Pole Wizard
I encountered a Being just the other day, and I wanted to share my discovery with you. The whole situation evolved a bit oddly. As Karl and I approached an intersection we pass nearly every day, I felt a strange sense as I walked past a relatively new telephone pole beside the road.
It felt as if, when I looked at the pole with my peripheral vision, there was ‘something’ wanting to come forward; something wanting to be seen.
It was such a strong sense, that after I walked past the telephone pole, I felt compelled to turn around, walk back, and pass it a second time. Nevertheless, nothing popped out at me when I returned to the pole, and I just laughed when I described my feeling to Karl.
“Nope. I don’t know why I went back. I really thought I’d glimpsed something out of the corner of my eye,”
“An Ent?” Karl teased, riffing on my blog post of a few nights earlier.
“No,” I scowled. “Maybe. Shut up,” I added, feeling a bit goofy.
The truth was, I might’ve sense something, but it wasn’t there now.

Pole Wizard – Photo: L. Weikel
Three Nights Later
Cut to our walk three nights later. We’d missed two days of walking due to weather, but we insisted on walking this evening.
I’d forgotten all about that weird telephone pole encounter – until I walked past it again. This time, though, the image jumped out at me so obviously, it gave me goose bumps.
Tell me you don’t see the Pole Wizard, with his long flowing beard, looking a bit freaked out, in fact, in the photo below. He’s definitely there. Part of the tree from which the telephone pole was fashioned, and perhaps wondering “How did I ever end up here?”

Pole Wizard closeup – Photo: L. Weikel