Six of Wands – Tarot of the Crone by Ellen Lorenzi-Prince
I’m feeling a tad bushed tonight. I think it may be a combination of simply running out of energy as we approach the end of the year and the consequences of yearning to give myself time and space to reflect on what’s next but always finding something else to be more important.
And of course it isn’t more important. But if I truly believe that, then I need to walk my talk.
Grease the Wheel
Perhaps some of you are in the same boat. You want to maybe pick some cards and take a look at the themes that will be playing out in your life, but on the other hand, you’re just not making the time.
So this is what I’m going to do. I’m going to choose a card from The Tarot of the Crone while holding the question in my mind, “What do I (we?) need to face in order to move forward?” Seems like a provocative question that might serve to get us thinking…
Six of Wands/Shadow of Wands
The main card I chose was the Six of Wands, which is described by the creator of the deck, Ellen Lorenzi-Prince as follows:

Six of Wands – Tarot of the Crone by Ellen Lorenzi-Prince
Six of Wands ~ Radiance
“I found the Heart/The Source and the Sun
Closer within than without
A bright and exotic six-petal flower opens to reveal a black hooded shape, the inner crone, the source of its unfolding. Six surrounding plants turn to the flower, as if to the sun. The expression of the power of fire in the harmony and awareness of the Six indicates recognition and rewards arising organically. Others respond naturally to you when you radiate from the center of your being the person you truly are. In everyday life, in everyday ways. You know now that being whole and real, in touch with your own source, is what it takes to create beauty that enriches the world.”
The Foundation (Underneath) Card was the Shadow of Wands:

Shadow of Wands – Tarot of the Crone by Ellen Lorenzi-Prince
Shadow of Wands ~ Wasteland
“My power is blown/My strength has faltered/And my influence/is burnt to ash
Only the indestructible/Remains
In the Wasteland, a barren, burnt out land and a vague, closed face are all that remains of a Magician who once created living worlds. Shadows are a harsh reality check. Power can be destructive and you can get caught up in that part of it. In the Wands, Spirit has become deadened, withdrawn. Maybe the effort was too much; maybe the goal was impossible; maybe the passion was too personal. Now effort, goal and passion are gone. Forgotten were body, heart and mind in your endeavor you lost their balance and support. Your bridges are burned. You are left with yourself, so take a good look at what survives. And rest. Until you do, the only place to go in the Wasteland is deeper.
My Take
I relate far more to the bottom card than the top, at least in this moment. Granted, I admitted at the beginning that I’m tired, and weariness can certainly color one’s perceptions of self and world.
Every once in a while I feel glimmers of the top card. My sense is that in order to get to the Six, it is essential to heed the warning of the Shadow of Wands. For me, I must stop running around and, instead, allow myself to bring my life back into balance of body, heart, and mind. When I do that, and allow myself to go within, I will emerge much more in touch with my inner crone.
I think I know what I want to do tomorrow.