Rising Full Moon (peaked 12:12 a.m., 12/12/2019) – Photo: L. Weikel
Final Full Moon of the Decade
Surely you know me well enough now to figure there’d be no way I could let this full moon take place this evening, reaching its apex just past midnight (Eastern Standard Time), without mentioning it.
I’m fairly dedicated to keeping track of the moon’s phases. I’ve found that the satellite that causes our tides and, in fact, holds a great deal of sway over all the liquids on our planet (from the seas to our own blood, to even the fluidity of our emotions) has a much bigger impact on our day to day lives than most care to admit.
Many people don’t even realize the moon’s influence on our lives. They literally could not tell you where it rises or where it sets; what phase it is in on any given day; and rare is the person who could offer the astrological sign it is in (especially since it moves through a sign every 2.5 days).

Frozen full moon – stars and frozen drops of snow on branches; Photo: L. Weikel
But the sense that this full moon is particularly momentous is probably lingering in the back of the minds of many – even those who would not ordinarily pay attention to that massive orb in the night sky. That’s because the moon will reach her fullest at 12:12 a.m. EST on the 12thday of the 12thmonth of 2019 (which, if you fancy your numerology, which you know I do) adds up to 12 (2+0+1+9)*. And on some level, just as people always seem to get a little, shall we say wackier? intense? during a full moon regardless of whether they know it is a full moon, I suspect almost everyone is feeling a tickle around their edges tonight.
Personally Speaking
For myself, though, I have to say all these 12s remind me of all the 11s I was so keenly aware of on 11/11/11. I recall sitting within my mesa at 11:11 a.m. (EST), holding space and clearing my mind, not having the slightest clue that my life would change cataclysmically at 11:11 p.m. (PST) that evening.
So, while I tend to be a ‘glass half full’ kinda girl, I’d be less than completely honest if I denied feeling the tiniest bit of trepidation at this grand parade of numbers.
The truth is, it feels momentous. The truth is, even though you can argue that the 12:12 timing, at least, is less than momentous given that it is only one time zone out of 24, especially when you’re living in that time zone – it feels significant.
And there are, of course, a plethora of ‘takes’ on what this full moon portends. There is Hare in the Moon, Chani Nicholas, and my favorite guy who makes me laugh while listening to his insight, Kaypacha. But they all pretty much agree that this full moon, in conjunction with all the other intense astrological aspects the planets are making to each other, portends great change.

Full moon far afield – Photo: L. Weikel
Cleansing and Releasing
For my part, I’ve opened Sacred Space and am allowing my mesa to bask in the intensity of Mama Killa’s light. Using my mesa and the khuyas (sacred stones) that are contained within it as proxies for me and various aspects of myself and my life, I am surrendering to the power and wisdom of letting go of what no longer serves me. I’m asking Her to burn off the dross.
This is also the final full moon of a decade that, from my perspective, has been filled with blindsides. I wish to shake off the detritus of this decade in order to enter the 20s with renewed hope, refreshed vision, and an abundance of joyful energy.
Ah yes…
It is now 12:21. My time outside was magical. If you didn’t get a chance to go outside tonight, I hope you will give yourself that gift tomorrow night. Even if only for five minutes, go outside. Look up. Be still. Give thanks.
I’m ready to complete this post and hit ‘publish.’ For whatever reason, as I stood outside in the stark brilliance of the FULL moon minutes ago, I felt compelled to wish peace to all Beings who are suffering in any way. May we all let go of the burdens we’ve accumulated this decade, especially those that weigh heavy on our hearts.
*And yes, of course, this means that we are being inundated with 3s, since 12 reduces to a 3. But I don’t want to go down that road at the moment.