Pattern of Numbers – Day 902

Face in the Clouds – Nilch’i? – Photo: L. Weikel

Pattern Of Numbers

Surely there’s something special about tonight’s post. The pattern of numbers associated with it merits attention. For here I am, writing every night, no matter how tired I am or how mundane my thoughts, all because I promised to write 1111 consecutive posts in tribute to my son; in other words, my 1111 Devotion. Today’s post is # 902 – in numerology, this adds up to an 11. As can be seen at the bottom of this entry, since this is post # 902, that means we have T-209 left. Another 11.

I know, I know. “It’s numbers, Lisa. Also known as math.”  It’s also a lot of portals. A lot of doorways. The double ones create a space to move forward, an opportunity to leave, an invitation to enter another dimension.

Sometimes things aren’t as cut and dried as we would like them to be.

Sometimes the obvious is a superficial distraction hiding something really profound.

Something Special

All day today I had this feeling that the day was, in some way, something special. The air appeared to have a crystalline quality to it. (Or maybe that was only when I realized my glasses were covered with pollen.) Gee! How amazing everything looked when I took them off!

Or maybe it’s the eerie realization that that single tone resonating in the back of my mind is actually just one single chime on our porch being nudged by the barely perceptible breeze outside.

Something tells me that the clarity of the day both visually and aurally was connected in some way to the tremendously powerful winds that blew through the area yesterday. New energy arrived. A shift in attitude. A door opened.

Winds of Spirit

Perhaps I should consult the oracle of the Winds – my friend, Renee Baribeau’s, book, Winds of Spirit*.

Hmm. Randomly opening the book for a clue, I happened upon Nilch’i (Navajo) – the Wind of Intuition. Renee suggests: “This wind can be conjured up for inspiration, organization, or ritual, and to provide strength when needed.

I wonder if we were visited by Nilch’i yesterday. Feels like a distinct possibility.

*affiliate link


I AM Solstice Symposium – Day 779

I AM Solstice Symposium

I’m pleased to announce that this Thursday (New Year’s Eve), I’ll be presenting a 30 minute Facebook Live presentation as part of the 2020 I AM Solstice Symposium hosted and produced by Renee Baribeau. In its 9th year, this Symposium offers an array of fun, inspirational, and creative presentations by a wonderful group of teachers and practitioners. I’m honored to be included in their company.

Renee is the author of the award winning book on the spiritual nature and power of the wind, Winds of Spirit*. She has created an active and open-hearted group on Facebook called The Wind Clan. It is on that group’s page that my presentation will be livestreamed.

I invite you to join The Wind Clan and give yourself the gift of watching not only the presentations given since December 20th (which have been recorded), but also those that will continue through this Sunday, January 3rd, 2021.

To Listen is to Heal

My presentation, which will take place this Thursday, December 31st, at 1:00 p.m. ET, is entitled Listening to Our Inner Firekeepers. It will, of course, focus on one of my favorite topics: Listening.

As many of you know, pre-pandemic, I offered Listening Retreat weekends in which I helped participants reconnect with Mother Nature and remember what it is to be still and truly listen. We practiced listening not only to other people, but even more importantly, to the natural world, our own bodies and thoughts, and ultimately to the inner guidance that exists within all of us.

In Listening to Our Inner Firekeepers, I will be focusing on the importance of cultivating our ability to establish direct connection with our own inner guides, guardians, and allies. The method I believe is most suited to this direct experience is the practice of shamanic journeying.

It’s Time to Reclaim Our Knowing

I’ll be writing more tomorrow night about how Spirit nudged me back in late August through some cards I chose for this 1111 Devotion to create a vehicle for people to establish a reliable path to their own inner guidance and wisdom.

In the meantime, I wanted to invite you to join me live at the Wind Clan FB group this Thursday – and ‘by Memorex’ if you can’t make it at 1:00 p.m. that day. (Ha ha – just a little blast from the past for some of you.)

*affiliate link


Wind Spirits – Day 590

Winds of Spirit by Renee Baribeau

Wind Spirits

Judging from the faces appearing in the clouds as torrential rains approached us earlier tonight, I’d say we’re being visited by some distinctly opinionated wind spirits.

I can’t, and am not going to, venture to guess what messages these wind beings may be bringing us, but I do think it would be wise to heed them if we can. It’s possible they’re bringing each of us our own distinct message.

A Storm “Blowing” In – Photo: L. Weikel

For instance, you may look at the photos accompanying this post and think, “Of course I recognize the West Wind swooping down to clear away my fearful thoughts.” Meanwhile your neighbor may look at that very same photo and sense, “I need to have faith. I see and know that benevolence is looking down on me. I may be buffeted now, but this will pass.”

And then there’s the odd rectangular clouds that also preceded the wild and woolly torrential rains that hit us about ten minutes after I took these photos.

I have a couple of gut-level senses of what that cloud formation might be saying. But I’ll leave you each to your own interpretations.

Photo: L. Weikel

Working With the Winds

I think I can safely say that I am a middle-of-the-road person when it comes to oracles and interpreting signs and omens. What I mean by that is that I don’t make it a habit to rely solely on other people to interpret the messages that cross my path or come directly to me. But neither do I eschew the guidance or wisdom tools available to us that are designed to help us interpret our encounters with the numinous.

That’s one of the reasons I like to quote the books provided by authors of certain oracles or tarot decks. Some interpretations feel especially ‘tuned in’ to either the cards themselves – or – perhaps it’s just that they have similar sensibilities as I and so tune into the messages and articulate them in ways that feel natural to me.

Whatever it is, I like to approach discernment of messages in a balanced manner. I trust both my own intuition as well as the interpretations of others, provided they resonate with both my head and my heart.

Winds of Spirit

One unique and distinctive aid to helping us interpret the messages of the Winds in particular is a book written by a very dear friend of mine, Renee Baribeau. Her book is Winds of Spirit, Ancient Wisdom Tools for Navigating Relationships, Health, and the Divining*. This book is a valuable and unique addition to the field of augury and interpretation, and provides a wonderful compendium of Wind Beings that have been known to cultures across the world for eons.

I make no secret of my approach to the world, which is that there is sentience in everything. The Winds of the world have waited a long time for people to wake up to the fact that they are capable of being in relationship with us. This book provides us with ideas on how to enter into conversations with the Winds. Those chit chats could change your life.

* Affiliate link


I AM Solstice Symposium – Day 400



This will be a short post tonight. I only have about half an hour to get this written, as I’ve been struggling with – no – agonizing over – no – crafting the Hoot Alert I just sent out, advertising the upcoming I AM Solstice Symposium.

To any of you out there who are fluent or even simply conversant in creating marketing materials in the digital age, you probably think I’m exaggerating the effort it took me to send that out. But alas, the struggle is real.

I titled this post “Friends” because the host of the I AM Solstice Symposium, Renee Baribeau, is my friend. Indeed, she is one of those friends who pushes me to break through my comfort zone. She challenges me. She pokes and prods and offers me opportunities that I would otherwise probably never have.

That’s Friendship?

Some of you may be thinking, “Yikes. With friends like that…” But I beg to differ.

To me at least, friends are not people who just rubber stamp your feelings. They listen; yes. They have compassion; absolutely.

But do they indulge you when they think you’re misperceiving who you are or what you have to offer to the world? Do they give you a pass when you think you can’t do something, just because you’ve never done it before?

Not in my book.

To me, being a friend is holding a vision of a person out so they can see themselves from your perspective. Being a friend is refusing to buy their bullshit about what they think they can or can’t say, do, or accomplish. Being a friend is holding them up to a higher aspiration than they dare hold for themselves.

I AM Solstice Symposium

Renee and I have both grown a lot in the past 15 years or so that we’ve known each other. Ever since I met her, she’s been pushing me to “get myself out there.” Our first collaboration was the Business of Healing – a weekend-long event she produced in Joshua Tree, CA in which she persuaded me to speak. This was the first time I’d ever given a ‘class’ of any kind – and the first of many times Renee has pushed me past my comfort zone.

Back then, I was the one who’d published a book. Now look at her: a Hay House author. And not ‘just’ an author with a major publisher, but creator of  Winds of Spirit, a book that is “Winner of the Nautilus Award, Body Mind Spirit President’s Choice Award, Indies Finalist and the Readers’ Choice Award.”

That’s pretty amazing. And I’m very, very proud of her.

When Renee invited me to participate in the first I AM Symposium, I did not readily accept. I really had to think about it.  I was flattered that she asked me, but just the thought of being heard by so many made my blood run cold. If I’m honest, I have to admit that she cajoled me into taking the risk.

This year’s Solstice Symposium is my 4th I AM Symposium event. Obviously, I’m grateful that she thinks enough of me to include me among the roster of the much ‘bigger’ names who are also participating. But even more, I’m grateful that she cared enough to push me past my comfort zone.

Bottom Line

I don’t know if I’ve pushed Renee to break through any of her self-imposed limitations, because I honestly don’t know if I’ve ever seen her let a barrier get in her way. She’s a dynamo. She makes things happen. She’s…indefatigable. And she’s a true friend.

I’m actually extraordinarily lucky. I have more truly amazing friends than anyone’s entitled to have. And I hope they know I try to be to them the type of friend I’ve described above – one that pushes them to be the best and most amazing versions of themselves that they can be. The version of themselves that I see shining out of them whenever I look at them.

Please join us this weekend for the I AM Solstice Symposium. For more fun, and to bring the sacred into your home in a unique manner, sign up to be a Fire Tender. It’s a cool way to join a community of soulful people who listen to the wind.


Winds of Spirit – Day 394

An essential resource for your spiritual library! – Photo: L. Weikel

Winds of Spirit

My great friend Renee Baribeau is the author of Winds of Spirit*, a Nautilus Gold Award winning compendium of Wind Gods and Goddesses.

As a unique and treasured resource, Winds of Spirit provides us with a ready reference (and oracle) that teaches us how to embrace and work with the archetypal powers and personalities of the winds of the world.

Become a Wind Alchemist

I’m beyond excited for Renee that The Shift Network is featuring her in a 7 week live video training entitled Become a Wind Alchemist: Find Your Magnetic North With Timebending Practices & Wind Spirits.

This is a big deal. The Shift Network, as many of you know, is an extremely well known and respected provider of courses featuring the biggest, brightest, and most innovative names in spiritual and holistic circles and making them available to the public. Being selected by The Shift Network is a tribute to Renee’s work and I couldn’t be more proud of her.

Time Warp

I apparently got caught up in a time warp and totally lost track of the fact that we’re already 10 days into December. How did that happen? Wasn’t Thanksgiving only a couple days ago?

Because time has slipped through my fingers like the wind (wink), I want to alert you to the fact that Renee’s program begins TOMORROW – December 11th, at 8:00 p.m. EST. Instead of trying to paraphrase the gist of the course, I’m going to allow Renee to speak for herself.

Message from Renee:

Before I found the Wind, I was a seeker — always looking for the next “another other.” There was always one more, one other thing I had to do or find before I would be worthy and deserving enough to have peace, presence, and joy in my life.

I was convinced I had to find the right job, the perfect partner, a healing class, more money… I sat in sweat lodges, cried for a vision, climbed mountains in South America, sought out psychic after psychic for guidance, and even walked over hot coals to find myself.

And then I found the Wind.

Once I learned how to “summon up a wind” — to tap into its powers and align myself with nature and the seasons — I realized that all I was seeking was already within me… and my soul’s purpose became clear.

​I discovered firsthand that the Wind is astonishing in its power to help you change the course of your life — and awake to the magic that lives within you…

I can’t wait to show you how to access the wisdom of the wind for yourself in my new 7-week live video training, Become a Wind Alchemist: Find Your Magnetic North With Timebending Practices & Wind Spirits

The journey begins tomorrow, Wednesday, December 11, at 5:00pm Pacific.

When you join me, I’ll help you invite the Wind Spirits into your life…

You’ll take a sacred journey inward to harness the wind’s wisdom to create a new map for your future.

You’ll find that when you align with the seasons and the wind, you can remove what’s holding you back and bring in what you truly desire…

… allowing you to feel more peace, joy, and connection to something greater than yourself.

I’ll help you discover:

  • Which Wind Spirits to call on for regeneration, renewal, and creativity
  • Shamanic qualities of the wind that will guide you to your spiritual Magnetic North
  • How to move with the moon, shifting your understanding of time
  • How the cardinal winds of the sky help you bend time and create a map for your life that is true to your essence
  • The 5 dynamic winds of creativity — chaos, gestation, oppositional forces, partnership with nature, and process order
  • How to bend linear time to evoke your own natural rhythms and the healing energies of cyclical time
  • And much more!

So if you’re tired of always playing it safe — with a safe job, a safe relationship, or a safe life living up to only a quarter of your potential…

If you know in your bones that there has to be something more to your annual trips around the sun, and you’re ready to find it and make real, lasting change…

If you’ve read or are curious about my book, Winds of Spirit, and would like my personal help in applying the Wind Work to your life…

Or if you’ve worked with me before and have experienced firsthand my ability to identify in a heartbeat what’s holding you back and help you remove your blocks once and for all…

Then please be sure to enroll in Become a Wind Alchemist. It’s the best iteration of this program I’ve ever offered. The Winds continue to gift me with their insights and guide me how to best share this transformational wisdom.

I’m living proof that when you delve deeply into the guidance offered by the Wind Spirits, you’ll be able to achieve your wildest dreams — with the wind always at your back.

I hope you’ll join us tomorrow!


Renee Baribeau

Special Note from The Shift Network:

Renee Baribeau’s new 7-week live training (with a break during the holidays) starts on the full moon tomorrow, December 11, at 5:00pm Pacific, with her first live teaching, “Creating a Life Map With the Help of Wind Spirits to Bend Time.” P.S. from The Shift Network:

In this session, you’ll:

  • Create and use your Life Map to prepare for the sacred journey inward
  • Align to your inner awakening compass and discover how to whistle up a wind spirit
  • Use these powerful tools to prepare your sacred wind space, including the light of December’s full moon
  • Draw down the Four Winds Guardian and create sacred space
  • Take part in a mythical harvest journey… calling upon the moon to create a sacred space as you draw down the Cold North Wind for the Full Moon
  • Receive guidance to complete your Life Map over the next week as you gather the tools for your wind altar

Discover all the details and reserve your spot in Become a Wind Alchemist here.

Thank you for checking out my friend’s book and course.

* Amazon affiliate link
