Sunset 21 December 21 – Photo: L. Weikel
Welcoming the Darkness
Sunset tonight was so starkly vivid and raw with color, it was as if the atmosphere itself had lit a celebratory bonfire welcoming the darkness.
Certainly the temperature plunged to a seasonal degree. I’m glad it did; it felt weird to be walking barefoot on the grass a few days ago. But the frozen ground really is unyielding. The puppies didn’t know what to make of it and seemed confused by how much it hurt when tearing across the tundra after their stuffed toy.

Perspective – Photo: L. Weikel
Survival Mode
Practically every single person I’ve spoken to in the past week mentioned how bone-tired they’re feeling. Some have even termed their outlook to be ‘in survival mode.’
And we thought we were exhausted last year? Ha! If nothing else, hopefully we’ve learned the folly of challenging ‘worse.’
As we welcome and embrace the winter season, let’s commit to finding a way to truly rest our weary bones and rejuvenate our spirits. We probably shouldn’t naively believe that everything’s suddenly going to turn around over the next few weeks. But we can prepare ourselves to meet those days with refreshed perspective.
What activity (even if – perhaps especially if – it is a non-activity) can we bring into our holiday season to honor our inner weariness? How do we replenish our inner wellspring of hope?
I’m feeling a yearning to read, to laugh and play games, to snuggle and be with the people I love most in the whole world. Maybe even to write a few words.
If we’re finding ourselves in survival mode – let’s make a point of surviving well.

Photo: L. Weikel