease astonishingly ahead of predictions.

And of course we can’t forget the seemingly never-ending saga of the 2020 presidential election. Apparently if we didn’t have the good fortune of a solid civics course growing up, we’re being given a crash tutorial in it over the past six weeks. Sadly, I don’t think the obscure challenges and desperate last-minute attempts to thwart the will of the people will end with today’s formal Electoral College certification, either.

While we were treated to watching the broadcast of arcane but somehow reassuring legislative protocols being enacted by electors across the nation, we were simultaneously reminded that more than one of our states required said electors to be either swept into chambers via secret passages or forced to meet non-locally due to credible threats of violence against them for doing their jobs.

Yep. Must be something in the stars.

Need a Distraction

Beyond the somewhat dramatic events of the outside world, my family has experienced some of its own drama. While I’m not one to share the details of others’ traumas, suffice it to say, the day was marked by two falls and one emergency surgery. Stressful to be sure; but by all appearances, at least two out of three of these events could lead to some essential and long-awaited opportunity for change.

Not a walk in the park, though. And definitely revelatory of some long-suspected obfuscation. How eclipse-like (wink).

All of which leads me to an overwhelming desire for some distraction. In light of the winter storm bearing down upon us (over a foot of snow, perchance?), I’ve decided to revisit my culinary quest down the memory hole to Christmases past that I indulged in last year. Yes, I’m going to bake some kiffels. And this year I’m going to do it before Christmas actually arrives!

To the Grocery Store

Thus I am heading out tomorrow to gather the supplies I will need to recreate one of the best memories of Christmas from my childhood: Hungarian kiffels. I’m hoping that this year I’ll be able to dive right into turning out some decent confections. Last year entailed a significant amount of both trial and error as well as seemingly divine (if niece-conveyed) intervention.

This Christmas promises to have its ups and down, its challenges, and hopefully some unexpected moments of brilliance and love.

I want to savor as much goodness as possible. As I’ve said a couple of times in the past several days, 2020 and its after-effects aren’t over yet, and the next six weeks are probably going to be even more intense than we think we can handle.

But we can. And we will. And Goddess willing, as we weather the snowstorm barreling our way this week, we’ll at least have some kiffels to see us through.

More Christmas Lights Before the ‘Big Storm’ – Photo: L. Weikel


Cards for the Eclipse – Day 763

Dreamtime – Mystic Art Medicine Orace Cards by Cher Lyn

Cards for the Eclipse

Tomorrow at 11:00 a.m. ET a total solar eclipse will occur. This celestial event will kick off an almost relentless series of profoundly challenging aspects over the weeks ahead. Indeed, as we embark upon the next six weeks or so of our lives, we’re going to need to do everything in our power to keep our wits about us. Thus, it feels important to choose a few cards for the eclipse: something to bear in mind, hold onto, or just plain repeat as centering reminders as the week unfolds.

The top card I chose was Dreamtime – exactly the same one I chose on the eve of Halloween this year, on the eve of the blue full moon (the second full moon occurring in the month of October). Check out what I wrote but six short weeks ago, the upshot being: we must hold fast to the dream we have for the future. We are creating the reality we live in; it is up to us to dream a new dream.

Miracles – Mystic Art Medicine Oracle Cards by Cher Lyn

Underneath: Miracles

The card that lay at the foundation of these ‘choices’ that I made for us was the Miracles card. My heart skipped when I saw it; it does appear quite bleak, reflecting my sense of what may unfold before us in the near future.

The author, Cher Lyn, described the card as follows:

“In the painting, ‘Vision of Mary,’ it is you who stands at the frozen river’s edge, an icy wind bites to the bone. The trees are barren. All is as if lifeless. Yet you are composed. You have faith and in this knowingness a fire emanates from within. A vision soon appears of the Divine compassionate Mother. She hovers above your frozen sea. The light of the snowy moon glows once again reminding you, “You are not alone. You’ve called on me, I am here, I am always with you my dear.”

Beliefs come from feelings. From somewhere inside, you hear a call. The hearing becomes a feeling connecting you to your truth and this is when Miracles appear. Although you may not be able to say why you feel something is so, your belief is true for you and that truth is your foundation for Miracles. (…)

Miracles happen, not in opposition to nature, but in opposition to what we are conditioned to believe. The universe cannot help unless you hold strong intention and focus. Love is the key and truly the only thing that really heals. Let go of what you think. Trust, and know who you are. (…) Remind yourself you are supported, that you are not doing it alone on this Earth.

This card speaks of a Miracle on its way to you. Disharmony creates disease, and harmony creates beauty with ease. Imagine a Miracle and remain open to a surprise.”

My Take

Events and actions we thought we’d only ever see in movies or read about in books are very likely to occur in the not-too-distant future. No matter how balanced we are or strive to keep ourselves, achieving and maintaining our equanimity is going to be a challenge.

It feels like we’re being encouraged to envision our highest aspirations for ourselves, our country, and our world. Hold on to those dreams and not only ask for, but work toward manifesting them – and then believe in miracles.


Powerful Aspects On Deck – Day 762

Orion’s Belt – 12/12/2020

Powerful Aspects On Deck

2020 has been an intense year so far no matter how you look at it. I don’t need to recite the myriad ways in which life as we knew it a year ago seems almost like a dream. But applying the concept of ‘as above, so below,’ I’m here to tell you: there remain breathtakingly powerful aspects on deck in our lives. December isn’t over yet.

While experiencing a meteor shower is not an astrological transit (although I believe it’s an astronomical weather event), I have to say my experience of leaning against my car and staring into the vastness of space the past two evenings has felt, I don’t know – deeply significant. Humbling. Perspective enhancing.

It’s easy for us to get lost in the crises that scream for our attention day in and day out. A pandemic. Systemic racism. Shocking threats of violence. Contempt for democracy. Vast swaths of our fellow Americans facing profound food and shelter insecurity.

The pain and chaos surrounds and threatens to drown us.

And yet for the half an hour I spent staring at the sky, talking out loud to the stars, to the cosmos, requesting insight – and absent that, a couple of shooting stars – I felt an odd sense of being re-set. It almost felt like the Universe pulled the plug on my systems for several minutes and just forced everything to recalibrate and calm the hell down. Staring upward and drinking in the incomprehensible, my perspective shifted.

It helped that I saw five meteors.

Monday’s Solar Eclipse

The next major astrological transit we’ll be experiencing will be a new moon on Monday, which is always a great time to plant the seeds for whatever we may desire to manifest in our life. But Monday’s is no ordinary new moon. It will be perfectly aligned with (conjunct) the sun, resulting in a total eclipse. While it will be a total eclipse, with both sun and moon at 23 degrees Sagittarius at 11:00 a.m. ET, the classic experience of the event, complete with a corona, will only be visible from South America and locations in the south of Africa.

Sagittarius classically occupies the 9th house of the zodiac, which highlights higher education, spirituality, beliefs, foreign or long distance travel, and adventure. Something tells me that we might want to consider planting some seeds that will expand our perspectives, broaden our horizons, and encourage us to learn new concepts and ways of approaching old problems.

My sense is that our old ways of dealing with conflict and problems that not only impact but expand far beyond our everyday lives will require strategies that will permit us access to new perspectives.

I’m going to be offering whomever is interested opportunities to learn and incorporate just such strategies as we enter a whole new world.


New Moon/Total Solar Eclipse – Day 233

Trying to see the forest for the trees – Photo: L. Weikel

New Moon/Total Solar Eclipse                  

Considering what’s been going on in the heavens today, I’m wondering how your day went. I heard from a handful of close friends and it sounds like the day, for them at least, provided opportunities for experiences that completely changed their perceptions and attitudes.

That’s not something you can say every day. And it’s exciting.

I’ve barely had a chance to think about how this eclipse season is impacting me. I suppose I may not have felt any direct effects yet.

I can’t tell you how many sentences, even paragraphs, I’ve written and then deleted. I think I’m over-tired. As a result, pretty much everything I type looks odd to me. For instance, I don’t like the way the words line up when I allow myself to just talk through my fingers. I start second-guessing comma usage. I start doubting word choice.

Ha – just reading that last paragraph makes me laugh.

Planting Seeds on this New Moon

One seed I know I want to plant today/tomorrow is recommitting to my writing. Thanks to my 1111 Devotion to Karl, and the discipline I’ve attempted to bring to my life through this Act of Power, I feel like I’m getting closer to seriously making time for the book. One of the reasons I know this is true is because of the anticipation I feel even when I just write that intention.

Another seed I know I want to plant today/tomorrow is announcing my new “Walk Your Talk” Sessions.

And yet a third seed is announcing a Listening Retreat at Amadell the weekend of August 9-11. I’ll write more about that tomorrow.

There are other Listening Retreats taking shape as well, but I’ve not yet set firm dates. I’ll let you know when I do.

Here’s hoping that any revelations you’re experiencing in your life are rocking your world in a way that will make you smile, maybe even laugh, and will bring you the insight and change you seek deep within.
