Uncomfortably Highlighted – Day 943

Drowned Fire Pit – Photo: L. Weikel

Uncomfortably Highlighted

Man, I have to tell you, these days of interrupted walking are devastating to my 1111 Devotion. My reliance on my walks for inspiration, usually photographic but sometimes simply related to the creatures I encounter or the images I see in the sky, is uncomfortably highlighted. I need my walks – both on the physical and the creative side.

Today’s weather frustrated me. Initially I sat outside on our porch to do my work. It was chilly out first thing, but the cool breeze was refreshing and a welcome reprieve from the gross heat that felt inescapable the past few days. But the temperature barely got over 60 degrees today!

I realize now I should’ve walked early in the morning. But that window of opportunity slammed shut way earlier than I expected. I checked my weather app and thought I had sufficient time to take a quick walk after an early afternoon appointment. Sadly for both my weekly walking average and me, the rain arrived earlier than predicted and lingered far longer than expected.

Spartacus is unamused – Photo: L. Weikel

Time to Go Inside

I tried gutting it out. In fact, at first the cool air was legitimately refreshing. At least I told myself it was. The temperature was at least 30 degrees cooler than it was only a day or two ago – but then the dim, overcast clouds decided to drop a steady, relentless, chilled, and soaking rain on us (Spartacus was ever at my side). It was time to go inside.

Speaking of Spartacus, he was not amused. But as I mentioned, he never left my side. As long as I kept the blankets piled on top of him, he was content to gut it out in a state of slumber.

My only consolation as far as my walking goes is that I mowed the lawn yesterday. In doing so, I managed to walk the equivalent of 1.8 miles. Thank goodness I did! Because today I could practically see the grass growing with my naked eye.

Elk Reversed

I’m going to leave you with some of the clouds that began rolling in late yesterday afternoon. They heralded a massive thunderstorm that just brushed past us.

This is the best I can muster, folks. Not sure why I’m feeling especially tired this evening. It doesn’t make a lot of sense; but maybe sometimes we just need to listen to our bodies. And since I chose Elk reversed squared today, it’s probably best if I just all it a night and hit the sheets.

(Elk’s keyword is stamina. And when it’s upside down, it’s usually taken as a warning that you’re stretching yourself so thin that you just might snap.)

I’m looking forward to tomorrow.


Picking Cards – the Weikel Way – Day Seven (T-1104)

Embracing Moose

Initially I was going to ‘apologize in advance’ for yet another blog post referencing the Medicine Cards©  by Jamie Sams and David Carson. But you know what? No apologies.

If you are still with me after six days of my posts (without me even giving you the option to receive them personally delivered to your email inbox – a feature coming soon to an inbox near you – perhaps as soon as tomorrow or the next day!), then you probably have surmised that these wonderful windows into understanding ourselves via Mother Nature’s creatures are a big part of my life.

With one thousand one hundred four blog posts on my horizon (at the very least), I can assure you that at least a half bazillion of them will center on, or in some way reference, the Medicine Cards© and how they impact my understanding of something in my life in one way or another. And I will write about it. And therefore you, if you’re as devoted to reading my blog as I will be to writing it, will read about it.

Feels like a full circle to me. Or at least some weird type of metaphysical co-dependency – but I’d rather think of it as a “circle of appreciation,” and perhaps even “wisdom sharing.” I would insert an eye roll here if I were texting.

Today’s post marks the completion of a full seven days of 1111 Devotion posts on Ruffled Feathers. In the grand scheme of things, this is a miniscule accomplishment. Not even 1%. Exactly 0.63%, to be honest. Hardly something to crow about. (Don’t go there.) And that is my human, perfectionist, egotistical, relentlessly critical perspective on my process. The one that says, “You can start to feel like you’re ‘all that’ when you get to, maybe, oh I don’t know, Day Five Hundred Fifty Six. But NOT ONE DAY BEFORE.”

But Spirit is different. Spirit is not an asshat to me. (I almost wrote the other word, but it just felt wrong – because Spirit’s not an asshole. Woops.)

On the contrary. Right out of the gate Spirit knew I would need reassurance that I had indeed “heard right” (i.e., listened) to the message that the best way to honor my son’s life was to engage in a substantial act of Devotion. 1111 sub-acts, to be precise.

Because let me tell you, since creating Ruffled Feathers in March of 2010, up through the day before writing my Devotion post, I had published a grand total of 31 entries, or an average of 3.5 per year. So committing to this Act of Power, as I’ve also called it, has almost every evening this past week caused my stomach to sort-of bottom out.

Yes, Spirit knew I would need a lot of coaxing to refrain from talking myself out of the fact that I’d actually received and correctly interpreted an inspiration (Spirit-nudge? Marching orders?) to write 1111 blog posts. I’m a lawyer. It would not take a lot for me to muster a pretty compelling argument that I’d somehow misheard that directive from Spirit.

But the fact remains that last Sunday (11/11) was the day I received the inspiration (and the confirmation from several sources, which I wrote about this past week) to do this thing.

Monday night I published my initial Devotion post, publicly committing to this Act of Power.

Tuesday morning, I picked:    Moose2. Yes, that correctly reads “Moose squared.” And what it means is that I chose Moose right side up, and the card on the bottom was a “blank.”

Remember, Karl and I choose cards virtually every single day at the start of our morning. Our ‘picking process’ is as follows:

Karl chooses first, shuffling, softly breathing his request for guidance on his day into the cards, shuffling some more, keeping his feet firmly planted on the ground to root him to Mother Earth…and then he picks what he picks. I read out loud the full main text of the top card, if it is upright, but if his top card is reversed, or ‘contrary,’ I read both the upright (main) and reversed passages in the accompanying text. I do not read out loud the information for the ‘underneath’ card. We just look at it, note it, and discuss how it might hone in on or otherwise clarify the application of the message of the top card.

Eventually it’s my turn, and I engage in essentially the same process.

So, to be clear, I’m never just picking up the deck and not shuffling, or doing anything else that might be odd or nefariously manipulating the deck, or my ‘pick,’ for the purpose of later writing about some amazing ‘coincidence.’ In fact, I shuffle and shuffle relentlessly, deliberately turning cards this way and that, just to ensure that they’re properly ‘mixed.’

Also, the Medicine Cards© deck comes with five or so ‘blank’ cards, which the authors or publishers suggest can be used for people who want to draw their own animals or insects or whatever. That’s not our thing. But we keep them in the deck for a two-fold purpose:

First, if we shuffle and shuffle and choose a “blank,” we take it to mean that we’re not grounded. Oftentimes we may be talking about extraneous things, joking around, being irreverent, or otherwise not being fully present to the task at hand, and we’ll get smacked by pulling a blank. So when we pull a blank, we know we need to settle ourselves and really get grounded and as clear as we can muster.

The other way we interpret the blanks is if they show up on the bottom of the deck after choosing our top or main card. If there is no other specific card showing up on the bottom to give the top card ‘context,’ then we consider that top pick ‘squared,’ and figure Spirit is telling us that the top card is either really important and we need to pay attention, or it’s influence is going to show up in our life very powerfully that day. Or both.

And so ends our Medicine Cards© Tutorial/the Weikel-Way,’ which was not what I initially intended to focus upon in this post. But I’ve rambled on far too long, and if my posts take up too much time for you to read, you may never come back!

Who am I kidding? Yes, I should keep my posts to a reasonable length. But this one went long, and I have 1104 left to write after this one, so I might as well save my Moose discussion for tomorrow. Thank you for reading; it really means a lot to me.