Witness – ND #43

Tigger enjoying a few tender moments alone – Photo: L. Weikel

Most Treasured

It’s funny. I keep trying to jump-start this post by declaring what I refuse to write about for a third night in a row. For once, I really wanted to witness victory being snatched from the jaws of all-but-certain defeat. But it was not meant to be. Apparently we really are going to have to live out the nightmare of watching our country’s most treasured and revered foundational concepts crumble before our eyes, mostly because people simply cannot wrap their heads around the fact that this ‘really could happen’ in the United States.

So tonight I’m just going to keep it light.

Cuteness Prevails

Take Tigger, for example. According to the adoption papers we received when he was rescued years ago by my son and his then girlfriend (now wife), he’s starting to get up there in years. In fact, I think he may be 16 years old or so.

Tigger is by far the most patient of all our animals, but especially the most patient of our felines. He was the first to welcome the pups with open paws, and he endures relentless acts of butt-sniffing and puppy-tackles on a daily basis. It’s rare for him to lash out at either pup. Indeed, the only times I’ve ever seen him hiss or retaliate in any form were when they either took him utterly by surprise or, not surprisingly, when they simply refused to knock off their antics after too many tumbles or nips.

As many of my photos attest, the pups tend to be hogs when it comes to nestling in front of the fire. Once they’ve outgrown puppyhood, I’m pretty sure they’ll welcome cuddling with the felines – or perhaps I should say the cats may decide it’s safe to snuggle with them. But in the meantime, they swing from one end of the spectrum (as bundles of effervescent energy) to another (dead-weight, snoring, lights-out immovable lumps) in the blink of an eye. Consequently, the cats are finding languishing fireside to be an indulgence they rarely experience.

And so it was adorable earlier today when I discovered Tigger snatching a few zzzz’s hearthside, sharing the pet pillow with one of the pups’ favorite toys: the Fox. (The pups were asleep in their crate; I forget why.)

“MY Fox” – Photo: L. Weikel

Melts My Heart

It’s moments like these that melt my heart. Tigger, as old as he is, still plays like a frisky kitten – when the mood strikes him. Usually the mood hits when I’m making our bed. He mrrrows and arches his back, hops sideways and tackles my hand when I’m smoothing out the comforter. He’s hilarious. But I also watch him as he observes the mad scrambles of Pacha and Brutus when I throw their toy (the Fox, again, being a favorite) and they race to bring it back to me.

If it weren’t below his dignity, I actually think he’d be tempted to race after the toy himself and triumphantly bring it back to me. Or at the very least, jump on it and fling it a couple of times.

He just jumped up on the couch and mrrrowed to me. “Time for bed, Mommy.”

So now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to forget about the sad state of our country and go snuggle with my Tiggery.


Put Up Or Shut Up – ND #42

We can’t be as chill as Cletus about this – Photo: L. Weikel

Put Up or Shut Up

Well, the jury’s still out on whether we’ll achieve any kind of a meaningful breakthrough in the Senate to protect voting rights. The latest I heard was that there’s an effort underway to at least bring back the ‘talking’ filibuster for matters pertaining to constitutional issues. This could also be known as the ‘put up or shut up’ amendment to the rule creating the filibuster. It’s not enough, but it’s about time we demand that any Senator who wants to join in a filibuster must stand and deliver some defense of their position.

I find it quite appalling that this could have such a dramatic effect on our esteemed Senators. Seriously – what do we send these people to Congress for if not to show up and vote? Or show up and explain their reasons for not voting for something?

It galls me when cameras slip up and we realize that what we’re watching on the television (such as an impassioned floor speech or two) is being delivered to a nearly empty chamber. Most of these Senators and Representatives deliver speeches to an almost empty room. Why? Where is the respect for their colleagues? Where is the respect for the institution itself?

I know. I’m letting my idealism show again.

Major Overhaul

It just seems as though we’re being shown in a myriad of ways how broken our system is and how cynical those who represent us have become. Not all of them – but certainly a shockingly high percentage. When you really dig down and take stock of how these politicians spend their days (many, not all) it becomes stunningly obvious that we have to get the money out of politics.

Money is the driving force behind everything in our governments, both federal and state, but especially on the federal level. And because it is so inherently ‘the game that’s played,’ there is no way any well-intentioned person can simply say they won’t play along and live (politically) for more than one term. Whether you think term limits are good or not, precious little can be accomplished in one term.

The only way to effect meaningful change is to overhaul the entire system. And we can’t fall back on the old trope of ‘it’s always been done this way,’ or ‘it’s too hard to change the way things are done,’ because it really is broken. It’s unsustainable. I realize that perhaps everything needs to fall apart before we can build again. And I hate that this may be our reality, but it does look like where we’re headed.

There’s probably one thing most Americans can agree on at the moment, and that’s the sad fact that our system is on a trajectory toward self-destruction. And only we can save it. We the people, I mean. Because clearly those who are feeding at the trough of power and greed cannot stop themselves.

Alas, reform will never, ever happen if we don’t secure the right of all citizens to vote easily and securely. Everything hinges on our right to vote. Everything.


Radically Positive – ND #41

Photo: L. Weikel

Radically Positive

Tomorrow (Tuesday 18 January 2022) has the potential to be a radically positive day in the United States. Conventional wisdom, of course, suggests that it will merely be a sad (and infuriatingly disgusting) affirmation of the dark, anti-democratic trajectory our country seems to be insisting upon taking.

I’m speaking of the Senate beginning formal debate on the Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act. It is utterly disgusting to me that this is even a ‘thing’ in our country in the 21st century – that due to the rooted-in-racism origin of the Senate rule establishing the filibuster, it takes 60 votes to even begin debate on bills in the Senate.

The only way debate will be taking place tomorrow on this voting rights bill is because it will be attached as an amendment to a bill related to NASA that has already passed the Senate, and then the House (with amendments), and is now going directly back to the Senate. What a convoluted process to even open debate on such a fundamental and defining aspect of our system of government.

Just think of it! Voting: our sacred opportunity to have a voice in our government is under as great a threat now as it was 60 years ago. There are forces at work (that have lurked in the darkness for the duration of our country’s existence) that will do anything to skew the table as to who has the power of the franchise. Talk about things being ‘rigged.’ This needs to end.

Cause for Optimism

You’ll recall that I began this post with the shocking suggestion that tomorrow may end up rendering a positive outcome. My teeny tiny sliver of hope comes from the stars. Because…why not?

First of all, we just enjoyed a full moon tonight (the 17th), and full moons usually bring with them a sense of culmination and fulfillment. Well, ok. I’m ready to embrace the idea that the forces of racism and blatant (as well as subtle) attempts to disenfranchise our fellow citizens have run their course. It’s time for this revolting attitude and mindset that enshrines inequality to come to an end.

And beyond the full moon is the fact that Uranus, the great planet of revolution, lightning-like change, and enlightenment is ending its retrograde course and turns direct on the 18th. It’s time now for us to stop hanging back. It’s time for some major disruption in ‘the way things are done’ – in a positive sense – by jettisoning the filibuster or simply having a couple of Republicans actually stand up and courageously take a stand ensuring voting rights for all citizens.

Oh my, wouldn’t that just be a radical notion? Wouldn’t it be utterly thrilling if we suddenly witnessed the entire Senate stand up and link arms in solidarity to the fundamental building block of our nation? Yes, I know. I’m a dreamer.

But who knows? Maybe we’ll witness something amazing tomorrow. Wouldn’t that be a radically positive outcome to a battle that needs to end now?


Dark Day – Day 715

Incoming  – Photo: L. Weikel

Dark Day

While not unexpected, this is indeed a dark day. The shameless behavior of the Republicans in the U.S. Senate this evening will have repercussions that reverberate into the very foundation of our country.

There are few people in this country who are paying attention to the startlingly hypocritical maneuverings of Mitch McConnell (and his compatriots that vote in lock step with him) who cannot know, deep in their bones, that our country is broken. This brazen and disgustingly transparent and craven manipulation of our system is unsustainable.

Shocking Revelations of Intentions

I’ve been writing occasionally about the dramatic alignments and aspects of the planets that we’ve been experiencing, particularly since right around December, 2019. The position of three of the four major outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto) in Capricorn and their going forward and then retrograding and now moving forward again very recently have shown quite a correspondence with the arrival and response to Covid-19. These ‘big three’ are not done with us yet. However, more large-scale aspects are starting to come into play now as well.

For instance, we’re starting to feel the effects of planetary interactions (aspects) with Uranus, which usually signals revelations and expositions that feel like lightning strikes. Ripping away lies and revealing harsh secrets and truths can be expected, especially with Mercury currently retrograde, because Mercury is all about communication, and when retrograde, we’re going back over old ground. Digging up stuff that’s been hidden – until now.

I see that happening in two major areas affecting all of us in the United States:

First of all, the Administration is admitting now that they have no intention of fighting the spread of Covid-19. That’s actually a fact that’s been obvious since the very beginning, but driven home by the relentless refusal to advocate the simple precautions of wearing masks and social distancing. The refusal to utilize the Defense Production Act to ensure that the entire country has plenty of PPE and test kits was also (and continues to be) a dead giveaway. The mind boggles at the sheer ghoulish disregard for human life that these architects of a deliberately inept response to a pandemic show toward all of us.

The second example of the ripping away of any veneer of continued lies is the utter hypocrisy of the Senate. And I’m not speaking solely of this disgusting installation of a blatant ideologue onto the Supreme Court (for the second, if not third time). No, I’m speaking of the deal with the devil that Mitch McConnell and the far-right-wing dinosaurs made with DT to attempt to yank our country back into the 1950s, if not further back into our ignominious past. It’s all becoming all too harshly transparent.

Let Him Run Roughshod

The deal? Let him run roughshod over all the basic norms of civil society and a government based upon everyone at least having a modicum of honor and an agreement as to fundamental values of fairness, respect, truth, and integrity, thereby distracting the populace. Let him destroy our alliances, enter into dubious (at best) relationships with dictators and enemies of our country, all the while distracting us from seeing that they (the Republicans holding all the power in the Senate) were fulfilling a 50 year long game of installing right wing ultra conservatives into the judiciary.

This little screed of mine is just scratching the surface of what’s being revealed. But the fact that the Senate left Washington D.C. this evening and will not reconvene until a week after the election – without providing any economic relief to either the states or the millions who are on the brink of losing everything as a result of this pandemic – screams their ill intent from the rooftops. And now we can look forward to the prospect of this newly installed ‘justice’ participating in a decision that will almost certainly obliterate the Affordable Care Act and most certainly shaft every single person who has a pre-existing condition.

But not a single one of those Senators needs to worry. Nope; you betcha – they have top of the line, Cadillac health insurance. And steady paychecks. And investments in the vaunted stock market that are doing oh-so-well. (Shall we take bets on how long it will take before an investigation reveals that some – or many – of them have lots of money in the companies working on the proposed vaccines or touted ‘therapeutics’ for Covid-19?)


All I can say is, I hope beyond hope that I’m not tempted to have ‘Dark Day’ as my post title next Tuesday, too.

And while I’m sure I’m preaching to the choir: please, please, please: VOTE.


Binge-Eating – Day 441

The evidence – Photo: L. Weikel


You caught me.

I don’t know what’s come over me as I sit here trying to think of something to write this evening. But yikes, it’s not pretty.

I’ve been sitting here on my couch, contemplating the thoughts parading through my head, writing a sentence here and a paragraph there. Then deleting them, one after another.

I’ve written about Kobe Bryant and his daughter, Gianna. I’ve written about a crucial fact that we all live with, but barely any of us acknowledge truthfully and head on: in spite of our best laid plans, it can all be over in the blink of an eye.

I’ve been sitting here thinking about Kobe’s wife and other daughters. How when they woke up this morning, none of them knew their lives would be changed irrevocably, forever.

True For All of Us

But let’s face it: that’s true for all of us. At any moment, everything could change for any one of us – or for all of us, for that matter.

And yes, many of us have already experienced nightmarish events in which everything has changed in the blink of an eye. But that fact doesn’t make it any easier to witness it happening to someone else. Just because I’ve felt the horror of receiving the phone call we all dread doesn’t mean I’d wish it on anyone else.

Indeed, it makes me grieve all the more for the survivors. It makes me think of the families of the people who were killed on that Ukrainian airliner that was shot down a few weeks ago. Those people have to deal with the utter senselessness of that tragedy.

It makes me wonder what we’re going to witness when our greatest hopes are challenged by our worst fears later this week, when weak-willed people potentially fail to heed the call of our future ancestors to do what’s right instead of what’s politically expedient for their own selfish ends.

So I Binge

I hold out hope that those representing us in Washington will seize this time of the new moon and think beyond themselves, beyond their fears of getting primaried, beyond their fear of being bullied and ridiculed by the least among us (who also happen to hold the most power at the moment).

And since I can only hold fast to my hope that the people who’ve been elected to the Senate have a deep and abiding love for our system and for the solemn responsibility they hold to all of us, I embody that hope by imagining them digging deep and holding strong to our collective core values.

I hold that vision. That, and binge-eat peanuts.

I don’t know about you, but I consider peanuts in the shell to be terribly addictive. Worse than potato chips.

And so I pound them down. (I should never succumb to that first one. Therein lies the key.)

Eating. It’s such an essential aspect of life and living; an affirmation that we’re still here. And as long as we’re here, we must hold fast to our hope. For ourselves and for each other.

New Moon and Venus – Photo: L. Weikel


Welcome, Year of the Rat – Day 439

Photo: Livescience.com

Welcome, Year of the Rat!

Happy New Year!

Late this afternoon, Friday, January 24, 2020, the new moon occurred at 4:42 p.m. EST.  Because it was the first new moon to occur after the first full moon (which means it must be occurring between 21 January and 20 February of any given year), that means today is the start of the Chinese New Year.

As you may recall, last year I waxed rhapsodic about the Chinese New Year because I was born in the Year of the Boar (Pig), and thus felt a particular affinity for the year that was arriving.

Year of the Rat

In Chinese astrology, the Year of the Rat is the first sign of a 12 year cycle. I must confess to knowing very little about the qualities of people born during a Rat year, and thus found this link quite interesting. (Thank you, Marie!)

Given that the Year of the Rat is the first sign of the Chinese Zodiacal Calendar, it just seems to add momentum to the energetic heft of the times we’re experiencing right now: new year, new decade, and new 12 year Chinese astrological cycle. Combining all these new beginnings with the Saturn-Pluto conjunction that was exact last week (but because both planets are so slow moving, the influence of this conjunction will last longer than most), as well as a couple other challenging aspects thrown in and you can see how everything we’re experiencing not only in our personal lives, but also as a country and, indeed, on a planetary scale, is so momentous.

There are a lot of old paradigms, institutions, ways of thinking and being that are being challenged and, in fact, appear to be crumbling under their own weight.

Photo: bbc.com

New Moon in Aquarius

Aside from this new moon being the harbinger of the Chinese New Year, it’s also sounding like it’s bringing in a lot of energy that’s shaking things up. I find Chani’s take on it interesting.

It’s fascinating to me when I read these various interpretations of the planetary influences and cycles and I watch events unfold in our nation’s capital. These are most definitely incendiary times. The decisions our Senators will be making in the coming days will impact our lives in extraordinary ways – for good or for ill.

While it boggles my mind to contemplate it, we are actually on the brink of entering a time in our country’s life when everything we’ve stood for: the rule of law, our system of checks and balances, the concept that no one is above the law, the sanctity of our elections and peaceful transfer of power (just to name a few) may crumble because a majority of Senators are not willing to stand up for these fundamental principles.

Worries and Hopes

My worry, I guess, is that we’re going to have to go through the pain and agony of losing it all before realizing just how much we’ve relinquished. And then? I guess we’ll have to wait and see if or how we ever reclaim what we’ve so willingly allowed to slip through our fingers.

My hope is that enough Senators will dig deep and find the moral courage to keep us from teetering over that brink. So very much pain can be avoided if they choose to set aside those ugly whispers of greed and fear and stand united against corruption.

Whatever happens over the next several days is going to be momentous. I’m pretty sure we can all feel it percolating just under the surface. So much is written in the stars – except our choices. Ultimately, those always remain ours and ours alone.

Happy New Year.
